To WEB AUTHORS who have been censored

Censorship is how our Exploiters have deprived us of the truth in what is left of our own Aryan Homelands. In order to prevent us from educating their victims, our Exploiters have our websites censored.

Most of us are aware of our Exploiters' efforts to control Internet by making free speech on Internet a crime.

Webpages which express anything opposed to our Exploiters' agenda are likely to be deleted eventually, without explanation.

The purpose of organizations, like Hatewatch is to locate such webpages, inform their Internet Service Providers, and then apply whatever pressure is necessary to have such webpages destroyed.

Writing in an honest, truthful, respectful, and civil way about Aryan nationalism and our Exploiters' agenda protects no one from censorship by either GeoCities or Tripod, who are subject to pressure from their Internet Service Provider hierarchy.

Our Exploiters are a well-organized and militant minority which more or less dominates all Aryan homelands. They want to prevent the masses from hearing anyone who expresses opposition to their agenda.

Internet with its awesome potential has been less easy than other media (publishing, public schools, religious institutions, radio and television stations and networks, etc.) for our Exploiters to control, monopolize, and censor.

If you oppose our Exploiters' agenda, no matter how you try to mince your words and conform to their guidelines, rules, etc., Tripod and GeoCities will eventually delete your files from their server. Are GeoCities and Tripod also "in our Exploiters' hands"?

Could we protect ourselves by making it illegal for an Internet Service Provider to discriminate against anyone because of his political views, in the same way that our Exploiters have wrecked Aryan civilization and institutions by having our politicians impose laws on us which punish those who discriminate against government-protected and priviledged minorities because of race, religion, national origins, etc.?

Writing is not easy for everybody. Web authors who feel devastated by the unconscionable censorship of their Homepages may conclude that the sacrifices are too great, and either give up or resort to violence. Recovering from the emotional shock caused by the deletion and disruption of ones' files, etc. may take months.

I encourage censored web authors to strengthen their commitment, resurrect their Homepages on Internet, and keep on struggling against odds that seem hopeless, even though our Exploiters have so relentlesslly and successfully waged their ethnic warfare against our race and civilization for so many millennia.

If censored web authors have copies of their files on a disk, they can repost the information on Internet at a new site.

But how can those who have enjoyed our Homepages at the old site find our new sites? If we can solve this problem, it will be more difficult for our Exploiters to stop us from using Internet to educate their victims. Could free services like www. help? Iname claims it will offer a service which can redirect traffic to your new URL.

I also invite everyone who opposes exploitation and censorship to help spread the word about our Exploiters' identity, agenda, and modus operandi, both personnally and by creating their own homepages to express their views.

Remember that your voice is but a whisper heard against the background din of our Exploiters' propaganda. The best arguments conceivable can not save many of the victims truamatized by our Exploiters' extremely effective psychological, etc. warfare and techniques.

The more eyes you open, the more commonplace understanding will become. Eventually even those who are too emotionally weak to think for themselves may dare accept views they consider too unfashionable today.

Practice may help you become more persuasive.

Please do not allow your fear of being censored to silence you, or sway you from speaking in plain and straight-forward words. Express your true feelings honestly and forthrightly in your own way and in your own langauge, as well as you can.

Then deal with the consequences and savages as well as you can.

Meanwhile, let us pray that some Internet Service Providers will be civilized and strong enough to stand up to the insanity, hatred, threats, intimidation, vendettas, violence, etc. which our Exploiters employ against us to keep the masses ignorant.

To the Index of my other files?

speech court decision
Three judge panel in Philadelphia votes 3-0 that the Communications Decency Act is not Constitutional. Follow the link to read the decision. Is Censorship a WAR against your knowing the TRUTH, and therefore really a WAR AGAINST YOU?

Please e-mail me at

That's all, folks. Farewell; Au revoir; Hasta la huego; Adeus; and Auf wieder sehen
from a mostly Aryan country boy whose ancestors have lived in Fairfield County since before SOUTH CAROLINA was a free and sovereign state (it has been the first to struggle against Imperialism to be so again) in the land of



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