tim hicks - 10/28/00 20:10:46
VAPD Facility or Command: brockton, mass
VAPD Facility Phone #: 508-583-4500
VAPD Rank or Position: patrolman
PREPARING FOR POLICE EXAMS - 09/28/00 14:16:52
My URL:http://www.crimjustice.com
My Email:consult@crimjustice.com
Police Department (Other than VA): IL (Ret.)
J Eckman - 06/29/00 20:30:28
VAPD Facility or Command: Pennsylvania
VAPD Rank or Position: Police Officer
Police Department (Other than VA): US Customs Service
Say Something: Great Page
As a former VA cop (9 weeks) its good to see that the VA is going to be a bigger and better police force. I currently work for the Customs Service but still have found memories of my 9 weeks at the VA
Wayne Marion - 03/20/00 08:58:24
My Email:wayne.marion@dol.net
VAPD Facility or Command: Perry Point, Maryland
VAPD Facility Phone #: 1-410-642-1000
VAPD Rank or Position: Police Officer
Greetings from the State Of Maryland. Glad to see that you are spreading the VA gospel. I'm looking for legislative contacts in reference to LEO Retirement Status. Please e-mail interested individuals. Also, please view www.yahoo.com (clubs-VA Police and
OD Police for more info).
Thanks, P/O Marion
Herb Bacheller - 03/11/00 00:00:54
My Email:sabacheller@yahoo.com
VAPD Facility or Command: VAMC , Indianapolis
VAPD Facility Phone #: (317)554--0064
VAPD Rank or Position: Patrol Officer
Say Something: Something
Your web page has obviously taken a lot of thought and work, and is a credit to your efforts. It is a fine piece of work.
Chad Vianueva - 01/22/00 23:15:08
My URL:http://members.home.net/cv1/2
My Email:cvianueva@visto.com
VAPD Facility or Command: Detroit/553
VAPD Facility Phone #: 3135763375
VAPD Rank or Position: P/O
Police Department Phone #: SAME
Say Something: NICE JOB ON THE SITE!!!
If any V.A. Police officer is interested in joining an online forum I've created, let me know by sending an e-mail to me!! I started it up on 12/1/99 and so far it's taking off like wildfire! I know there has to be some V.A. Police interested so tell anyo
e at any facility you like. Thanks in advance, Chad Vianueva #2341 DVAMC553 AND Great Job on the Website again!
John Fernung - 01/11/00 10:20:18
My Email:va_cop@hotmail.com
VAPD Facility or Command: Marion, IN
VAPD Rank or Position: Police Officer
Say Something: VA Police Since 1989
Great site. Good to see that despite budget cutbacks, threats of RIF, and an inordinate lack of respect, the VA Police are STILL proud to do their job. I know I am. Great site, keep up the good work.
Robyn Hardy - 01/04/00 16:01:20
My Email:vacopper@yahoo.com
VAPD Facility or Command: Battle Creek Michigan
VAPD Facility Phone #: 616-660-3052
VAPD Rank or Position: Detective
Steve Mack - 10/12/99 13:22:07
My URL:http://www.visto.com/j.html?g=16826888.dmlzaW9u
My Email:detgadget@visto.com
VAPD Facility or Command: New York City
VAPD Facility Phone #: (212) 686-7500 Ext. 3701
VAPD Rank or Position: P.O.
Say Something: I love my Job. Excellent design in a website, by the way.
chad - 09/21/99 19:11:47
My URL:http://members.home.net/chad-vanueva/va.html/va1.htm
My Email:cvianueva@homtail.com
VAPD Facility or Command: detroit
VAPD Facility Phone #: 3135761000
Say Something: something
nice site, good graphics, keep up the good work and above all make sure you and your partners go home each night. no protects no one uderstands cops like cops and no one protects cops like cops!!!
Leo Deschenes - 09/05/99 22:48:27
My Email:Kingneptune@juno.com
VAPD Facility or Command: Northampton, MA
VAPD Facility Phone #: 413 584 24432443
VAPD Rank or Position: Patrol Officer
Say Something: Looking good!!!
You have a very catchy web site. Keep up the good work.
