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This page contains vegetarian recipes!

YVES no-meat substitues are used to add to the texture and flavor to many of the following recipes. These YVES products, such as no-meat ground beef and tofu weiners, can be purchased at many local supermarkets, including Superstore and IGA. For more information on YVES no-meat products, contact them at or call 1-800-667-YVES.

A Brief History Of Me

I'm not a cook. I don't even pretend to be one! I'm just a student who discoverd how convenient pasta could be. It's cheap to buy, easy to cook, and fun to experiment with. Most of these recipes are a result of my throwing things in a pot and sampling what turns out. :-) I would welcome your comments at

What You'll Need...

Basically, what you'll need are a couple of medium sized pots, a stove, and a healthy appitite. I don't use measurements such as a cup of this or 3 spoonfuls of that. That all depends on you and how many people you're cooking for. I just tell you the ingredients and how to put them together. Don't be afraid to use your imagination! Feel free to modify and enhance these recipes as you see fit.
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