Last revised July 20, 1996.

Dear friends (and enemies),

What race has been more respectful of other people than Aryans have been? If Aryans did not respect the property, lives and rights of other people and life forms any more than the more savage races (those with the higher crime rates), would Aryans have created the world's most powerful nations on earth? Do other races live in relative material poverty because they lack respect for each other's rights, and therefore the security necessary to prosper? Is it not our respect for other people and life forms that most distinguish Aryan civilization and the Aryan soul?

Why disrespect other people and races simply because someone else does? We live with our own souls, not someone else's, and ignore our own souls at our own peril. I love and respect all forms of life and humanity.

I decided to write this letter after I read a magazine that referred to people as "Spics", "gooks", "nigs" "muds" and "white-trash", all of which are said by my dictionary to be offensive slang. I avoid using slang because I want to help preserve the Aryan language. I do not consider any word offensive per se, nor do I judge people's hearts by the words they use any more than I do by their race, etc.

Since our Exploiter's MEDIA has gone to such great expense and so fastidiously and successfully inculcated into non-Aryans (and self-hating Aryans) that Aryans treat other races with disrespect, I asked myself if the organizations who publish such articles also want to lie about, defame and destroy the Aryan race. Shall we first remove splinters from our own eyes so we can see more clearly to remove specks from other's eyes?

I wonder why so many organizations that profess allegiance to Aryans create an image of Aryans that most Aryans are ashamed of. I get the impression that nearly all of these organizations are fronts for our enemies. Are we so saturated by the propaganda of our enemies that it is difficult for us to differentiate between what they have inculcated into our minds, and thoughts that are our own?

Since Aryans are for the most part miseducated (except technically) by the media, schools, churches, etc. of our Exploiters, it is no surprise to me that spiritually, politically and reality-wise, etc. Aryans (especially American Aryans) are overall less well educated than many other peoples, such as the Hebrews. Most Aryans I ask know very little of their own ancestors, the ancient Aryan religion, racial history, how to organize and compete with other ethnic groups to advance our own interests, and even what is in their own personal interest, or what to think of ourselves, etc., which is why Aryans have for the last few millennia done such a great job squandering the most powerful force on earth, Aryan civilization.

For example, few Aryans even know the meaning of the word Aryan. If I even mention the word Aryan most Aryans have been so prejudiced by the media that they are adamantly convinced I am a "white supremacist" or anti-Semite, etc., which I am not, as anyone who has read what I have written in my Summary, etc. can see. By "Aryan", I mean Indo-European or Indo-Hittite, but I prefer Aryan since it is the oldest and shortest word for our race, and widely understood.

Not all Whites are Aryans, and moreover I do not even consider myself a part of the same race as non-Aryan "Whites", so why should I think of myself as "White"? It is true that the word "White" has become widely accepted and used almost exclusively for the Aryan race in America (to destroy its identity?), but that does not make it a proper or accurate concept. Why let words which our Exploiters have foisted upon us determine our concepts and how we think?

Let us emulate the Hebrews, who are as proud of their ancient name as we Aryans should be of our own, instead of behaving as have Negroes, who change their name every few years, as though the last names for the Negro race had become the latest names for a stinking toilet. Are we going to disown our ancestry and identity just because our Exploiters have maligned us? Isn't that exactly what our enemies hoped their slander would cause us to do?

Beware of supporting organizations just because they claim to represent Aryans, particularly any which discourage your learning from or participating in other such organizations. And do not let them or anyone else think for you (according to my definition, the purpose of an education is to help a person better make a living and to think for himself). None of us are perfect. It is the responsibility of each of us to judge what is true or false.

My experience has taught me that our Exploiters often work themselves into the second-in-command position (usually the one who minds the money) of any organization they want to exploit. By the time these impostors are exposed, our "leaders" have become so dependent on them for money, assistance, moral support, etc. that it is almost impossible to convince them that they have been turning over to the organization's enemies our money, membership lists, etc., particularly if these leaders have become more loyal to selfish and organizational interests than to the interests of the Aryan people. Are some duped leaders too embarrassed to admit their poor judgement of people, and prefer to betray the trust of the membership?