Stephen White - 08/03/99 17:06:34
My Email:SGT_POPO@webtv.net
VAPD Facility or Command: Clement J. Zablocki Medical Center, Milwaukee WI
VAPD Rank or Position: Police Officer
Say Something: Homepage Fan
Wishing you the best of luck on this page. Have it bookmarked, for possible reference use. Again good luck and be safe.
Mike Myers - 07/30/99 06:09:35
My Email:VAPD1@aol.com
VAPD Facility or Command: VAMC OKC, OK
Say Something: GREAT JOB
Bravo Zulu on such a great page. I hope all VA officers will be able to communicate together in the future.
Mike Myers - 07/30/99 05:46:02
My Email:VAPD1@aol.com
VAPD Facility or Command: VAMC OKC, OK
I am glad to see such a great web sight. I hope it will promote a exchange of ideas. All officers check out the "VA POLICE REFORMS ACT" at www.grandlodgefop.org. Everyone be safe!!!!
E.H. Wilson - 06/30/99 23:53:50
My URL:http://wilsonsnews-views.com
My Email:aircop643@aol.com
Police Department (Other than VA): 105th Security Police, Stewart Air Base, NY
Police Department Phone #: 914-563-2355
Say Something: Good Web Site
As a former V.A. Police Officer at Castle Point for ten years, this site should unite all VA Police Officers throughout the U.S.
F. Fletcher - 06/08/99 19:07:28
My Email:ffletch1@yahoo.com
VAPD Facility or Command: Dallas Tx
VAPD Rank or Position: Lt
Say Something: Great Site
Really enjoy the site. Its good to see that some of the V. A. Police are trying to put the agency "on the map" Keep up the good work.
Peggy Bratt - 05/31/99 10:58:26
My Email:mild2wildntx@yahoo.com
VAPD Facility or Command: VA Police - DALLAS,TX
VAPD Facility Phone #: 214-857-0411
VAPD Rank or Position: Police Officer
Hey Frank - I like it - very nice! Let me know if there is anything I can do! I have lots of training material. You know we love training down here in DALLAS, Best of the Best!!!!!!!!!!
Tom Martel - 04/25/99 19:40:20
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi/olling
My Email:yank1234@yahoo.com
Police Department (Other than VA): Dept. of Defense Police
Police Department Phone #: (810)307-2622
Your page is coming along just fine but getting too long. Time to branch out. Please visit my pages at the above URL for some ideas. I've built pages for almost every member of my family. If there's anything I can do to help just let me know. Will be
more than glad to help.
Stay Safe brother, Tom
Tom Martel - 04/25/99 19:10:51
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi/olling
My Email:yank1234@yahoo.com
Police Department (Other than VA): Dept. of Defense Police
Police Department Phone #: (810)307-2622
Your page is coming along just fine but getting too long. Time to branch out. Please visit my pages at the above URL for some ideas. I've built pages for almost every member of my family. If there's anything I can do to help just let me know. Will be
more than glad to help.
Stay Safe brother, Tom
James Aldridge - 04/04/99 04:56:32
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/vapoloceassociation
My Email:vap3019@yahoo.com
VAPD Facility or Command: Orlando VA Police
VAPD Facility Phone #: 1-800-922-7521 X1016
VAPD Rank or Position: Physical Security/Training
Indy VA Police - 03/03/99 16:21:23
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/IndyVAPolice/IndyVAPolice.html
Sorry, correction has been made.
DVA-Indianapolis - 02/23/99 22:02:15
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/IndyVAPolice/IndyVApolice.html
Indy VA Police now has a web site
Steve Mack - 02/21/99 22:01:50
My Email:Detgadget@worldnet.att.net
VAPD Facility or Command: New York, NY VA
VAPD Facility Phone #: (212) 686-7500, Ext. 3701
VAPD Rank or Position: Police Officer
Say Something: Impressive beginning
RAY DIXON - 02/20/99 17:46:22
VAPD Facility or Command: OKC,OK
Give it up, they don't care how many of us die
Scott Sheldon - 01/29/99 04:33:06
My URL:http://www.oregon-fop.org
My Email:scott.sheldon@gsa.gov
VAPD Facility or Command: formerly: Portland, OR
VAPD Facility Phone #: 503-220-5189
VAPD Rank or Position: Police Officer
Police Department (Other than VA): U.S. Federal Protective Service
Police Department Phone #: 503-326-7258
Say Something: Keep at it, we will eventually win, or die trying!
