The building of this site is made possible thanks to the assistance and courtesy of the following persons and institutions. last contributions made by Father Christopher Zugger, Additional information on the Catholic Church in the USSR. (Rread his book The Forgotten Catholics in the Soviet Empire from Lenin through Stalin ________________________________________________________________________________ Madis Aasla, Estonian Ministry of Defence list of the Ministers of Defence 1918 - 1940 Andorra National Historical Archive (Domènec Bascompte) list of Syndics 1871 - 1945 list of Prefects of the Pyrénées Orientales 1882 - 1945 lists of Episcopal Viguiers and Permanent Delegates 1871 - 1945 Archdiocese of Burgos (José Antonio Calleja Duenas) list of Archbishops 1871 - 1945 Archdiocese of Malta list of Bishops and Archbishops 1871 - 1945 Archdiocese of Sevilla (Antonio Fernandez Estévez) list of Archbishops 1871 - 1945 Archdiocese of Stockholm (Eva Welin) list of Vicars Apostolic of Sweden 1862 - 1953 Archdiocese of Tarragona (Joaquim Claver Caselles) list of Archbishops 1871 - 1945 Archdiocese of Valladolid (Epimaco Cuadrado Rodriguez) list of Archbishops 1871 - 1945 Archdiocese of Zaragoza list of Archbishops 1871 - 1945 Archiv des Deutschen Ordens lists of the Ordenskanzler, Landkomture and Prioren 1871 - 1945 Archives from the German Occupation of Denmark 1940-1945 (Lasse Bisbjerg) additional information on the Danish Resistance 1940 - 1945 Arquivo Geral de Cidade de Rio de Janeiro list of Presidents of the Municipal Intendancy 1889 - 1892 Ålands Landskapsarkiv (Karin Mansén, Archives Officer) list of Bailiffs and Governors of the Ålands 1848 - 1945 Pierre Beaudreau, Librarian Canadian Ministry of Indian and Northern Affairs list of Deputy Ministers of Northern Affairs John Michael Beaumont, Seigneur of Sark list of the Seneschals of the Court 1870 - 1945 Hubert Berkhout, Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie list of the German Plenipotentiaries in the Netherlands Provinces 1940 - 1945 Alice Betschart, Secretary Staatsarchiv Bern list of Regierungspräsidenten of Bern Frederic Blondeau, Service de Presse, Diocèse de Tournai additional information on Bishops of Tournai Corinne Boder, Staatsarchiv Solothurn list of Landammänner of Solothurn 1871 - 1945 Iris Blum, Archivarin Staatsarchiv Appenzell Ausserrhoden list of Landammänner 1871 - 1945 Charles N. Bransom jr. list of Prefects Apostolic of Fernando Poo (Spanish Guinea) 1868 - 1904 additional information on the Vicars Apostolic of Sweden 1862 - 1953 list of the Apostolic Prefects and Vicars of Iceland 1923 - 1945 additional information on the Abbots of Saint Maurice (Switzerland) 1871 - 1945 additional information on the Church in Estonia additional information on the Vicars Apostolic of the Netherlands Antilles 1897 - 1945. additional information on the Bishops of Macau 1918 - 1945 additional information on Canadian Vicariates Apostolic list of the Apostolic Prefects in the Ivory Coast additional information on the Catholic Church in Latvia list of the Catholic administrators of Nepal 1892 - 1946 lists of the Slovakian and Subcarpathian Archbishops and Bishops since 1900. additional information Roman Catholic Hierarchy in Rwanda and Urundi lists of Albanian Archbishops and Bishops in the 20th century. list of the Apostolic Prefects of Saint-Pierre et Miquelon lists of the Catholic hierarchs in Bulgaria and Cyprus in the 20th century lists of the Catholic superiors of Baghdad and Mosul and of the Syrian Catholic Archeparchs of Baghdad and Mosul additional information on the Catholic bishops of Kamyanets, Lutsk and Zhytomir. Angela Broekhof, Librarian Province of Overijssel list of Commissioners of the King/Queen in Overijssel Maria Bucher, Tiroler Landesarchiv Lists of Statthalter and Landeshauptleute of Tirol 1871 - 1918 Ben Cahoon list of the Governors of São João Baptista de Ajudá list of the Carib representatives to the Dominica Legislative Council. additional information on Carib Chiefs. Paul Carroll list of leaders of Tristan da Cunha 1902 - 1945 Martin Iversen Christensen