On occasion the SCCFLAG will ask to write letters advocating our position on a certain piece(s) of legislation that impacts SCCFLAG members and the Fire Service.

It is important to form a positive argument even if you are opposing the bill. Stick to your key message and don't offer irrelevent or unnecessary information.


The Honorable John/Jane Doe
Member of the Assembly/Senate
State Capitol
Sacramento, CA 95814

RE: Bill Number-Position

Dear Assembly/Senator

I am writing in support/opposition of AB bill#/SB bill#, that would (briefly describe).

(State in one to three sentences the reason(s) for your position (If you have a relevant personal experience, share it).

For this/these reason(s) I urge your AYE/No vote on AB/SB bill#. Also, your letting me know how you intend to vote on the issue would be most appreciated. Thank you for your attention to my concerns.


Your Name