Negro Nationalism
The article below was copied from the South Carolina Black Media Group Newspaper, Columbia, SC, February 13 - Feb 19, 1997, page 12A
Blacks worldwide must come together to fight oppression
Part 3, By Paul Barton
When closely examined, the oppression of Black people around the world, in the U. S., Brazil and parts of South America, the Dominican Republic against dark skin Blacks, parts of Europe, the U.S., even in Africa (Black against Black), India, South East Asia against the Melanesians in places such as Irian Jaya (Indonesia, and in Australia, where historically, some of the most brutal and barbaric atrocities against Black people have occurred, it then becomes apparent that it is time the world's entire Black population unites to fight and put end to these evils.
No Black nation or person should tolerate such evils. However, in order to rebuild the power, confidence and strength of the Black race on a worldwide level, we will have to take all the steps necessary to unite our peoples, create better understanding and establish a worldwide system of social, racial, cultural and economic development. The blueprint is already at hand in the book, Susunomics and Susuism: The Theory and Practice of Pan-African Economic, Cultural and Racial Self Preservation, United Brothers and United Sisters Books, 912 West Pembroke Ave, Hampton, Virginia, 23669 for educational and cultural advancement, U.S.A. 1-(804)-723-2696 or 1-(212)-736-1767.
What then is the solution to the evils perpetrated against Black people worldwide, whether in Brazil, Latin America, Irian Jaya (Indonesia) Australia, India, Sri-Lanka, Europe, the Philippines, Mauritania, Sudan, the Dominican Republic, South America, the United States, or any nation or earth where Blacks are oppressed? The solution is in uniting the world's one billion five hundred million Black people in a fight for self-determination, separation and independence on our own lands, in our nations, ran and controlled by us. That is the solution.
When genocide is encouraged or committed the effected should not wait for the last person to be exterminated in order to know that the right to self defense, using any means necessary, must be implemented along with the right to self-preservation, thus when police murder Black people, it must be dealt with.
When propaganda continues to be spewed, it must be dealt with. When oppression continues whether economically or politically, the world's one billion, five hundred million Blacks must apply economic and military sanctions and retaliation against the perpetrators. We will either allow our people to be destroyed like cowards, or defend, defeat and win over our oppressors like men.