Welcome to the Red Lion Area Senior High School Civics Club Web Site.

The RLASHSCC is a group of students under the direction of the school's political science teacher.
The Club was created in the 1997 school year by Mr. Mitten.

Read Civics Club Members opinions on almost current events.

View a member list of the Red Lion Area Civics Club and read their (sometimes amusing) bios.

Read about the past exploits of the civics club

View the new civics club picture gallery

Mitten's Page. Come here for Mitten!!!

We would apreciate any ideas, thoughts, or suguestions for our web site.What would you like to see?
E-mail us at rlashscc@hotmail.com

Thank you for visiting, and feel free to use the Student resourse guide, it has information about Local governments pertinent to the southern York county area. (Red Lion south to Delta)
Also on that page at this time, are some local student web sites.
READ THE GUESTBOOK and opinions left by visitors.
Leave a message, or fill out a survey.

James E. Zamkotowicz
1997-1998 Civics club president

David Warner Jr.: President
Nate Berry: Vice President
Lori Stein: Secretary
Jen Kreidler: Treasurer
Jen Dixon: Speaker
RLASHSCC Student resourse guide

Email us at rlashscc@hotmail.com

Or snail mail us at:
Red Lion Area Senior High School 200 Horace Mann Avenue Red Lion, PA 17356

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This Page Created By James E. Zamkotowicz (1998 Z-MAN programing)

This page edited and updated by the 1998-99 RLASHSCC Communications Committee.

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