General information on Danish governments. Linguistic support. lists of Danish Ministers of Defence, Home Affairs and Finance 1871 - 1900. list of Danish Ministers of Justice 1871 -1945. list of Officials of the Danish Colonial Department 1848 - 1920 list of Governors and Representatives of the Færøer 1848 - 1945 information on the Danish "Frihedsråd" 1943 - 1945 list of Officials of the Icelandic Bureau/Department 1848 - 1904 list of Chief Executives of Copenhagen list of the Baillifs of the Faroer 1848 - 1945 Ludo Collin, Archivaris Bisdom Gent additional information on Bishops of Gent Michel Dancoisne-Martineau, Conservateur des domaines français de Sainte- Hélène list of the Administrators of the French Possessions on Saint Helena. Sietze de Jong, Archivist of the Province of Fryslân list of Commissioners of the King/Queen in Fryslân Jan de Vries list of the Mayors of Arnhem Anne Diestel, Archivist Federal Bureau of Prisons list of Agents General 1889 - 1907 and of Superintendents of Prisons 1908 - 1930 J. Dijkstra list of Commissioners of the King/Queen in Groningen Diocese of Copenhagen (Keld Dahlwad, Librarian) list of Vicars Apostolic of Denmark 1871 - 1945 Diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro (Elio Ciacci) list of Bishops 1871 - 1945 Dr Oskar Dohle, Government of Salzburg Lists of Landespräsidenten and Landeshauptleute of Salzburg 1871 - 1918 Krista Donckers, Gemeenschapscentrum De Kriekelaar list of the Mayors of Schaarbeek Geoffrey Fairhurst, Administrator of Ascension list of Commanding Officers of H.M.S. Ascension 1869 - 1922 Sarah Farley, Archivist Hampshire Record Office list of Lord Lieutenants of Hampshire Kor Feringa list of the Mayors of Groningen Finland's Prime Minister's Office (Sanna Kangasharju, EU Information Officer) lists of members of the Finnish Committee 1871 - 1891, lists of Senators for Defence, Civil Affairs, Justice and Finances 1871 - 1917 (Taru Virtanen) translations of Finnish and Swedish texts. (Pekka Kuittinen, Information Specialist) additional information for the period 1917 - 1919 Finnish Ministry of Justice (Pirjo Laiho, Information Secretary) list of Finnish Ministers of Justice 1918 - 1945 German Association of the SMOM (Elisabeth, Gräfin Zedwitz) lists of the Rheinisch - Westfälischen and Silesian Associations of the SMOM 1871 - 1945 Grand Priory of Austria (Richard Steeb) list of SMOM Grand Priors of Austria 1871 - 1945 Grand Priory of Bohemia (Milan Buben) list of SMOM Grand Priors of Bohemia 1871 - 1945 Grand Priory of Great Britain (Julian Allason) list of Presidents of the SMOM British National Association 1875 - 1945 Lone Grønbæk, Librarian of the National Library of Greenland lists of the inspectors and governors of Eastern-, Nothern and Southern Greenland 1848 - 1945. Susanne Grulich Zier, Staatsarchiv Basel-Stadt list of Regierungspräsidenten 1875 - 1945 Anne-Marie Hansen, secretary Folkekirken Diocese of Copenhagen list of Bishops of Copenhagen 1871 - 1945 Ilse Herwirsch, Landesmuseum für Kârnten Lists of Landespräsidenten and Landeshauptleute of Kärnten 1871 - 1918 Roger Hewitt, Wight History Centre list of Governors of Wight until 1896 Dr. Ernst Hintermaier, Archdiocese of Salzburg list of archbishops of Salzburg 1871 - 1945 Serge Hoffmann, Conservateur Archives Nationales du Luxembourg additional information on Luxembourg ministers, republican attempts, secretaries for the affairs of the Grand Duchy and the Luxembourg resistance. Dr. Erwin Horat, Staatsarchiv Schwyz list of Landammänner of Schwyz 1871 - 1945 William Bradley Horton adjustments to East Timor during WWII Max Huber, Staatsarchiv Luzern list of Schultheissen 1871 - 1945 Information Unit of the Ålands (Veronica Johansson, Deputy Head) list of Åland representatives in the Finnish Parliament 1924 - 1945 Hanne Margrethe Ingebrigtsen, Legal Officer at the Sysselmann's Office - Svalbard additional information on the government of Svalbard Italian Association of the SMOM (Carlo dei Principe Massimo) list of Presidents of the Italian National Association 1877 - 1945 Yvonne Kinkaid and Luit.Col. Miller (Pentagon Air Force Hist. Dep.) additional information leadership of the Army Air Forces 1907 - 1921 list of Assistant Secretaries of War for Air 1926 - 1945 Lambert Klinke, University of Giessen additional information on Catholic Church in Estonia information on the Catholic Church in Latvia Dr Jürgen König (Landeskirchliches Archiv Nürnberg) additional information on the Oberkonsistorialpräsidenten of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria. Grete Krogvold, Librarian of the Norwegian Meteorological Institute lists of leaders of the N.M.I. 1915 - 1945 Michal Kubalek additional information on German civil administrators of Bohemia-Moravia in 1939 leadership of the National Union in Bohemia-Moravia 1939 - 1945 list of the Landeshauptleute of Austrian Silesia and Moravia 1871 - 1918 list of the Oberstlandmarschälle of Bohemia 1871 - 1918 additional information on Moravia in 1918 additional information on the Slovak Provisional Government of 1918. list of Chief Executives of Prague Alexander Kunde lists of Land Administrators and of Substitute Heads of Government of Liechtenstein pics of the Liechtenstein leaders technical assistance. additional information on British Residents in Nepal additional information on the Baltic, especially German military 1915 - 1918 list of the Slovak Plenipotentiaries 1944 - 1945 additional information concerning Slovakia Soviet Political Commissars in Czechoslovakia 1944 - 1945 additional information on Latvia additional lifedates for the administrators of England lifedates for the officials of several countries (Modena, Sicily, etc) Soviet military administrators in Bulgaria 1944 - 1947 additional information on and lifedates of Austro-Hungarian Envoys list of the Japanese naval commanders in Micronesia 1915 - 1922 list of the military leaders of Bavaria 1848 - 1920 additional information on the Ministers of War of Bavaria 1848 - 1918 additional information on Latvia Vitaly Kusov lists of the Ministers of War, the Interior, Justice and Finances of the Far Eastern Republic. additional information on and lifedates of Soviet officials in the Far East. Joanne Laing, Librarian Cornish Studies Library list of Lord Wardens of Cornwall Jànis Lasmanis additional information on the Baltic 1871 - 1920 (ministers of the Baltic State, etc.) nearly all lists of Latvian officials in the 20th century. linguistic support background information for Latvia, especially for the period 1918 - 1919. list of the Presidents of the Baltic Committee 1846 - 1876 information on the evolution of Baltic autonomy in the Russian Empire information on and lists of Latvian Ministers of Education and Social Affairs Dr. Hans Laupper, Landesarchiv des Kantons Glarus list of Landammänner of Glarus 1871 - 1945 Einar Orn Lárusson (National and University Library of Iceland) list of Danish governors of Iceland 1871 - 1904. list of Icelandic Ministers of Finance 1917 - 1922, of the Ministers of Justice 1917 - 1945 and of the Ministers of Social Affairs 1939 - 1945. list of Diplomatic Representatives 1918 - 1944 linguistic support. Lea Leppik, Archivist Estonian Historical Archives lists of the Russian governors of Estonia 1871 - 1918, of the Ministers of Justice 1918 - 1945, of the Ministers of the Tief government 1944, of the Directors of Home Affairs, Justice and Finance 1941 - 1944, of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs in exile 1944 - 1945, of the Ministers of Home Affairs, Justice and Finance 1940 - 1945. additional information on the Ministers of Home Affairs and Finance 1918 - 1940 Mag. Elisabeth Loinig, Landesarchiv Niederösterreich lists of Statthalter and Landmarshälle of Niederösterreich 1848 - 1918. Mona Magnussen, Librarian of the Norsk Polarinstitutt information on Norges Svalbard og Ishavsundersokelser Ellen Mann (Special Collections, National Agricultural Library) list of US commissioners of Agriculture 1871 - 1885 Professors Simone Marcassoli and Filippo Provera lists of the Italian ministers of Arms and Munitions, of the Liberated Territories, of Economic and Social Affairs (Agriculture, Industry, Commerce, etc) and