This page is dedicated to all of the men and women serving as Police Officers, Supervisors, Management and special units within the
Department of Veterans Affairs Police Services.
Please bear in mind that this page is currently under VERY HEAVY CONSTRUCTION, and, is nowhere near completion.
I have a number of aspirations for this website, and, hope that eventually it will receive approval as the nationwide site for our agency.
I would like to see specialized pages, perhaps a memorial page to our fallen, links to other agencies and departments, a newsfeed of current events from the various commands with assistance from contributing writers, and a guest column from both within and outside the agency. This site could easily foster the growth of community spirit and esprit de corps throughout the agency, and, further the professional appearance of the DVA Police.
Please bear in mind that this site is currently VERY unofficial, and, a work in progress. I look forward to hearing from any and all interested in the site, and, am very willing to accept suggestions and/or criticisms that will help the site to develop.
Thanks for stopping by, please show up again.
Please Note: Castle Point and Montrose are featured first as they are, literally, our homesite. After the site stabilizes I will invite other facilities to post pages relating to their operations here. Please be patient, this can't happen overnight, and, I am currently doing most of this (actually all at the moment) on my own time at home.
There will definitely be a K-9 section soon. Also a section for Investigations, another for Training and Education, another for Computers, DHCP and the PD, and others as they become available or known to me.
Obviously, a section to our fallen. Will open as soon as I have more pertinent info on the officers, their families, and the circumstances under which they gave their lives for others. I salute them all, each and everyone of them, along with all officers slain in the line of duty within the United States. They are the true Heroes of our times.
A section detailing the current events within the DVA Police.
01/20/98 : Opened Site......looking for some early volunteers to help out, especially anyone decent or better in HTML, graphics, content writers, etc. Site is so new that most links are currently non-functional and, improvements to page style likely. But, at least it's coming together.
01/21/98 : Well, fixed the logo at the top of the page, though I doubt anyone besides myself and my Lieutenant have seen it.Also fixed the hyperlink to the Purpose section. What's next??? The page is getting tooooo long. Time to start new pages and inserting links to them. Need a NEWS page first I think. Oh yeah, Greetings go out to the aforementioned supervisor, Lt.George Godwin, Operations Officer for both Montrose and Castle Point VAMC's Hey Lt..... : ) That gives me an idea for another page too....maybe on the lines of an operational chart. Well....bye for now, time to set some of this stuff up. More updates coming.
01/24/98 : Not much new...I need CONTENT. Anyway, setting up some links within the site for soon-to-be articles, including a news feed, etc. I also need a way to get news within the department, pertaining to Police and Law Enforcement. But, I expect to get a lot done this week. Hey, and a big SHOUT out to my steady partner, P.O. RONALD O'DELL. With Ron around, I never have to worry about watching my back. Cya in a few hours there bud.
01/25/98 : Added a Guestbook (ROLLCALL,) and a page counter. Gee, would be great if the counter started to advance, oh well....must start to get some links in here. Speaking of links, fixed a couple of broken ones. Also added a better logo type graphic for the Montrose and Castle Point page. Need the content for the Castle Point page, time ta ask the Lt. his ideas for that. K-9 page will be up soon, as soon as I can get some info from the K-9 officer, Det. GARY ORMAN. Hey Gary.....your name is now in lights. Have a good one. While I am saying hi to the world, can't forget a big hello and extend a warm greeting to our Chief of Police, ROBERT JONES. I have known the Chief for almost 10 years, he hired me at the Manhatten VAMC in '88, and it's been great working for such a cool supervisor again. Hi Bob (whoops, I bet I get in trouble again too..heheheh.) ; - ) ............. Same Date : Updated all pages, added pages for K-9, Investigations, and a Memorial page. Most pages have little or no content beyond functional links and some spiffy logo's (at least I think they are spiffy...sheesh, what a lame word.) Anyway, site is progressing nicely, it should be completed around the Millenium or thereabouts. This is a LOT more work than I bargained for, but, I think/hope/pray it is worth it in the end. Even if the site fails, I promise I will leave the memorial section up permanently, but, I also have NO intentions of letting the site fail. Adios' Amigos.....
01/28/98 : Slightly updated main page and corrected a few errors on the site. Am holding off adding any further information while collecting content information for the various sections. Should be adding more graphics later today for some new sections, and, am working on adding multiple links to outside agencies, etc. Thanks to everyone who may have stopped by so far.
02/01/98 : Some much needed additions and updating done. Added a Newsfeed page, slightly changed the Memorial page, and updated the Castle Point/Montrose page. Have been very busy, but, would like to expand the site further. Also contacted an agency Webmaster on some legality issues. More to follow, please stay tuned. Also this date. Updated the site further, adding commentary to various pages. Am now seriously looking for some contributing writers. All information will be considered, but, I would like to get some permanent authors, and, flesh out the sections first with material from these individuals. After that, I would like to add material from guest writers, both within and out the agency. Basically, I need some reporters, especially for the Newsfeed, Investigation, and K9 sections. Again, stay tuned, much more to follow.
02/03/98 : IMPORTANT INFORMATION: My email for here has changed, for the time being at least, to Please send your mail to this address until further notice. Thanks.
02/06/98 : Great News.....this site has now been officially approved by the POLICE OFFICERS INTERNET DIRECTORY. That site is about the best all around site I have found so far for Police related interests. It has a LOT of information, and, countless links to other pages and agencies. The link above will take you there......In other news, the K-9 Section should have some info very shortly, and the Training and Computer sections will also be up today. Also look for an Operational Chart of the VA Hudson Valley VAPD. Besides all of that, I hope to receive some news shortly to start the Newsfeed section up. I have a number of promises from various individuals, and I am sure that they will come through. Thanks. BTW........STAY SAFE OUT THERE!!!
02/13/98 : Ok, No updates recently, and for that I apologize to my small but growing number of viewers. It's 0023 hrs. in upstate NY and I just wanted to publicly thank all of you that have written in support. After a few hours of sleep, I will be working on the page as much as possible today. The aforementioned K-9 Corner will see it's first installment, courtesy of some GREAT information provided by our K-9 Sergeant, Gary Orman. And, that organizational chart will be up also. I REALLY need some news for the Newsfeed area.....remember, this is OUR area to share information on whats going on where in the system, and, I can't put up anything unless someone starts to donate the material. Nothing will be left out, as long as it is in good taste and it is not anti-departmental. So please start to email some stuff to post....big or small, important or just some good news for all our officers and supervisors to share. People that have access to the 'net, once some news comes up, you could copy it to your system, print it, and share it with your fellow officers. This site opens all kinds of potential for the department to come together in a positive and professional way. Please help. Thanks and as always, Stay Safe Out There!!
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Please SEND ME MAIL telling me what you think about this page and how I might improve it.
Sign-Up for ROLL CALL
by TopCop
Police Officer Frank Stampar