A thought sparked in my head It grew into an ideaAnd became this "Change Today?" I started this page almost 6 months ago but I still feel that my true intentions are still not clear. First of all, some things that this page is NOT-1.an anarchy page-being that I'm not "Up the system and down with establishments" although I do accept some anarchist views. Actually a lot. 2.a "think the way i think or perish" page-I'm expressing my views, and you're welcome to express yours. 3. An offensive as I can be page-I don't sit around thinking of the most offensive things I can come up with. I just express my views which to some are extremely offensiveWhen I concieved the idea of this page, it was something more along the lines where people can come and be informed of the world around them and be exposed to new points of views. But where they could also argue for what they believe in you. Somewhat like a free forum. I didn't intend it to be a "pretty page" with tons of cool graphics and no content.
I created this to provide you with information, a way to make some diffeneces in your life or others. Not to show off neat graphics and try to be smart. Nowhere in here do I claim to be a smart person. I believe I do have a good amount of knowledge that allows me to make good judgements of the world around me. And I would like to share them with others. And I would like others to share their knowledge with me. I want to help people take action in their lifes and help them fight laws and bills that want to restrict our rights.
One of my main goals with this page is to fight censorship. And that's why I also have this rule incorporated in my page which is, "You submit it, I print it". True I don't print the actual document but I do publish it in it's entireity reguardless of content. Although there may be some content I just won't accept (i.e.-Building your back to school outfit).
I would like one thing to be known though and that is that I am not an anarchist. I believe that America is in the shitter and that there are things that can be fixed. But if they won't be fixed then I also believe extreme measures for extreme situations, hence overthrow the government which refuses to repair itself and go to anarchy.
With this page I hope to inspire others to make some change no matter how small and if I can do that, then I surely have suceeded.NOW if you are someone who is just going to go into my page, look at the graphics and not even bother to read an essay, use the links, look at any of the other things I produce, basically use the page, THEN FUCK OFF. I do not want you to sign my guestbook. I do not want you to fill out my survey. Just leave. If you will not even bother to look at anything besides the actual graphics(i.e.-backgrounds, banners, etc.) then don't bother with anything else. I'd rather have 1 signature from somebody who has gone through the page and is giving me any kind of real feed back then a hundred people saying "wow, neat page" who haven't even glanced into one branch of the page. Now go and enjoy it. If you even look at one essay, visit one link, download one sound, look at one art pic, then feel free to fill out the survey and my guestbook. Elsewise, FUCK OFF
note-if you really want to sign the damned guestbook and view the page later, then do so but don't bother with the survey till you have read the page.