I served with the DVA Police for 2years 1month and 12 days. I recognise a lot of the names in this book. For those of you who remember me... HI! For those of you who don't... I'm the guy who started the electronic fight with the Email war and the DVA P
lice Officers Assoc... Well... We did try! Check on the LEO -- 6(c) retirement issues. best poc Richmond VA, VA and Officer Brooks in Dublin, GA.. Keep up the fight!
Darlene Hurley - 01/19/99 00:09:40
My Email:dhurley@tfs.net
VAPD Facility or Command: Leavenworth, KS
VAPD Facility Phone #: 913-758-4144
VAPD Rank or Position: Officer
You have presented some really nice pages. Thanks for Helping to get the VA Police represented.
Darlene Hurley - 01/18/99 23:47:52
My Email:dhurley@tfs.net
VAPD Facility or Command: Leavenworth, KS
VAPD Facility Phone #: 913-758-4144
VAPD Rank or Position: Officer
You have presented some really nice pages. Thanks for Helping to get the VA Police represented.
Michael Wolley - 01/07/99 15:30:07
VAPD Facility or Command: Indianapolis, IN.
VAPD Facility Phone #: (317)554-0063
VAPD Rank or Position: Patrolman
Say Something: Fair, firm & consistant
Iron fist and a velvet glove equals quiet strength.
Herb L. Bacheller - 12/24/98 18:58:16
My Email:MOKPO@aol.com
VAPD Facility or Command: Indianapolis, IN
VAPD Facility Phone #: 317 554-0063
VAPD Rank or Position: Officer
Say Something: Comment
At last, we have a web page, and soon we will be armed. With the new training facility at Little Rock, we will enter the new millennium as a full fledged, professional police force, second to none. We should be proud of the great strides we have made fr
m a security force in 1971, to what we are today, and look forward to a better future.
Rex Timmons - 12/24/98 18:22:41
My Email:rkcatim@indy.net
VAPD Facility or Command: VAMC Indianapolis
VAPD Facility Phone #: (317)554-0063
VAPD Rank or Position: Sergeant
Say Something: Great job with the web site.
Rex Timmons - 12/24/98 18:21:36
My Email:rkcatim@indy.net
VAPD Facility or Command: VAMC Indianapolis
Michael Giannetti - 12/20/98 02:43:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/4990/
My Email:michaelbos@aol.com
VAPD Facility or Command: Boston
Hi Frank, Just checking in seeing if the page was updated. Hope we are getting the message out there to our fellow officers, all 2100+ of them.
The very busy VA Police, Boston
Robert W. Porter - 12/08/98 15:26:20
My Email:Cop26@aol.com
VAPD Facility or Command: Montrose
VAPD Facility Phone #: 914-739-0195
VAPD Rank or Position: Police Officer
Say Something: This page looks really impresive!
Hey there Frank I really enjoyed looking through your web page. I really give you alot of credit. I hope in the future it becomes the site for the entire VA Police agency.
See Ya
Jim Harrison - 12/04/98 04:16:31
My Email:jlh@indy.net
VAPD Facility or Command: (583) Indianapolis, IN.
VAPD Facility Phone #: (317) 554-0063
VAPD Rank or Position: Police Supervisor, Sgt.
Say Something: Nice Job!!
The continue advancement of the Internet has now brought the Department of Veterans Affairs Police closer together as a unit. Working together as a team.
PAUL SCARAMUZZINO - 11/27/98 23:55:17
VAPD Facility or Command: SYRACUSE VAPD
VAPD Facility Phone #: 315-477-4552
PAUL SCARAMUZZINO - 11/27/98 23:47:02
VAPD Facility or Command: SYRACUSE VAPD
VAPD Facility Phone #: 315-477-4552
Criminal Justice Consultants - 09/08/98 17:22:35
My URL:http://www.crimjustice.com
My Email:consult@crimjustice.com
VAPD Facility or Command: n/a
VAPD Facility Phone #: n/a
VAPD Rank or Position: n/a
Police Department (Other than VA): State of Illinois (Ret.)