Is it true that as part of the settlement of the law suit Metzger lost, most of the contributions Metzger receives go to non-Aryans? If so, should Metzger's supporters be told where their money is going?

How does insulting other races build up our own? Can we not speak the truth without disparaging others? And if we are brimming over with hatred and contempt, who will believe we are unbiased about anything we say, and of what have we to be proud?

I challenge anyone who has read or heard anything I have ever said to find one iota of disrespect for any person or ethnic group. Nevertheless I expect to be called a hate-filled white-supremacist and anti-semite, etc. even though I am not. Do our Exploiters need truth and evidence to justify their hatred and savagery, or to make their usual slanderous accusations? Those who hate Aryans will want to boil me in oil before anyone else, since they fear truth more than the lame mockery of the insane. Please use my comment form or e-mail me if you can rationally interpret anything that I have said that could be even remotely considered disrespectful of any individual or ethnic group.

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Mr. Louis Beam (a brilliant man whom I enjoyed reading) says he considers truth to be anti-Semitic. I do not. Truth is not a value judgement; anti-semitism is. I value ALL life. I HATE NO ONE, not even my enemies (Exploiters). That does not stop me from using what strength I have to fight as well as I can against imperialism, exploitation, and DEATH, and FOR myself and the survival of ALL races.

Can those who want to preserve the Aryan race and its historic and maximum potential to contribute to humanity and future generations of life on this planet do so without the support of other races? Why insult non-Aryans and add fuel to the fire that has most Aryans COWERING in submission as our Exploiters so arrogantly "wipe out our name from under heaven, and have our governments clenched in their hands" ( Deuteronomy 7.24)? Are most Aryans not kneeling and earnestly praying to our Exploiter's god, who chose our Exploiters to "be his special people, above all others" Deuteronomy 7.6 (does that mean ABOVE us Aryans too)? Therefore my Exploiter's god is Satan to me, and Satan to any self- respecting person or race.

For Aryans as a people, or even Aryan genes, to survive, we need all the cooperation and help we can get from all other races victimized by our imperialistic Exploiters. Loving other races does not mean we must live together within the same state, neighborhood, home or bedroom. On the contrary, acting in a way which destroys any ethnic group (miscegenation for example) is disrespectful and heinous, probably worse than the extinction of any other species of life.

Do Aryans who humiliate and call other races names only help our enemies? Is hatred and name-calling not the best evidence a person has NO respect for his own race or self, and therefore that our Exploiters tactics have been successful? Do we dig our own graves by imitating the insanity of our Exploiters, who insult us and herd us and other ethnic nations about like sheep? If any reader tells me how Aryans have benefitted from disrespecting anyone or any race, I will post that message at the top of this page.
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Hear that CLOC?

Do we Aryans want to be known as punks, spiteful brats who need to tear down, taunt and bully others, so we feel a little superior because of our own low self-esteem? Is that the way to the hearts of our own civilized race? If Aryans want freedom of speech (which we need more than anything else, for the only alternative is to defend ourselves with physical violence), how do those who disrespect others' right to communicate help Aryans?

I truly love all life and people and feel I can contribute most to what I live for by following the path of least violence. Although I wish we did not share the same state with them, I do not condemn our Exploiters for using and supporting all their people's talents, even those of their most savage and criminal elements, to further the agenda and interests of their own ethnic group. For example, did Hebrews use Myer Lansky, Hebrew "head of organized crime", to assassinate President Kennedy after Kennedy became aware our Exploiters had broken their agreement not to develop atomic bombs (in exchange for American foreign aid to Israel). But even if Aryans were to gain from mistreating others, how far from our civilized spiritual nature can we venture before our lives are no longer worth living? Are Aryans instinctively of a more civilized nature ( Romans 2.14-24) than our Exploiters?

