The purpose of this HomePage is to further the welfare of Civilization, humanity, and the survival of Life on Earth (not my own selfish interests) by educating and persuading others. Can explaining and exposing the identity, the agenda, and the results of the activities of our Exploiters, so that our Exploiters' agenda will no longer be supported even by their own ethnic group, help achieve that goal? I hope to help even our Exploiters' highest echelons to understand the folly of their imperialistic and racist agenda, for which our Exploiters have harnessed nearly the entire resources of mankind.

The agenda and operation of our Exploiters can best be understood by a thorough and unbiased study of the Bible (Bible Dictionaries and Atlases are necessary), especially the part attributed to Moses (Pentateuch). "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", a hard to find "forbidden" book which can be ordered from The Truth at Last, P. O. Box 1211, Marietta, Georgia, 30061 for about $6.00 (the 200 page edition), whether authentic or not, is helpful to those who want to comprehend reality without the scolarship necessary for a thorough understanding of the Bible. Both books manifest the awesome intellect and spiritual qualities of our Exploiters. Once we understand the agenda of our Exploiters, and what means they have at their disposal, those who begin to observe carefully start perceiving how and to what ends our Exploiters are now employing the powers and resources available to them, particularly the Media and Governments our Exploiters own or control.

Because Henry Ford cared enough about Civilization to inform us about our Exploiters they used law suits to nearly destroy him, the founder of the Ford Motor Company, who recommended that we read "Protocols". Shall we let our children grow old without knowing, and therefore defenseless against their most powerful enemies?

No matter what crimes a person has committed, I do not consider him to be evil or worthy of punishment or death, (or censorship) anymore than I would consider a lion or bear evil for having killed a person. All Life and people are part of my own Life and identity. I want to help all Life live, not harm ANY life. I feel safer around civilized people than I do around savages, but I mean savages no harm. I just want to keep savages and civilized people SEPARATE, like wolves from sheep, each free and happy with his own kind in his own homeland. Why get in a cage with lions, bears, gorillas, or a human race that has a high proclivity for savagry and crime? Let them enjoy the company of their own kind.

I do accept death as a necessity of evolution, which overall has benefited Life. I kill to eat in the hope that I may be worthy of the precious life I have eaten, by helping Life to be as abundant and eternal as possible. I think that I can best serve that cause by protecting Civilization from savages (after civilization establishes itself in the rest of the Universe it can return this entire earth to the savagery to which we owe our evolution).

Whether we are too prejudiced to realize it or not, the most powerful Civilization since its beginning has been ARYAN civilization. It is the technology and prosperity of Aryan Civilization that all the world wants, and why immigrants are headed for Europe and America, not for Africa, Latin America, Asia, etc. But Aryan Civilization will not outlast the Aryan race. Then where will those goods come from?

Christianized Aryans think any savage race should, will, and can think, feel and act like civilized Aryans, and that lie-based faith is destroying Civilization itself. As long as Christianized Aryans no longer identify as Aryans, there is no hope for Aryan Civilization. Even "Christian Identity" Aryans think they are Hebrews, and worship the god of the Hebrew Bible and his half-Jew son.

I have always wondered why terroristic governments and other political organizations do not declare war on each other instead of on each other's innocent civilians, whether they be Palestinians. Jews, Germans, etc., in order to spare innocent lives. I also wonder why terrorists strike at policemen, and soldiers (the military selects those who have the best genes of a race), instead of more directly at the people who actually run the state, media, etc. Why randomly attack an entire population if the real enemy is just its alien rulers and brain-poisoners? Are the American sheeple guilty of the crimes against humanity of its "Zionist occupied government" (quote from PBS' "McLaughlin Report" which was soon taken off the air in SC for months). How did the blasting of a Federal Building in Oklahoma serve the cause of those who want to free us from alien imperialists?

Or are fratricidal wars between our Aryan nations (like the two world wars against Germany, and the Invasion of the Confederacy) racially motivated, provoked and incited by our Exploiters and their collaborators in our media, government, and even in the organizations which profess to strive for the best interests of our race, and in whom we trust? Has our Exploiters' real purpose (Deuteronomy 7.1-2) been the genocidal destruction of Aryan Civilization?

Why, since the conquest of Hamitic (Aryan) Civilization in the Middle East by Semitic Hyksos two millenium ago, have nearly all the great wars been between Aryan nations, the creators and bearers of Earth's most powerful civilization? Was there ever a war between Aryan nations prior to their conquest by Hyksos, or one since that was not under the influence of our Exploiters?

Unless each Aryan determines within his soul to refuse being forced ever again into waging war against his own kind, can the Aryan race, and all that Aryan Civilization has to offer humanity and life on this planet, survive? The assasination of the Prime Minister of Israel was so shocking to Jews because it violated their rule that "Jews do not kill Jews" (who then DO they kill?). How less endangered, and far ahead, would Civilization be today, if Aryans did not kill Aryans?

To the Index of my other files, globetrotter?

Is CENSORSHIP a war against our knowing the TRUTH,
and therefore really a war against DEMOCRACY and US?

Please e-mail me at

That's all, folks. Farewell; Au revoir; Hasta la huego; Adeus; and Auf wieder sehen
from a mostly Aryan country boy whose ancestors have lived in Fairfield County since before SOUTH CAROLINA was a free and sovereign state (it has been the first to struggle against Imperialism to be so again) in the land of



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