Police Department Phone #: n/a
You have a very interesting page. We hope that you will visit our page, "PREPARING FOR POLICE EXAMS"
at http://www.crimjustice.com
Bill Hanley - 08/25/98 18:47:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~billyh
My Email:bhanley@partners.org
Police Department (Other than VA): Waltham (MA) Aux. PD
Say Something: Hopeful
I recently applied for a Police Officer position within the Massachusetts US Health System. I am hoping for a good opportunity. Informative site. If anyone has any tips I would appreciate them. I work in information systems for a hospital in Boston, but w
nt to be a cop.
W. Scott - 07/08/98 12:27:02
My URL:http://www.crimjustice.com
My Email:consult@crimjustice.com
VAPD Rank or Position: Sheriff (Ret.)
Nice website, well designed and most informative.
James P. Ward - 06/25/98 02:15:59
My Email:JPW1068@aol.com
VAPD Facility or Command: VAMC Northport, NY
VAPD Facility Phone #: 516-261-4400 ext.5510
VAPD Rank or Position: Police Officer
Say Something: Outstanding!
Excellent website! I look forward to its completion. Keep up the great work! Let me know if I can be of any assistance.
James Porter - 06/24/98 06:57:46
My Email:GLFNUT18@aol.com
VAPD Facility or Command: VA DOMICILIARY
VAPD Facility Phone #: 541-826-2111 E-3484
VAPD Rank or Position: SGT
GODFREY, Chris - 06/03/98 19:07:18
VAPD Facility or Command: VAMC LAS VEGAS
VAPD Facility Phone #: 702-636-3049
VAPD Rank or Position: CHIEF
Very impressive, and a nice page too!
Robert, (Bob) White - 05/26/98 16:42:37
My Email:bobnrobn@cpros.com
VAPD Facility or Command: White City Oegon
VAPD Facility Phone #: 541-826-2111 Ex. 3363
VAPD Rank or Position: Police Officer
Police Department (Other than VA): Redlands PD (Retired)
Say Something: Hello To All
Excelent Web Site. It's about time that we as VA Police had someplace to exchange information and views. Thanks.
PS: Prior to the move to Oregon I was Detective at the Loma Linda VAMC #605
David Mulhollen - 05/24/98 18:36:00
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/vacop
My Email:pacop007@aol.com
Police Department (Other than VA): DOD Police Indiantown Gap PA
Police Department Phone #: 717 861 2727
Say Something: just surfed in.
Hi, as you can see I currently work as a Fed Police officer at Fort Indiantown Gap, Pa. I was just hired at the VA in Lebanon, Pa and cann't wait to get started!! I'm glad to see your webpage.. You don't see many for the VA.? I also am starting a page a
d plan on starting one for my Dept.. www.angelfire.com/pa/vacop ...visit if you have time...great job so far..
Jim Lampman - 05/21/98 19:02:41
My URL:http://www.pe.net/~xsealtm/
My Email:xsealtm@pe.net
VAPD Facility or Command: #605 Loma Linda, CA
VAPD Facility Phone #: 909-8257084
VAPD Rank or Position: Patrol Officer
Police Department (Other than VA): #664 San Diego, CA
Police Department Phone #: same
Your website is good...Lets stay in touch..We are hoping to put a Unoffical VA POLICE webpage for Loma Linda on the internet in the future. Please pass on any violence at VA'S/Criminal Activity that is interesting... we like to know what happens at diffe
ent facilities.. Jim
Bill Chandler - 05/18/98 18:13:29
My Email:ranger209@juno.com
VAPD Facility or Command: Memphis, TN
VAPD Facility Phone #: 901-523-8990 ext 5901
VAPD Rank or Position: Training Officer
I'm glad to see someone doing all this. I'm still working on another BBS for everyone to use but it has been slow going because of hardware problems. I tried sending a wallpaper to you but I'm not so sure it got there. Let me know if you got the police
badge via E-mail. Thanks...
Bruce D. Gentile - 04/22/98 20:39:29
My Email:Genbru@mail.va.gov
VAPD Facility or Command: Security Office, VACO
VAPD Facility Phone #: 202.273.5555
VAPD Rank or Position: Security Officer
Say Something: Great job. Will help to promote unity, something we need.
