Below are two unidentified images and links to fifteen identified images. All are the same size and are mounted in a single album. Fifteen of the images are clearly identified. Two are unidentified, one of which is an officer. Since the other images are identified as veterans from the 24th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment, I presume that the owner of the album also was a member of the regiment. Perhaps he was the unidentifield officer in the album.
Can anyone identify either of these two soldiers?
"Tifin" or maybe "Fifer"
Unknown officer
Do you have any questions or suggestions? Please send John Rutherford an email to OVI24th@juno.com.
These soldiers are identfied.
Captain William C. Beck of Company C.
Captain George M. Bacon of Company E.
Colonel Armstead Thompson Mason Cockerill of Company D.
Hospital Steward Samuel House of Company K.
Assistant Surgeon Evan M. Howland.
Private John S. Huntley of Company A.
First Lieutenant James Jacques of Company A.
William J. Affleck, also known as Adjutant William Jeffries, of Company G.
First Sergeant George B. Johnson of Company K.
Regimental Quartermaster First Lieutenant Lewis G. Kies of Company A.
Captain Daniel W. McCoy of Company I.
Principal Musician Adam Miller of Company E.
First Lieutenant Edward E. Mullenix of Company I.
Quartermaster Sergeant Alonzo C. Pocock of Company K.
Adam Sheringer [Shwanger?]
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