Hi! I'm Mr Road Safety. This is an Australian road safety site that deals with pedestrian road safety issues and general information on road safety. It does not avoid controversial issues. Instead it provides what I believe to be an objective viewpoint based on the scientific research on road safety available.
The site is fairly new and thus has some rough edges but all the links below already lead to important road safety information. The subjects below contain many informative links.
(eg. child restraints or road rage) CLICK ON "INDEX" BELOW.
How different types of accidents can be avoided
Pedestrian Safety(Pedestrians were here first)
The other side- how car drivers can stay safe from pedestrians
Don't fall asleep at the wheel!
Bushfires and other unusual situations
If you've been in a crash this might help
Threat to the UK's low death rate!
Association of British Drivers
© 1997
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