Robert T. Evans - 04/22/98 15:02:03
My Email:Robert.Evans@mail.va.gov
VAPD Facility or Command: VACO, Security & Law Enforcement
VAPD Facility Phone #: 202-273-6018
VAPD Rank or Position: Inspector/Criminal Investigator
Say Something: Job Well Done with the Website
You have done a excellant job with setting up the VA Police Website. If I can be of any assistance feel free to call me anytime at 202-273-6018.
CU later
Ernie Wilson - 04/17/98 01:09:27
My Email:AirCop643@aol.com
Police Department (Other than VA): Stewart ANG Base Securit y Forces Sq.
Say Something: At last there is a DVA Police page. I'm a former VA Police Officer from Castle Point VAMC. From 1975-1985.
Sheriff W. Scott, (Ret.) - 04/08/98 12:52:47
My URL:http://www.crimjustice.com
My Email:consult@crimjustice.com
VAPD Facility or Command: N/A
VAPD Facility Phone #: N/A
VAPD Rank or Position: N/A
Say Something: See below
Nice page! I retired in 1996 after 39 years in law enforcement and corrections. I keep busy now doing
criminal justice consulting work, career counseling and other consulting assignments. I
just completed the second edition of "Preparing For Police Exams". You may want to bookmark my page for future reference. Again, you have a nice page. STAY SAFE!
Ken Buatala - 04/07/98 16:29:20
My Email:kbuatala@mcione.com
VAPD Facility or Command: Fargo North Dakota
VAPD Facility Phone #: 701-232-3241
VAPD Rank or Position: Police Officer
Nice to see a site like this. Thanks.
nana(Sharron) - 04/04/98 20:58:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/9778
My Email:srm@myriad.net
you are really coming along... very informative:)
Greg Hedrick - 04/02/98 03:58:58
VAPD Facility or Command: Fayetteville,Ar.
VAPD Facility Phone #: (501)-443-4301ext.5163
VAPD Rank or Position: Police Officer
Say Something: Professionalism Gains Respect
This is a great tool for communication for those officers that choose to be heard.Stay safe out there.NO MORE NAMES ON THE WALL!
Greg Hedrick - 04/02/98 03:42:36
Robert M. Vandenberg - 03/20/98 23:49:21
My Email:kafq56a@prodigy.com
VAPD Facility or Command: Loma Linda California
VAPD Facility Phone #: 909-825-7084 Ext.2137
VAPD Rank or Position: Police Officer
Say Something: Hey! Fellow Officers
Im real glad to see that the VA Police has a Home page.......Its about time.
If I can be any help please give me a call.
Bob Vandenberg (Adpac&PC Coordiator)
VA Medicla Center
Loma Linda, California. 92354
Michael Giannetti - 03/15/98 02:07:47
My URL:/CapitolHill/8060/pbahomepage.html
My Email:michaelbos@aol.com
VAPD Facility or Command: Boston
VAPD Facility Phone #: (617)232-9500 ex5291
VAPD Rank or Position: patrolman
Ok folks, lets pass the word around for this page. Thier is over 2000 VA Police officers out there. Let's start hearing from a few more. It's about time we unite, strenght in numbers and so forth.
Michael Giannetti, President PBA of Massachusetts.
- 03/10/98 23:44:01
Dennis Burton - 03/07/98 22:10:36
VAPD Facility or Command: Fayetteville, Ark. VAMC
VAPD Facility Phone #: 501-443-4301 ext. 5163
VAPD Rank or Position: P.O.
Police Department (Other than VA): Benton County S.O.
Say Something: It's a start
Great idea, good start. I hope to see this become a PROFESSIONAL networking of information and resources.
Robin Shue - 03/03/98 03:46:24
My Email:rascal@salisbury.net
Police Department (Other than VA): Spencer NC
Police Department Phone #: 704-633-3574
Say Something: Great page
Got address off officer.com. Keep up the good work. I'm new to this stuff and if I could figure out how to bookmark your page, I would come back. I'll try to remember it, though.
Stay safe ...
