Are hatred and all crimes against people (rape, theft, murder, genocide, communism. war crimes, the alleged "holocaust", slavery, etc. essentially acts of disrespect for the rights and lives of others? Why are talk show hosts always quick to take the side of Jews and their minority allies on any issue (as though they were being persecuted and are incapable of representing themselves?) but rarely treat all callers with the respect and love I feel all people deserve? When our Exploiters were so afraid Pat Buchanon might win the nomination for President, some of the media's best attack dogs (Cokie Roberts, Sam Donaldson and Catie Currick for example), attacked Buchanon like sharks in a feeding frenzy, rarely allowing Buchanon to finish any answer, especially if they did not want the audience to hear his more convincing arguments. No matter how much Buchanon said he was for free trade with nations who reciprocated, the media kept telling us that Buchanon was against free trade. I noticed how these same attack dogs rarely interrupted their other guests. How can a person who does not respect individuals or the principles of civilized discourse and fairness respect any group of people?

The media treated Perot the same way it treated Buchanon. When the media gets through with a candidate they do not want, most of us are afraid to vote for him. The only reason I listen to most talk shows is to hear the callers and some interesting guests, but rarely for long, since I can not bear to hear callers (and the audience) abused. I would like to see us flood a talk show with protests anytime any caller is treated with disrespect. And couldn't we save more people from being exploited and brain-poisoned if more of us called talk show programs to stand up for the truth, no matter how the talk show host abused us?

Some of us think that our welfare depends on lying and exploiting others. But I believe that we will all be better off if we treat each other, even savages and criminals (there is a difference), with respect. If we allow Civilization (people who by nature respect other's rights) to survive and prosper enough, could mankind conquer enough of the Universe to satisfy everyone (as long as we preserve intact the races capable of creating such technologies), and not need to fight to the end over this finite planet? Even if most savages rarely think of the future or of anyone but themselves and their loved ones, some of their leaders can, and might be persuaded to cooperate, if Aryan leaders were men instead of traitors for a change.

Some people associate any desire to preserve the Aryan race with hatred. It is true that there are some Aryans who hate themselves so much that they need scapegoats, but I ask them what reason they would have to hate other ethnic nations if those races lived with their own kind in their own land. Could savage ethno-states exploit or be a threat to civilized Aryans, who have such powerful technological potential, if each ethnic nation lived with its own kind in its on ethno-state? How can savage races destroy the security civilization requires unless they live amongst us instead of in their own ethno-states? Of course these arguments do not satisfy the hate-insane. Don't they just need somebody to hate (and be hated by) them? They are more a curse to any cause they associate with than our enemies, and the media uses them to stereotype all Aryans. Aryans are probably the most hated race that ever lived, even though they have been the most civilized, simply because our enemies have had the media (which includes the pulpit, etc.) in their hands for so long.

I ask people who think the Aryan race is superior to others (God's chosen people "by adoption") why it is that minorities have taken over nearly all the power in America. If superiority means being better able to solve ones problems, why have Aryans been losing nearly all of their battles in all their wars nearly since the beginning of history? If Aryans won, why are Aryans worshiping the god of their conquerors and exploiters? If Aryans are winners, why are Aryans paying reparations in the form of welfare to Negroes, and tribute to Israel, instead of vice versa? If Aryans are superior, why are we less united than Negroes and Jews, etc. and look out for our interest less well? Why do we allow our exploiters to push us into fratricidal wars? Why is the Aryan population decreasing by 10% every generation, while that of the minorities is exploding? If Aryans are superior, why are they becoming extinct? Is that nature's definition of superiority?

How could any race be victimized or exploited without imperialism? Instead of plundering other nations as Imperialists have done to the AmerIndians, etc., civilized Nationalistic states could act to preserve and protect all nations.

Why is it that so many Aryans feel compelled to "civilize" other races? Have they not survived as God made them for as long as Aryans have? Are Aryan's patronizing and sense of superiority (really inferiority) rooted in self-deprecation and the insanity of Judaism and its spinoff cults, islam and christianity?

Most people who seem to HATE others really hate only themselves because of their own shameful attitudes and behaviour. Since their egos are too fragile to bear the truth or any constructive criticism, there is little one can do to help them except to love and respect them. Since they are suicidal and self-destructive they want to use anyone who tries to help them as a scapegoat or surrogate on which to carry out their death-wish. I imagine the way out of their Hell is to try to rediscover and live by the conscience they were born with but discarded, usually by puberty, when the intellect displaces instinctive behaviours.

To the Index of my other files, globetrotter?

Is CENSORSHIP a war against our knowing the TRUTH,
and therefore really a war against DEMOCRACY and US?

Please e-mail me at nationalist@rocketmail.com

That's all, folks. Farewell; Au revoir; Hasta la huego; Adeus; and Auf wieder sehen
from a mostly Aryan country boy whose ancestors have lived in Fairfield County since before SOUTH CAROLINA was a free and sovereign state (it has been the first to struggle against Imperialism to be so again) in the land of



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