Eliminating attorney contributions to judicial election campaigns is a bigger issue than most of us realize. Here are just a few links to information and articles about this issue across the nation. While Arthur Allan does not agree with every approach to judicial reform advocated in the following articles and web-sites, this list of links is sufficient to show that this is not an issue in only this election or only Illinois. Arthur has not accepted any financial campaign contributions nor is he wealthy - his campaign is financed from his pension and savings. In Illinois, we cannot afford to wait for legislators to make the proper reforms - we can elect a judge who avoids the appearance of impropriety THIS YEAR.

Attorneys For Integrity Home Page

An Independent Judiciary: Report of the Commission on Separation of Powers and Judicial Independence Executive Summary: Problems Relating to Judicial Independence: Executive Summary (American Bar Association)

Dallas Morning News 2/24/98: Study Faults Business Gifts to Justices; Texas Chief Backs Reform, Denies Cases Are Influenced

How Money, Influence and Tradition Have Molded the Powerful Judgeships in Santa Clara County (CA)With Little Input from the Public

Los Angeles, CA: Money Key Factor in Electing Judges

Miami, FL: States Seek Better Ways to Pick Judges

Philadelphia Inquirer: High Court Appoints Panel to Study Judicial Campaigns

If you would like to help with my campaign, please let me know.
I do not accept financial contributions,
but any other help will be greatly appreciated.

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