I've just moved in here and along with being self-employed, working from home on my puter (Autocad), being a Cub Scout mom (got kicked out as den leader...you can read that story here) and having two boys in wrestling (gotta love those all day meets), I maintain three homepages (other than this one), my wife has one, and I'm trying to set the kids up with a home page. So the time I can spend working on this page will be somewhat limited, but I'm hoping to get a little done each day until it becomes what I want it to be. And just what do I want it to be?

I want this to be a page where the hate-filled rhetoric found on hate-mongering sites can be countered using logic and reason. I want to expose those rambling diatribes for the worthless rantings that they are. I want to untwist the words that have been used to cause hurt and pain and use them to build bridges of tolerance, compassion and understanding. No small task, I know, but one I feel compelled to attempt. After all, we all have to do our part to make the world a better place. Otherwise, we can't complain with any validity. ;-)

The first issue I'm going to tackle is a piece put out by the Men's Defense Association, founded by Richard A. Doyle. This group says it is seeking to defend the rights of men in the judicial system, especially in divorce cases. In actuality, from my point of view, it looks like they're female bashing, all the while accusing women, the judicial system, the welfare system and society in general of male bashing. The MDA has published a "booklet" called The Men's Manifesto. If you would like a copy of it, you can either email me or go to their site at www.mensdefense.org for directions on how to download it. (Yes, I know that's not a link and I don't intend to make it one.) I've entitled this first rebuttal "Mirror Image".

There is another group called "Cyber Nationalist Group" that has published a document online called "The Homosexual Threat". I'm just starting to address that one. I've entitled this rebuttal "Homophobic Hysteria".

My newest addition is regarding a group called NARTH and this article is entitled NARTH: A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing.

If you want to sign my guestbook, please click on the Geoguide at the top of the page. Or you can email me or stop by my other home pages listed below.

The Rainbow's End
The Rainbow's Other End
Free Backgrounds, Buttons and Bars

people have braved my rantings....