Dads: An Endangered Species?

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Carl and Casey

Custody Reform

Harry S. Truman: I always remember an epitaph which is in the cemetery at Tombstone, Arizona. "Here lies Jack Williams. He done his damnedest." I think that is the greatest epitaph a man can have.

Thanks for stopping in. The purpose of this site is to bring awareness to the prevailing problems of parental kidnapping and the devasting effects it has on the left behind parent and their children. We will also take a look at false allegations of child abuse and the very inept system that is sworn to protect our children but doesn't.

YES, Family Violence is real and it's epidemic in this transit society of ours today, and people who are guilty of this should be punished to the fullest extent of the law--but what about the men/women who use it as a tool to sever a parent/child relationship? What if it never happenned? What about a person who concocts accusations of abuse, both against herself and her very own children in order to sever this parent/child relationship--should they be held accountable for his/her actions? Who protects the innocent?

My Younguns

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Daddy vs Kentucky

Patricia Fields parentally abducted our children on Fathers Day 1996 and fled to her home state of Kentucky after residing in Georgia for 13 years. Once in the Commonwealth of Kentucky she preceded to concoct a scheme of abuse along with her sister Tina Snodgrass in order to gain an upper hand in a custody dispute. Patricia recruited a list of conspirators in Kentucky which continues to this date. Patricia has carried our oldest son to over 30 different doctors, therapists, social workers, child psychologists in a thinly veiled attempt to portray their Father as a child abuser. Any person who would subject her own children to this knowing her allegations are false is in the very least emotionally abusing her children. All of her allegations have been proved false in a court of law and she has also pled guilty to perjury for taking out a domestic violence petition against the father of her children. Even though there are laws in affect in Kentucky for false allegations of abuse, emotional abuse, conspiracy, slander, material false statement, and witness tampering, I was advised by the States Attorney (Greg Seelig, Butler County) not to pursue charges against the persons that are guilty of these crimes. His reasoning was Judge Ronnie Dortch was critical of my bringing perjury charges against Patricia Fields. This is a total miscarriage of justice. Laws have been broken and the very people sworn to uphold the law has turned a blind eye however this will not go away until my children are returned to the only safe haven they have ever known and the persons resposible are held accountable for their actions.

Before I married Patricia in 1993 she was married to John Flener also from Butler County, Kentucky. Patricia was instrumental in having John sent to prison for crimes resulting from satanic worshipping. Patricia had me totally convinced that she knew nothing of John's involvement with satanic worshipping. However after she parentally kidnapped our children to Kentucky she left a paper trail a mile wide from Georgia to Kentucky which shows she was in fact the one that got John involved with the cult. To read about the Satanic Slasher of Camden County, Georgia click on the link.

Satanic Slasher December 23, 1992

Satanic Slasher April 28, 1993

Satanic Slasher April 28, 1993

To see the harmful effects that false allegations has on a parent and his children, please read my Victims Impact Statement.

Victims Impact Statement


In divorce cases, allegations of abuse can come up in a variety of ways. For some women--and studies have shown that nearly 95% of the accusers are women--making an accusation of child abuse is the perfect weapon. "It's simple fast, and guaranteed to achieve the desired result," says Anne P. Mitchell, a defense attorney in San Jose, California. "In one fell swoop, she can get her husband completely out of her and the children's lives, and assure herself complete custodial control. And in one fell swoop, she can completely destroy the man's life, and any semblance of a normal relationship between him and his children."

Several studies have shown that women who deliberately make false allegations are obsessed with hurting their husbands as much as possible. They'll frequently coach their children into making statements against the father, and will shop around until they find a therapist, a doctor, or some other professional who will support their claims.

The Epidemic of False Allegations of Child Abuse

Please read my letter to the Morgantown, Kentucky newspaper regarding the Cabinet of Families and Children's failure to properly investigate complaints of child abuse and neglect.

Butler County Green River Republican Banner




A 19-year-old Jacksonville woman charged with filing a false rape report against a Jacksonville Jaguars player.


F.O.R.C.E. (Fathers On Rights of Custody Equality) is a statewide, non-profit organization composed of grandparents, mothers, fathers, second wives, and extended family members committed to helping children through difficult times and TO ENDING DISCRIMINATION AGAINST FATHERS (AND CHILDREN)IN FAMILY LAW IN KENTUCKY. Before the legislative session that met in 2000, Kentucky Governor Paul Patton formed a Task Force on Parenting and Custody. I was asked by a fellow member of F.O.R.C.E. to write the Task Force addressing my concerns.

Patricia filed an emergency protective order under false pretenses (and was later indicted for perjury by the Kentucky Grand Jury, to which she entered a "guilty" plea and is currently serving one year probation.) This falsely filed EPO was instrumental in denying me any contact with my two sons for nearly a year. This is precious time that neither I nor my children can be compensated for.


Letter to The Task Force on Parenting and Custody

F.O.R.C.E. Case Study

My friends at F.O.R.C.E. of Kentucky has just set up another web site. On June 17, 2000 there will be a Fathers Day Rally at the Justice Center in Bowling Green, KY at 1:00 PM CST. The following day, June 18, 2000 there will be a Fathers Day Walk in Glasgow, KY at 1:00 PM CST. Please contact Jeff Bailey at (270)746-6725 or Gary Ferguson at (270)563-6004 for more information.