Does our civilized race owe its power and success to Aryan science and technology (which can survive only within the security of a civilized race), or to our savagery? Although our Exploiters have most of the power, we Aryans have the moral high ground and truth on our side, so why ignore our conscience and resort to the savagery, name calling, book-burning and censorship tactics of our Exploiters?

Have you noticed how often our Exploiters' Media calls Aryans names? For example, who do you think they are pointing the finger at every time the Media harps about racism, anti-Semitism, "the" holocaust, "affirmative" action, etc., White Man? As though we deserved such treatment, we have LET our Exploiters destroy our pride, humiliate us, and encourage Aryans to mate with Negroes and other races.

If an Aryan inadvertently speaks his mind and says something that can be misinterpreted as disparaging of a minority, their careers are at stake. Margaret Schott?, the owner of the Cincinnati Reds who was scorned for having said that NOT EVERYTHING HITLER (I make words like "Hitler" stick out so our Exploiters can suck on them) did was evil and once-gutsier Andy Rooney, who nearly lost his job on 60 minutes for saying something ambiguous are examples.

Our Exploiters use the same old tricks over and over. Since our Exploiters (mis)educate us so well, we Aryans seem never to learn from our mistakes. Do you think dividing the sexes against each other is new? That issue has been around a long time. Even our Exploiters' military tactics resemble those they used in biblical days.

Are most of us Aryans a pitiful, cowardly lot of Christians seeking martyrdom, by crucifixion if possible? We not only let these Exploiters insult us 24 hours a day on their Media, in front of our own children we also accept their propaganda as deserved. Remember that the next time you let our Exploiters rub your nose in another Holocaust epic.

Can we say holocaust "story" without being jailed? Do you think the media has lied about nearly everything BUT their holocaust story? Although the accused Aryan race has never been given the opportunity to defend itself, most Aryans believe "by faith", as they do the fairy tales of the Judeo-christian religion, whatever the media propaganda has inculcated in them. Is the power of our Exploiters not astonishing, that no matter how much we know them to be liars, we are convinced by their Media of the guilt of our own race, which has never been convicted of "the" holocaust or anything else as far as I know? Compared to the record of any other race, what have Aryans to be ashamed of except shame itself? In America we have the expression "innocent until proven guilty". Has our Exploiters' media ever applied that rule to the Aryan race?

Were those who were tried at Nuremberg tortured to get the few "confessions" on which our Exploiters' lies are almost completely based? What other evidence is there? Is the testimony of the People who convicted Demanyouk, and who have so profited from the allegations, enough? After the war our Exploiters started making allegations of a "holocaust" which no one took seriously, but no one could stop them, so today the myth has become "reality".

Since the idea of a "holocaust" was alluded to only a few times by anyone during the last war to destroy the Aryan race, our Exploiters had to accuse of complicity in a cover-up all the Allied governments, military and intelligence organizations, the Catholic church and pope, the Red Cross, and all the other international organizations that functioned throughout Europe during that war. Even though many allegations were dropped because they were so apparently false, that has not stopped Aryans, even the German people themselves, from believing whatever our Exploiters want. How awesome is the power of our Exploiters' media. No wonder our arrogant Exploiters deign not to debate the issue, resort to name-calling instead, and have outlawed debate on the issue in Germany and are trying to do so wherever else they can.

This article is CONTINUED at this link.

To the Index of my other files, globetrotter?

Is CENSORSHIP a war against our knowing the TRUTH,
and therefore really a war against DEMOCRACY and US?

Please e-mail me at

That's all, folks. Farewell; Au revoir; Hasta la huego; Adeus; and Auf wieder sehen
from a mostly Aryan country boy whose ancestors have lived in Fairfield County since before SOUTH CAROLINA was a free and sovereign state (it has been the first to struggle against Imperialism to be so again) in the land of



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