Newyorske listy The New York Herald
(Czech) independent electronic publication

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Obviously, this page, first created on January 25, 1998, is under construction.

October30, 1998 - Excursion with the Foreign Press Association
Visit to the I. B. M. Watson Research Laboratory

Early morning Friday, October 30, a group of about 23 foreign journalists and reporters assembled on 58th Street near Park Avenue for 7:45 AM departure to visit the "famous" Thomas J. Watson IBM Research Center, Yorktown Heights, Westchester County, New York.
Arriving at the Center we realized that the IBM (the stock) recovered from $45 to $145 in a very short time so the IBM (the company) must do something right and we were here to discover it!

"> Complete article

Josef Schrabal is the editor of this second (1999) private electronic edition
The first electronic edition of the FPA was produced in 1995
by Josef Schrabal with help of Roy Murphy and Josef Aranha
Roy Murphy

It was the height of the Civil War. America was in turmoil. Into the Willard Hotel on Washington's Pennsylvania Avenue checked a British gentleman by the name of William Howard Russell. His occupation: foreign correspondent.

From all the records Mr William Howard Russell - a representative of the London Times - was the first foreign correspondent to work in the United States.

Today, a century later [1967], there are, at a modest guess, some five to six hundred foreign correspondents in America. But few of them have as tough a job as Mr Russell had then.

Completel article

1999  New York is the Capital of the world. This is namely true during the transition into the new millenium.
How Newyorkers celebrated the 1999 NewYear

Thousands of visitors crowded Times Square to celebrate 1999 New Year. Millions were watching television all over the world the big lighted aluminum ball, exactly at midnight, on command of Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, drop down. Skies lighted by fireworks only the capitol of the world can provide.
But Newyorkers were not there! They found a very different and better way in celebrating the 1999 New Year. Much healthier also.

Completel article (Original in Czech )

Ve crvrtek, 9. rijna, 199 se konala schuzka konzulu Ceske Republiky.
Konzulatni seznamka

Schuzka konzulu Ceske Republiky. Byla usporadana vcetne "cestnych" konzulu z cele severni Ameriky, vcetne Kanady a pozvanych hostu.

K uvitani, Generalni konzul Gondalovic oznamil, ze Ceska republika prijala nabidku Americkychorganizaci, ze prijme Narodni budovu v New Yorku. Nebo lepe, ze ji Ceska republika koupi za symbolicky jeden dolar. Nasledoval "diplomaticky potlesk". (Ten je takovi, ze nekolik malo -jeden z deseti- tleska, druzi predstiraji, jako by tleskali).

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