Last revised on May 22, 1995
Like more and more Americans (according to Rush Limbaugh), I rarely listen to the Media-monopoly of our Exploiters, except for weather information. I encourage other Americans to do likewise. Will a more honest media result, if not buying the products of their sponsors makes it less profitable for our Exploiters to brain-poison a new generation of our children?
However, last night I made an exception and learned some useful information, like about Jesse Jackson's foray into South Carolina to make some political hay out of reported burnings of "Negro" churches (the Department of Injustice has not sued the hell out of them to make them [dis?]"integrate" like our schools have).
I am amazed how Jesse Jackson and the media accused Whites of burning Negro churches even when they had no evidence, stirring up anti-White hatred and who knows how many hate crimes. Why does the Media usually report only "hate crimes" committed by Whites against minorities, even though the vast majority of hate crime vicitms are Whites? As usual, is the Media just inciting more racial hatred against Whites and more White self-hatred? Only after Whites had already donated money to rebuild those churches did the media admit that White churches have also been burned, that Negro arsonists had been caught red handed, etc. Has the rate at which churches burn changed? Why is the Media focusing attention on this now?
Is the Media trying to stir up prejudice and hatred in the Negro population so Negroes will turn out to vote candidates of the more extreme commie-liberal wing of the DemoNcratic-publican cabal back into office in up-coming elections? I thought this maneuver evidence of the work of a very shrewd politician, and wonder if Jesse Jackson, a man savage enough to spit into his clientele's food out of racial hatred would think of such a strategy without our Exploiters' help.
For example, did you know that Stephen Wise, when head of the World Jewish Congress, and a few of his cronies founded the racist NAACP? If Media-monumentalized Martin Luther King and his uprising had occurred in Israel, would they have been described in our Exploiter's world-wide Media as terrorists? Let a Palestinian try to have a peaceful protest march, or return to his homeland in Israel and live to tell about it!
Why don't we emulate the Israelites more? Are we too civilized to stomach shooting school kids of any race, even if they had hurled rocks to protest occupation of their homeland? Is the solution to the Palestinian problem for the Israelite imperialists to get their troops and settlers out of their victims' streets and homelands (which have become racist Israel's Bantustans and labor/concentration/death camps)? Not according to "our own" alien-occupied government, which sends 6.2 billions (including loan guarantees since Israel has never repaid any ot the money our government has loaned them) of our tax dollars ever year to subsidize the nuclear armed Israelites in their jihad to reconquer the "Promised" land of our Hittite ancestors.
When I first heard of the Negro church story, I asked myself why the media is without evidence accusing the White race or racist hatred, instead of talking about money from insurance, more government support, compassionate members of my own race, etc. that will be infused into the Negro community to rebuild even better Negro churches, etc. as a result of these fires. Are our "charities" not competing with "our" governments to transfer more of our wealth into the hands of the Negro and other relatively lawless races who are replacing Aryans? (Instead of mothering Aryan children, Aryan mothers are working and paying taxes to minority run welfare-states.) Who has the most to gain from burning down Negro churches? Did our Exploiters burn these churches down, or incite others to do so?
Would Aryans be better served if a few of us were brave enough to convert even one of the churches our own ancestors sacrificed to build, into something less harmful to our cause, like a religion that did not advocate the destruction of the property and members Deuteronomy 12.2-3 and 7.5, Exodus 22.20, etc.) of other religious groups?
Should Judeo-christian organizations that teach the Bible is God's Word be held liable for criminal acts advocated by the Bible, such as the killing of homosexuals Leviticus 20.13)? Was Metzger held liable for damage caused by those alleged to have been influenced by Metzger, and a KKK organization held liable for acts of its members? Is there JUSTICE in the courts of our Exploiters? If such teachings of the Bible were not inculcated into so many Aryans from infancy, would we have even safer communities? Like dogs, no matter how gentle the breed, many Aryans can be taught by Mosaic religions, etc. to be fairly vicious, contrary to their instincts (Romans 2.14-24).
Are the adults of most races like wolves, dangerous by instinct? Although theoretically, human savages are more able than most animals to conceive of intellectual solutions (rather than the instinctive ones they enjoy), how many of them can be trained or trusted to do so? Although it is almost impossible for a civilized Aryan soul to imagine it, for a savage, robbery and murder are a lot more spiritually satisfying and fun than behaving like civilized people and building things useful to society.
Savages are perfectly adapted to living in Africa, etc. amongst their own kind, where they do civilization no harm. Unlike the Judeo-christian-muslim-marxist religion, I advocate savages be allowed to live as they like in their own homelands, rather than be imprisoned for behaving as savage as God created them, and as they have a RIGHT to be. To civilize a savage race takes as many millennia of breeding as the domestication of any animal, contrary to the teachings of the institutions that have brain-poisoned us. If down in our hearts we did not know this to be true, could Negroes rid their countries (like Liberia, Kenya, Zaire, etc.) of non-Negroes in a few weeks without protest from our Exploiters' Media monopoly, which screams bloody murder anytime a foreign or minority savage in an Aryan country like Germany or the USA gets into a fight?
Knowing how our Exploiters and their Gentile golem run and infiltrate organizations which purport to serve the interests of the majority ethnic group in America, I wonder to what extent they incite Aryans who have a healthy racial identity to do criminal acts, like arson, which are so useful to our Exploiters' propaganda (this is legally referred to as "entrapment"). In my letter below, on Respect, I also question the loyalty of "Aryan" organizations that disrespect and abuse other races.
Why are the few Negro churches that have burnt down in the last ten years suddenly receiving such media attention? Our Exploiters' media tells us nothing which does not serve their purposes. Could it be part of the war to villify the Aryan race, and to intimidate Aryans like myself who protest the government and Media's destruction and exploitation of our race, and to criminalize free speech in America?
Will the government find some KKK scapegoats to frame for these fires? Aryans can not expect their rights to be respected by our Exploiters. For example, a store which opened in South Carolina which legally sells K.K.K. memorabilia has been under such heavy attack by the media, etc. Would it be difficult to find a jury like O. J. Simpson's to convict Aryans accused of burning a Negro church?
The rule I have resolved to live by is to respect EVERYONE, especially myself, and never to make a statement, or accuse anyone or any group of anything, unless I have evidence, and believe and know it to be true. And I do not accept double standards, so I stand up for myself and my own race as much as I would for any race or person. I hope all Aryans will begin to do likewise.
That's all, folks. Farewell; Au revoir; Hasta la huego; Adeus;
and Auf wieder
from a mostly Aryan country boy whose ancestors have lived in
Fairfield County
since before SOUTH CAROLINA was a free and sovereign state
(it has been
the first to struggle against Imperialism to be so again) in the
land of