Mark Mortensen - 02/26/98 17:05:27
My Email:stuartp@desm.uswest.net
Police Department (Other than VA): Stuart Police Department
Police Department Phone #: 515-523-2798
Fred l. Brittain - 02/24/98 17:09:51
VAPD Facility or Command: lLake City
VAPD Facility Phone #: 904-755-3016
VAPD Rank or Position: officer
Fred l. Brittain - 02/24/98 17:08:03
Edward J. McDonald - 02/24/98 05:00:02
My Email:ejm1@gte.net
VAPD Facility or Command: Lexington, Ky
VAPD Facility Phone #: 606-255-6409
VAPD Rank or Position: Patrolman
Say Something: The protection of life is a Sacred and Honnored Trust
Edward J. McDonald - 02/24/98 04:55:42
My Email:ejm1@gte.net
VAPD Facility or Command: Lexington, Ky
VAPD Facility Phone #: 606-255-6409
VAPD Rank or Position: Patrolman GS-6
Say Something: The Protection of Life is a Sacred and Honnored Trust
I have 18yrs of Law Enforcement experience with a Degree in Police Science. I have only been with the V. A. Police since Sep. 1997. Prior to that I was with the Georgetown Police for ten years. I first stated in Law Enforcement as an M.P. in the U.S. Army
I am currently a certified Police Officer for the State of Kentucky and I am trying to instill in our Dept. the need for all V.A. Officers to attend the state academy where they work. This would go a long way in fostering good relations with the local au
Gary A. Sorrells - 02/19/98 01:41:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/8060
My Email:pacernc@geocities.com
Say Something: Retired
Frank. Nice page. I heard about it from Mike Giannetti. I am web master for the PBA of Mass. page. Drop in for a visit.
P.D. Price - 02/14/98 02:28:44
My Email:Mercpoet1@aol.com
VAPD Facility or Command: VA Lexington,KY
VAPD Facility Phone #: (606) 233-4511 x4444
VAPD Rank or Position: Police Officer
Say Something: Awesome, baby!!!
I absolutely love it!!!! Keep up the good work!
Tom Secoy - 02/12/98 00:35:44
My Email:tomlouky@prodigy.net
VAPD Facility or Command: (603) Louisville, KY
VAPD Facility Phone #: (502)894-6955
VAPD Rank or Position: Chief
Yeah!!!!!! It's about time we caught up with the Internet!!!!
Clifford Barnes - 02/10/98 07:38:41
My Email:crbarnes@ix.netcom.com
VAPD Facility or Command: West Los Angeles
VAPD Facility Phone #: (310) 268-4524
VAPD Rank or Position: Police Officer #2830
Michael Giannetti - 02/08/98 21:10:26
My URL:/CapitolHill/8060/pbahomepage.html
My Email:Michaelbos@aol.com
VAPD Facility or Command: VA Police, Boston
VAPD Facility Phone #: (617)232-9500 Ex 5291
VAPD Rank or Position: Patrolman
This looks like this is going to be a nice professional page for the VA Police.
Michael Giannetti
President, PBA of Mass
Michael Giannetti - 02/08/98 21:08:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/8060/pbahomepage.html
My Email:Michaelbos@aol.com
VAPD Facility or Command: VA Police, Boston
VAPD Facility Phone #: (617)232-9500 Ex 5291
VAPD Rank or Position: Pareolman
This looks like this is going to be a nice professional page for the VA Police.
Michael Giannetti
President, PBA of Mass
Bob Jones - 02/02/98 20:15:04
My Email:bpolice@hotmail.com
VAPD Facility or Command: VA Hudson Valley
VAPD Facility Phone #: 914 737-0195
VAPD Rank or Position: Chief
Looks good.
George Godwin - 01/29/98 00:17:32
My Email:goody6@ix.netcom.com
VAPD Facility or Command: VA Hudson Valley NY
VAPD Facility Phone #: FTS 887-2459
VAPD Rank or Position: Operations Officer
Kevin F. Doyle - 01/27/98 15:51:21
My Email:Kevin.Doyle@mail,va.gov
VAPD Facility or Command: Office of Security & Law Enforcement
VAPD Facility Phone #: (202) 273-6019
VAPD Rank or Position: Inspector