of the Treasury 1871 - 1922 Dragan Markovic lists of the Serbian ministers of War, Home Affairs and Finances 1871 - 1900 list of the Serbian ministers of Justice 1871 - 1918 additional information on the Serbian ministers of War, Home Affairs and Finances 1900 - 1918 information on the Partisans in Serbia 1941 - 1944 information on the Yugoslavian Banovinates. list of Yugoslavian ministers of Justice 1918 - 1945 additional information Yugoslavian ministers of Defence, Home Affairs and Finances 1918 - 1945 additional information on NOPOJ 1941 - 1945 list of the members of AVNOJ 1942 - 1945 list of Chief Executives of Belgrade lists of Eparchs and Metropolitans of the Serbian Orthodox Church. list of Bulgarian Metropolitans of Skopje Dr Silvio Margadant, Director Staatsarchiv Graubünden list of presidents of the Small Council 1871 - 1945 Anne Morton, Head Research & Reference Hudson's Bay Company Archives list of the Governors of the Hudson's Bay Company 1869 - 1952 Dag Mørk information on Cyprus 1918 - 1920 Fabrice Muller list of the Mayors of Liège (See his site about LIEGE) Oskar Myszor additional information on the Senators of Danzig list of Polish representatives in Danzig list of the Heads of the Polish School Section in Latvia additional information on post-1870 Gdansk Ulrich Nachbaur, Vorarlberger Landesarchiv additional information Vorarlberg 1871 - 1945 Paul Neumann additional information on the Italian Secretaries of State for Albanian Affairs Chris Nyborg general information on Norwegian governments. Linguistic support. lists of all Norwegian ministers 1871 - 1905. additional information on Norwegian ministers after 1905 (including the period of WW II) list of Norwegian military governors of Svalbard 1942 - 1945 (See his GUIDE TO THE CHURCHES OF ROME) Sue Oatley, Isle of Wight Record Office list of chairmen of the Council Dr. Gernot Peter Obersteiner, Steiermärkisches Landesarchiv lists of Statthalter and Landeshauptleute of Steiermark 1871 - 1918 Hans Hendrik Oestergaard, Financial Administration, Danish Ministry of Finance additional information on Danish ministers 1871 - 1945 Roberto Ortiz de Zarate additional information on Spanish Ministers of Home Affairs 1892 - 1899 list of Governors - general of Catalonia 1934 - 1936 list of Basque Councillors 1936 - 1937 Bernd Otter,Asser Historische Vereniging list of the Mayors of Assen Patriarchate of Lisbõa list of Patriarchs 1871 - 1945 Polish Association of the SMOM (Mikolaj Radziwill) list of Presidents of the Polish National Association 1920 - 1945 Préfecture de l'Ariège (Serge Gil) list of the Prefects of Ariège 1871 - 1882 Kurt Priem, Archivaris Bisdom Brugge additional information on Bishops of Brugge Marco Ramerini Additional information on Italian Colonial Bureau Koostas Heiki Raudla, Estonian Ministry of Home Affairs list of Ministers of Home Affairs 1918 - 1940 Représentation du Co-prince français en Andorre list of the French Viguiers 1871 - 1945 Prof. Zoran Ristic additional information on the German military in Serbia 1941 - 1944 information on the Chetniks in Serbia 1941 - 1944 additional information on Serbia, especially 1941 - 1944 Ian Russell, Joint Solicitor of the Confederation of the Cinque Ports list of the Speakers of the Cinque Ports and of the Mayors of the Cinque Ports and Ancient Towns 1848 - 1945. Dr. Urspeter Schelbert, Staatsarchiv Zug list of Landammänner of Zug 1871 - 1945 Juan Jorge Schäffer additional information and corrections Portugal 1871 - 1945 list of Members of the Portuguese Revolutionary Committee 1915 list of Portuguese Ministers of the Navy 1920 - 1921 list of Members of the Portuguese Royalist Junta 1919 additional information on Danish, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish and Swedish Royalty 1871 - 1945 additional information on the "Heinzenrepublik" (Burgenland) additional information on the Luxembourg republican attempt of 1919. list of the rulers of the second Slovak Soviet Republic of 1919. Dr Wolfhart Seelentag, Member and Webmaster of the Historischer Verein des Kantons St.Gallen list of Landammänner