What Journalists Are Writing About Arthur Allan

Conflict-of-Interest Question Sullies the Race Between
2 Experienced Candidates Vying for Circuit Court Judge, as seen in the
Batavia, Geneva & St. Charles Republican Newspapers, 2/19/98

Allan, Fabian judge their qualifications for Dist. 16 job from the Daily Herald, 3/2/98
(Daily Herald link)

James Kimberly's Column in the Daily Herald, 2/18/98
(Daily Herald link, under "In case you're interested)

James Kimberly's Column in the Daily Herald, 12/17/97
(Daily Herald link, under "Dueling Campaigns"

From The Fox Files Column by George Houde for the Courier News, 11/18/97

From Ann Donahue's piece in The Courier News, November 12, 1997

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