F.O.R.C.E. Kentucky

On April 27, 2000, Dennis Caron-- a long-time member of PACE--was jailed by Judge William Chinnock for criminal contempt for non- payment of child support. Three things make this an unusual story. First, Dennis had, in fact, paid all the child support that was due. Second, Dennis's ex-wife had withdrawn her motion seeking a contempt finding. Third, the child is not Dennis's biological child. To find out more about the injustices bestowed upon Dennis Caron visit the Free Dennis Caron link.


George Allen: "People of mediocre ability achieve outstanding success because they don't know when to quit. Most men succeed because they are determined to."


Elian has certainly prompted media to cover the tragedy of Ameican parents nationwide in an effort to expose the horror of international child abduction, but the media seems to be using Hague cases to compare to Elian.

It is not surprising that no government agency would dare refer media to a parent who's child has been abducted to a non-Hauge country even though Cuba is not a Hague signatory country..but then again, Elian's is not a custody fight..yet.

What we have seen in the media are parents who have children abducted to Hague countries. It appears that those parents with children in non-Hague countries are not only being locked out of main stream media coverage, but they do not have people like Bill Clinton, Madam Secretary and others adovcating for them. They go univited to Congressional hearings. Are children taken to non-Hague countries expendable? Are those parents less deserving of media coverage? While some may think that a child taken to a non-Hague counry has little chance to return...the facts could not be further from the truth.


The only Sense of the Senate resolution calling for the return of a single American child (SR293) was for Nadia Dabbagh, abducted to Syria and Saudi Arabia.


An International Kidnapping warrant was issued for the arrest of Nadia's kidnapper.


Syria issued a warrant for the arrest of Nadia's Kidnapper, a Syrian national.


Nadia's mom won custody of Nadia in the Islamic courts in Syria...quite a feat for an American Christian woman.


Voice of America had broadcasted international fugitive alerts in Arabic in Middle East countries in Nadia's case.


When all is said and done..Bill Clinton did not make any public comments on Nadia, nor did he recognize SR293 in his recent talks with Syrian President Assad.


Madam Albright never called Nadia's mom to offer her assistance.


The American public never rallied behind Nadia like the Cuban community rallies around Elian.

In short...why do some parents get attention in their cases and others are completely ignored? My case worker at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Leila Ben Debba, has not called me since last year! The answer is simple. Those parents that keep their mouths shut, do not criticize, make waves or in any way challenge the power mongers are not hurt. If you are worth a million or two, then you get on TV, magazine covers and are the chosen benificiaries of such assistance. It has nothing to do with the validity of your case. It is politics pure and simple. "No money, no honey".

Maureen Dabbagh

PS. If all those lawyers and people working on Elian's case really gives a hoot about children's rights and welfare, perhaps they would like our telephone number!

P.A.R.E.N.T. Candlelight Vigil 2000


Maureen Dabbagh

Nadia Dabbagh

Ribbons of Hope Campaign

Readers Digest

America's Stolen Children

Commando's, Radio's, God Knows!

P.A.R.E.N.T. Banner
To Put This Banner On Your site click here

Child Protective Services

Georgia's Forgotten Children

Ky. Social Services In Poor Shape

Ky. Abuse-Guardian System Draws Fire

In September of 1998 Mr Dad walked from Boston, Massachusetts to Washington, DC. He did this 500 mile walk to bring attention to an issue he and I believe needs the nations attention. Mr Dad nor I will not run, we have nothing to hide, nor will we be bullied by this horrible system. Mr Dad, I salute you.


Family Advocates

CPS Watch

The American Family Advocacy Center

The purpose of this site is to protect the innocent by hindering the ability of feministic predators from using the court system to repeatedly victimize the unsuspecting. You will find Patricia listed here.

Register of False Accusers

Submitting an open records law request is not difficult. A complete, well-written request may help you avoid delays and further correspondence with a government agency.

The form below is designed to help you create a simple letter. It asks you for all pertinent information and guides you through the options available.

You should use this letter generator to request access to records held by a state or local government agency or body (e.g., public school district, public university campus police, state board of health, etc.).

Student Press Law Center

(FERPA) sets out requirements designed to protect the privacy of parents and students. In brief, the law requires a school district to:

1.Provide a parent* access to their child's educational records.

2.Provide a parent* an opportunity to seek correction of records he/she believes to be inaccurate or misleading.

3.With some exceptions, obtain the written permission of a parent* before disclosing information contained in the student's educational record.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974

The Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) is the systematic denigration by one parent by the other with the intent of alienating the child against the other parent. The purpose of the alienation is usually to gain or retain custody without the involvement of the father. The alienation usually extends to the father's family and friends as well.


Children from fatherless homes account for:

63% of youth suicides. (Source: US Dept. of Health & Human Services, Bureau of the Census).

71% of pregnant teenagers. (Source: US Dept. of Health & Human Services)

90% of all homeless and runaway children.

70% of juveniles in state-operated institutions come from fatherless homes. (Source: U.S. Dept. of Justice, Special Report, Sept 1988)

85% of all children that exhibit behavioral disorders. (Source: Center for Disease Control).

Statistics on a Fatherless America

"I personally believe we were put here to build and not to destroy. So if by chance some day you're not feeling well and you should remember some silly little thing I've said or done and it brings back a smile to your face or a chuckle to your heart - then my purpose as your clown has been fulfilled. Goodnight and may God bless."

Red Skelton

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Boo with the Kentucky HeadHunters on Labor Day 2000

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