Last revised July 22, 1996.
MY definition of a RACIST is anyone who allows race to influence his actions, thoughts or feelings. Please let me know if you find a better definition.
Because I believe that humanity would benefit more if all races and ethnic nations are preserved as pure as possible, and that the only way to preserve human diversity is for each nation to have separate states (like "the Jewish state", Israel), I feel that race does influence my thoughts and actions, and therefore that
Are most people terrified of being labelled a racist because of media propagnada? Yet how many know what the word means, and think that racism and hatred are one and the same thing? Is it possible to be a racist without hatred, and hate without being racist? I know that I hate no form of life or humanity, just EXPLOITATION , by whomever.
Our IMPERIALISTIC Exploiters and their media-and-pulpit-crazed golem-zombie goyim believe that the god of their Satanical cult chose them to be His special people, ABOVE ALL OTHER NATIONS on earth. (Flipping through a Bible has turned up Deuteronomy 7.6, Genesis 27.29, Isaiah 66.12-13 and 23-24, etc., all worthy of your perusal.) Could our Exploiters have mingled with their hosts for millennia without having lost their identity and purity were they not the most extremely racist, xenophobic and jingoistic of all people? But since our Exploiters own "our" media and so many of us dare not speak of it, how many of us are aware of this blatant truth? How can our Exploiters rule and devour other nations (Deuteronomy 7.16; is this a HIDDEN conspiracy?) if it intermarries with its victims? Geneticists say our the race to which our Exploiter belongs has a higher degree of genetic similarity than other ethnic nations. Even our Exploiters' religion forbids them to marry other races Ezra 9).12 and ad nauseam).
I also oppose racial intermarriage, which makes me a RACIST too , since miscegenation (interracial breeding) entirely destroys races (and diversity). If our Exploiters want to preserve their own race, why are their media and pulpits selling the rest of humanity on the idea of miscegenation? I oppose miscegenation not because I love (or hate) one race or ethnicity more than another, but because:
I LOVE AND CARE for the welfare of Earthlife and humanity as a whole.
If the cult of our Exploiters opposes intermarriage with other races, why does it say that "in thy seed (semen?) shall all the families of the earth be blessed" (Genesis 28.14)? Does the cult of our Exploiters oppose marrying other races only because it would pollute (Ezra 9.11 of the New English translation) their own race, but not forbid extra-marital sex that pollutes other races? Our Exploiters' great hero King David's treacherous genocide and rape of our race (the Aryan Philistines, which is the derivation of Palestinian) is described in I Samuel 27, etc.)
Since our Exploiters own the media, they can define and redefine any word they chose, and therefore influence or determine what almost all of us think. The media has irrationally fused two different concepts, racism and hatred so it is nearly impossible for many of us to realize that hatred has no more to do with racism than the moon with cheese.
Take a careful look and you will see that those who denounce racism most vociferously are the MOST racist of all.
How much mourning has our Exploiters' media done over the innocent Palestinians whom Jews have shot down in Palestinian's own streets because these school boys are brave enough to resist our Exploiters' imperialism with pebbles?
Why does our Exploiters' media shows us the dead children and wailing faces of only Israelite mothers? Does our Exploiters' media mourn only the loss of their own kind? Are our Exploiters racists? Yet how outraged our Exploiters are if we try to defend our own ethnic boundaries!
How much of our money has "our" government "donated" so Jews could buy bullets to shoot down Palestinian school kids (and to create the world's fifth largest nuclear strike force)? What do Christians and Muslims care? Do both not prostrate themselves before our Exploiter's Satanical god or some spin-off version thereof?
What could be more racist than "Affirmative Action", which requires hiring, etc. someone on the basis of race, at the expense of the hated "Whites"?
At the same time our "White" Exploiters occupy most of the powerful positions in our government and media, (despite the few Gentile figureheads, like Clinton, Ginrich, Dole, Limbaugh, Jennings, Dan Rather, Gumbel, Katie Curick, etc. who read the scripts of our Exploiters).
Logically, Kelts are just as much a minority as Negroes or Latinos, etc., but lumping Americans into "Whites" and "People of Color" for political purposes serves the divide and conquer strategy of our Exploiters. Would determining who is a minority by some other grouping mean quotas for our Exploiters, and leave their "Chosen Race" with only a couple percent of the top government jobs, etc. instead of the majority? Why should there be fewer American Indians in the White house than Jews?
