East Timor

Welcome! This site is dedicated to the Maubere People, that on the 30th of August of 1999 they will have the opportunity to choose for their FREEDOM. The site is amateur. Thanks for your visit.


* What does the vote mean?

*How will be the ballot paper?

*Where we have to prick to choose Independence?


*Civil Education Materials (UNAMET)

*FALINTIL's Anthem

*More LINKS about East Timor

Please sign the Guestbook
If you have any link or sugestion about what you think that can be here, please contact me.

To contact me:


Or byICQ: #4365832

This website was created by:

Nurima Alkatiri (Maputo-Mocambique)

With the collaboration of:

Naldo Rei (Sydney-Australia)

Paulo Araujo (Melbourne-Australia)