The most BEAUTIFUL FLAG I ever saw:

of the Confederate flag, which

waves PROUDLY over this page]
We'll be ready next time, Mama.

Do you object to my associating the Confederate Flag with the views I have expressed in my homepage?

October 27, 1996

I display the Confederate flag on my page in order to disclose to readers my own origins, loyalty, national identity, and perspective (why are our Exploiters less forthcoming?) I also think that the Confederate flag is the symbol of resistance to imperialism, in particular the imperialism of those who have the government, etc. of the United States "in their hands", and who are now using the powers and productivity of the American people to further our Exploiter's agenda throughout the world. Is there a more well-known symbol of defiance to the imperialism of the United States government than the Confederate flag (to some the Confederate flag IS the only "American" flag).

I do not expect all supporters of the Confederate flag to agree with me about anything. I hope they will respect the freedom of speech which was guaranteed by the Constitution of the Confederacy, instead of protest my association of that flag with other than their own opinions.

The Confederacy freed its slaves before the Yankee government freed its own slaves. Few of the ancestors of America "southerners" ever owned any slaves, and I regret that they allowed slavery ever to have gotten started in America. My purpose is to liberate not just the individual, but the entire race. Is anyone free, as long as his race is ruled by another race?

I love you ALL, whatever your race, or racial mixtures, etc.

To the Index of my other files, globetrotter?

Is CENSORSHIP a war against our knowing the TRUTH,
and therefore really a war against DEMOCRACY and US?

Please e-mail me at

That's all, folks. Farewell; Au revoir; Hasta la huego; Adeus; and Auf wieder sehen
from a mostly Aryan country boy whose ancestors have lived in Fairfield County since before SOUTH CAROLINA was a free and sovereign state (it has been the first to struggle against Imperialism to be so again) in the land of



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