Clinton promised us a White House that looks like America. Are Germanic and Keltic Americans about 1% of the American population?
Whether or not you are a Negro, you are a racist if you fear living in a Negro neighborhood, even if you are approximately ten times more likely to be murdered, raped or robbed there. (See page 11 and Chapter 11 of Jared Taylor's book "Paved with Good Intentions", which is based on government records, statistics, census data, etc. and is probably in your local library. I recommend all Americans read it.)
What greater evidence of the racism of "whites" than "white flight", in which tens of millions of "whites" have abandoned their neighborhoods, and trillions of dollars of real estate in some of America's largest cities, in order to continue living in relative security amongst their own race? SHAME.
The media constantly vilifies the "white" race. How many of us have even noticed this anti-"white" racism, or been offended by it (why aren't other races such whimps)? Although our Exploiter's media always depicts it own ethnicity as saintly, it depicts other "whites" as responsible for a far greater percentage of crimes than we actually commit (every race has some lunatics and savages). Who would believe that "whites" are the victims of almost all "hate crimes", yet the media is outraged only by "White" racism? How often have you heard the media report hate crimes against "Whites"? And when they do so, why not more than locally, and why are they not described as "hate" crimes? Why does the media deliberately lie, distort reality and not tell us the WHOLE truth? How many people know that according to US Justice Department's statistics for 1988, nearly 10,000 "White" women were raped by Negroes, but less than 10 Negresses were raped by "Whites" (on page 80 of Taylor's book)? Does the media fear "Whites" would stop hating themselves and letting themselves be raped (by lynching rapists again?) if we knew the truth?
Although the media always associates the word "racism" with hatred, I maintain that hatred and racism are two entirely different concepts, and that one can be a racist without feeling hatred, and vice versa.
Racism or hatred amongst children and citizens of mono-racial states seems rare.
Does racism and HATRED not flourish most in the multi-racial empires created by IMPERIALISTS? Why is our Exploiter's (media/government) only solution for Bosnia to force different ethnicities to exist in the same state? Do our Exploiters fear nationalism, which provides a defence against imperialism and exploitation? As to be expected, those who want us to hate each other most are the ones who denounce hatred the loudest, and most benefit from it. Does hatred now manifest itself most fiercely in multi-racial empire-states like Israel and its conquered territories, Burundi-Rwanda, Bosnia, all over the Americas, etc.? Do Imperialists "unite" ethnic-nations by force in order to DIVIDE AND CONQUER them? Why did Imperialists make Malays a minority in Malaysia? To stir up hatred between two ethnic-nations because it is easier for imperialists to exploit a divided nation?
Have you ever heard our Exploiter's media not villify Gentile Nationalists? Could that be because we oppose their Imperialistic agenda?
How long before (in the name of racial "balance" and "enrichment") our alien government makes the US majority a minority, thanks to non-"White" immigration and the government transfer of our wealth to broodwhores whose specialty is to breed more savages to destroy our civilization? Will those who feel more secure and prefer the behaviour of people in places like Latin America or Negro Africa love the America of our grandchildren?
Why do the refugees of the world so yearn to get into neighborhoods and countries where "white" villains and racists live? Are the USA and northern Europe richer in natural resources than Latin America and Africa? Is our alien government too greedy for cheap slave labor to keep "refugees" out of the USA? Would it not be better for these immigrants to remain where they can help utilize the comparatively greater natural resources of the "undeveloped" (savage?) nations they are fleeing?
Is it patronizing and arrogant to imagine that immigrants will become like the American majority, instead of the reverse? "Après moi la déluge"?
If Imperialism ceased to exist, and every ethnic nation lived in its own territory with its own kind, and wanted to rule no land or people but its own, how could there be any international wars, or racism, racial hatred, racial supremacists, etc.? Can those who fight Nationalism, not Imperialism, love PEACE?
* By golem, I mean a robot or zombie, a person that does not think for himself.
Is CENSORSHIP a war against
our knowing the TRUTH,
and therefore really a war
against DEMOCRACY and US?
Please e-mail me at
That's all, folks. Farewell; Au
revoir; Hasta la huego; Adeus;
and Auf wieder sehen
from a
mostly Aryan country boy whose
ancestors have lived in Fairfield
County since before SOUTH
CAROLINA was a free and
sovereign state (it has been
the first to struggle against
Imperialism to be so again) in
the land of