What is race? Most of us still understand the concept of race although our Exploiters are attempting to destroy it, along with all racial identities and races (except their own) via "education", miscegenation, immigration, etc.
Part of the information below is based on the "Theory of Aryan Origins and Kinship".
Race is determined by "genetic distance", the amount of time since two individuals, races species, etc. had common ancestors. Most people recognize the Negro race because there is about 150,000 years of genetic distance between the Negro and other races. Aryans have common ancestors with Australoids about 100,000 years ago, with Mongoloids about 70,000 years ago, and with Semites, Basques and other Southern Europeans about 40,000 years ago, and with Dravidians about 20,000 years ago. Scientists call Aryans Indo-Europeans, or Indo-HITTITES also. Scientists say all Aryan languages evolved from the ancient Hittite language
What does mean?
The "white" race divided into at least two races. Aryans are a separate race from Jews, Hispanics, Caucasians, and other members of a pre-Aryan Eurasian "White" race, even though most southern Europeans have adopted Indo-European languages. The Aryan race includes Kelts, Germanics, Slavs, Iranians, Aryan Indians, etc.
Although scientists profess little knowledge of Aryan pre-history, according to the Torah or Christian "Old" Testament, Hittites are part of the HAMITE race of North Africa and ancient Canaan (now called Israel by some, and by others Palestine, after ancient Aryan Philistines). Berbers and ancient Egyptians were fair-skinned Hamites, not Negroes.
BLACK AFRICAN Nubians and Somalis are also Hamitic, not NEGROID, and are depicted as black in Egyptian art work.
The authors of the Old Testament knew little of the rest of the world, but understood that Hittites and other related nations of Canaan were Hamites, and racially distinct from Semites and other pre-Aryans (Japhet) in Europe and the Middle East.
The vast and nearly impassable Sahara dessert kept Negroes from reaching North Africa until Muslims began the slave trade. Even though few Muslims are racist, today Negroes are still rare anywhere in the Middle East and North Africa. Why are the media and some duped Negro leaders lying about the racial history of Negroes? Is the truth not glorious enough?
Relative genetic distance, not continent of origin and color, determine race. Pygmies, Hottentots, Bushmen, and some Hamites are both black and African, but not Negroid. Many races throughout the world, like Melanesians, Australoids, Aryan Indians, etc. may be misidentified as Negroes by people who think race is only a matter of skin color.
Most of us recognize the Negro, Mongolian, AmerIndian, Australoid, and White races, but few of us can distinguish an aryan from a non-Aryan. We can distinguish between southern Europeans and Aryans, although most of us do not understand what an Aryan is. Hebrews look more like southern Europeans, particularly Greeks. Aryans have interbred with both southern Europeans and Hebrews, and some of them look quite Aryan. Most of us do not even recognize a Hebrew when we see one, although Hebrews have characteristics which are quite distinctive from Aryans if one observes carefully,
HEBREWS are one of the most genetically similar and powerful races on earth. Is identifying or criticizing the Hebrew our greatest social taboo? Do you want to start learning how to spot Hebrews, since their networks, organizations, religion, etc. has had such a disproportionate impact on our lives and history?
Take a look at all of Clinton's appointees to the Supreme Court, Secretary of Labor Robert Reich, Secretary of the Treasury Robert Rubin, Madeliene Albright, Richard Feinberg, Zoe Baird, Bernard Nussbaum, Alice Rivlin, Dan Schifter, Robert Shapiro, Laura Tyson, the top people in the CIA and almost every other US government agency, or at Lenin (a half breed), Marx, Trotsky, and almost every other top official that imposed communism on the people of the ex-Soviet Union, as well as at a large percentage of the panelists and political, etc. commentators you read, hear and see in the media. Attending synagogue services is another way to learn, but a non-Jew who does so is to be put to death, according to Judaic law, which many Jews observe strictly (some can easily spot Gentiles and may eagerly go after you).
Since Hebrews are closer kin to southern Europeans, compared to Aryans, Hebrews are generally shorter, more hairy and have bigger torsos relative to their arm and leg length, and may be difficult to distinguish from relatively non-Aryan Greeks and other southern Europeans. In the purest Hebrew strains. the nose is quite striking and unique. Some of the best Hebrew racial clues are frizzy hair with a bald spot, and their nostril area, but since some other races also share these features, for more accurate identification their frequency must be considered in context and relative to other features each individual has, such as bone structure, compared to other races.
Of course many Jews look like Scots, Germans, etc. because of some "conversion" and miscegenation (which is wholesomely forbidden by Judaism), and Hebrews from different parts of the world are easily distinguished from each other. About half have identifiable names, which are advertised in their cemeteries, often in Hebrew. Since Aryans and Semites have unfortunately been intermingled for many millenia, can any Aryan not have a Hebrew ancestor?
I refer to a person whose religion is Judaism as a Jew. The race, nation or tribe was called Hebrew before Judaism existed.
Why not make life more interesting by familiarizing yourself with as many races and ethnicities as possible by noticing the appearance, etc. of people you encounter, trying to figure out their ancestry, and then by confirming your hunches by asking questions? Many Aryans do not know much about where their ancestors came from and think of themselves only as "Americans".
A person's name, religion, place of origin, behaviour, personality, mentality, and physical appearance etc. all help identify ancestry.
Usually I can feel secure, understand, communicate and identify with a person of my own race from anywhere in the world better than I can with any other race, and most non-Aryans feel the same as I do, no matter what they claim for the time being. Many profess to be "American" only to benefit politically.
I love and want everyone to be as proud of himself as any little child. We are all precious, no matter how mixed we are, but nothing makes me angrier than to see miscegenators destroying any race. Whatever our individual desires and personal preferences, will keeping every race as pure as possible best serve humanity and all Earthlife? If not, why are we so concerned about the genetics of our domestic and wild breeds of plants and animals?
Would future generations benefit more if half-breeds and races living outside their own ethnic nation's homelands helped solve the global population explosion by not bearing children ?
Is CENSORSHIP a war against
our knowing the TRUTH,
and therefore really a war
against DEMOCRACY and US?
Please e-mail me at nationalist@rocketmail.com
That's all, folks. Farewell; Au
revoir; Hasta la huego; Adeus;
and Auf wieder sehen
from a
mostly Aryan country boy whose
ancestors have lived in Fairfield
County since before SOUTH
CAROLINA was a free and
sovereign state (it has been
the first to struggle against
Imperialism to be so again) in
the land of