Communist Party USA Washington State
Jobs Not Jails
Enact a massive public works jobs program to rebuild our communities and provide union jobs for all at family wages. Cut the work week to 35 hours with no reduction in pay to create millions more jobs. Outlaw mass layoffs and stop companies from moving jobs overseas. Providing good jobs for all is the best anti-crime program around - we don't need one more jail!
Fund Human Needs NOT Corporate Greed
Slash the military budget and raise taxes on the super-rich and Big Businesses to provide adequate funding for housing, education, health care, jobs, welfare, environmental protection and other basic human needs.
Affirmative Action Against Racism
We need more and better affirmative action. Provide adequate financial and human resources to communities that have been victimized by racism and discrimination. Use these resources to bring about equality in housing, education, employment and health care. Require all employers to meet strict affirmative action standards.
Democracy NOT Corporate Power
Defend the Bill of Rights. Guarantee workers the right to organize unions without being fired. Enact genuine campaign reform such as: limits on campaign spending; proportional representation; no corporate donations; easier ballot access for third parties; provide all candidates with equal TV and radio time.
Peace with Justice
Stop production of unnecessary weapons systems. Bring U.S. troops home from foreign bases. Stop U.S. intervention in other countries. Cancel the Third World debt and provide genuine assistance to poorer countries seeking to overcome the negative effects of domination by multinational corporations.
Socialism USA
Under the current system of capitalism our whole country is dominated by the richest few who are solely motivated by making maximum corporate profits. We advocate socialism - an economic and political system that makes human needs the number one priority. Under socialism large industries and banks will be publicly owned and run by working people for the purpose of making life better for the common people.
Join the Communist Party USA Today!
Call (206) 329-9171
or write
Washington State CPUSA
1406 18th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98122
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If you have any questions or comments about this website as it is being constructed, please feel welcome to contact
Warren Weisman
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