Texas Court of Criminal Appeals

P.O. Box 12308

Austin, Texas 78711

(512) 463-1555 (office)

(512) 263-8119 (home)

(512) 633-5508 (cell)






Judge, Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, Austin, Texas, 1999-present

Judge, 292nd District Court, Dallas, Texas, 1981-1998

Assistant District Attorney, Dallas County, Texas, 1969-1981

            Senior Felony Chief Prosecutor, Career Criminal Division, 1977-1981

            432 Jury Trials

Private Practice, Grand Prairie, Texas, 1967-1969

Education:  University of Texas at Austin, B.A., 1964

            University of Texas School of Law, L.L.B., 1967

Licensed to practice:

            State Bar of Texas, 1967

            United States District Court, Northern District of Texas, 1968

            United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit, 1969

            Supreme Court of the United States, 1975

Member: American Law Institute, ABA Appellate Judges Conference, Texas Bar Foundation,             Scribes

Chair, State Bar of Texas Judicial Section, 1996-1997

Chair, Texas Center for the Judiciary Board of Directors, 1996-1997

Faculty, The National Judicial College, 1992-present

            Robert H. Jackson Lecturer, April, 2002

Note:  Other Jackson Lecturers include Vice-President George Bush; Supreme Court Justices Tom Clark, Byron White, Sandra Day O’Connor, and Anthony Kennedy; Former Secretary of State Dean Rusk; Attorneys General William French Smith and Ed Meese; F.B.I. Director Judge William Webster; Solicitors General Kenneth Starr, Rex Lee, and Wade McCree; Republican National Committee Chairman Frank Fahrenkopf; Senator Howard Cannon; Congressman Henry Hyde; Governors Frank Licht, Richard Hughes, Julian Carroll, Richard Bryan, and Robert Miller; ABA Presidents Edward Wright and George             Bushnell, Jr. ; “People’s Court” Judge Joseph Wapner; and Professor Arthur Miller.

            Faculty Council, 2004-present 

            Lead Faculty Member, “Ethics for Judges” course, 1992-present

            Faculty, General Jurisdiction Course, 1992-present

            Lead Faculty Member, Appellate Judges Course, 2000, 2002

            Taught judicial ethics course at Annual Judicial Conference, Federated States of                                               Micronesia, 2001

            Co-authored and taught curriculum on ABA Model Rules of Judicial Discipline, 1996

            Co-authored and taught             curriculum on Ethical Issues in Judicial Elections, 1994

Dean, Continuing Judicial Education for Texas Trial and Appellate Judges, 1990-1997

            Wrote and taught ethics curriculum for regional judicial conferences, 1992

            Faculty, Texas College for New Judges, 1985-1997

Member, American Judicature Society

            Faculty, AJS National College of Judicial Conduct and Ethics, 1996, 1998, 2000

            With Cynthia Gray, taught ethics short course to Texas municipal judges, 1993

Taught judicial ethics to state trial and appellate judges in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida,

            Louisiana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, South             Carolina, South             Dakota, Tennessee, and Utah, 1993-present

Moderator, Understanding Sexual Violence: The Judge’s Role in Stranger and Non-Stranger             Sexual Assault Cases videotape curriculum  

Faculty, Annual Conference of U.S. Immigration Judges, 1995, 1996, 1998, and 1999

Faculty, Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Criminal Defense Advocacy Training Seminar, 2003

Chair, ABA National Conference of State Trial Judges Ethics Committee, 1997-1998

Presiding Dallas County Local Administrative Judge, 1988

Chair, Dallas Bar Association Criminal Law Section, 1987

Chair, Dallas County Juvenile Board, 1985-1986

Chair, Dallas County Criminal District Judges, 1983

Member, State Bar College, 1984-present

Made ethics presentation to judges from the Slovak Republic, 2003

Keynote Speaker, Robert H. Jackson Center for Justice, Jamestown, New York, October 23, 2002

Author, “Criminal Procedure: Confessions, Searches, and Seizures, S.M.U. Law Review Annual Survey of Texas Law 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003





            St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Grand Prairie, 1964-1980

                        Vestry, EYC Sponsor, Senior High Sunday School Teacher,                                                           Chancellor, Lay Reader, Chalice Bearer, Choir

            St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Dallas, 1980 to 1998

                        Senior High Sunday School Teacher, Confirmation Class Teacher

            Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, 1999-present

Named Outstanding Alumnus, Grand Prairie High School Alumni Association,                              1990


            Grand Prairie Rotary Club, 1973 to 1998

            Rotary Club of Austin, 1999 to present

            Board of Directors, Children First Center, 1989-1992

            Thomas B. Hunter Masonic Lodge, Scottish Rite, Hella Temple

            DeMolay Legion of Honor




            President, Republicans of Grand Prairie, 1987

Within the bounds allowed by the Code of Judicial Conduct, volunteered time and money

 to Republican candidates in various countywide and statewide elections

            Went door-to-door campaigning for General Eisenhower in 1952 at the age of ten

            Member of numerous Republican organizations over more than twenty year period




            Born: August 16, 1942, Dallas, Texas

            Married to the former Nancy Ann Lawson since 1969

            Daughter: Christina Keasler Davenport, Dallas

            Parents:  L.E. and Cymbeline Keasler (both deceased)

            Sister: Mary Cym Jarrett, Tyler