of Sankt Gallen 1871 - 1945 (See also Historischer Verein des Kantons St.Gallen and Swiss Genealogy on the Internet - Sankt Gallen) Eveline Seewer, Adjointe Archives de l'Etat Fribourg list of the Presidents of the Government 1871 - 1945 (For more information see Archives de l'Etat de Fribourg) Catherine Seigneret, Assistant Curator and Archivist C & W lists of administrators of the Cable and Wireless 1917 - 1947 Societé Jersiaise (Mary Billot) additional information on German administrators of Jersey 1940 - 1945 Axel Kjaer Soerensen, University of Aarhus information on Greenlands administration 1908 - 1945 lists of directors of the K.G.H. 1848 - 1945 and of the heads of the Greenland administration 1908 - 1945. Anne Grete Sommerfelt, Store Norske Spitsbergen Kulkompani lists of leaders of the S.N.S.K. 1916 - 1945 Spanish Assembly of the SMOM (Carlos Morenés, Marqués del Borghetto) list of the Presidents of the Spanish Assembly 1885 - 1945 States of Alderney (B. Harrison) list of the Judges of Alderney 1856 - 1947 Dr. Gabriele Stüber (Zentralarchiv der Evangelischen Kirche der Pfalz) list of the Presidents of the Consistory of the Evangelical Church of the Pfalz 1846 - 1872 Alex Svensson general information on Sweden's government history. Linguistic support. lists of Swedish Ministers of Land - and Sea Warfare 1871 - 1901 Swedish Ministry of Finances (Stina Nyberg) list of Swedish Ministers of Finances 1871 - 1900 Swedish Office for Administrative Affairs (Bo Hammarlund, Deputy Director) lists of Swedish Ministers of Sea Warfare 1901 - 1920, of Civil Affairs and Finances 1871 - 1900, of Justice 1873 - 1945. Claes Tande, Priest of the St Olav Cathedral at Oslo additional information on the Roman Catholic Hierarchy in Norway Luca Tessandori additional information on Italian Ministers of the Navy 1871 - 1900 and for the period 1871 - 1922. Dr Felix Tobler, Landesarchiv Burgenland additional information on the "Heinzenrepublik" (Burgenland) Michel Vanheluwe, Archives du Département du Nord list of the Prefects of the Departement du Nord 1882 - 1945 Johan Vannieuwenhuyse, Archivist Archiefdienst van de Provincie West-Vlaanderen list of the Governors of West-Vlaanderen Francisco Vázquez-Costa list of Vicars General of Rome 1842 - 1903 list of Bishops of Regina additional information on the Bishops of Kingston and Moncton lists of the Archbishops of Benevento, Camerino, Milano, Monreale and Napoli lists of the Archbishops and Bishops of Arezzo, Brindisi, Mileto, Salerno, Torino and Trani lists of the Archbishops and Bishops of Alatri, Aversa, Bari and Vercelli. lists of the Archbishops and Bishops of Cava and Sarno, Lucca, Palermo, Trento and Urbino and of the Abbots of Subiaco lists of the Bishops and Archbishops of Cagliari, Citta di Castello, Manfredonia, Nardò and Undine additional information on Catholic Hierarchy Memel/Klaipéda lists of Bishops of Anagni, Catanzaro and Teramo additional information on some other Italian dioceses, especially Genova. information concerning the Abbesses of Las Huelgas list of the Spanish General Vicars of the Armies lists of the Archbishops/Bishops of Acerenza e Matera, Amalfi, Parma, Pisa and Ravenna Alberto Vieira list of the Civil Governors of Madeira 1848 - 194. Ville d'Arlon : Service informatique list of the Mayors of Arlon Ville de Mons list of the Mayors of Mons Andris Vitenburgs, Latvian Ministry of Justice list of Latvian Ministers of Justice Dr.Emil Weber, Staatsarchiv Nidwalden list of Landammänner of Nidwalden 1871 - 1845 John Whelpton and Karl-Heinz Krämer additional information on Nepalese government structure additional information on the British Residents in Nepal Mrs. Annette White, Secretary to Right Reverend Ewen Ratteray, Bishop of Bermuda. information on the Anglican church in Bermuda Lee Whittlesey, Archivist Yellowstone Research Library and Archives List of Superintendents of Yellowstone 1872 - 1945 Dr. Julius Zukas, Historian of the Museum of Lithuania Minor Chief Executives of the City of Memel/Klaipéda 1855 - 1926 and 1945 - 1947 Margrit Zwicky, Archivist Stadtarchiv Bern list of the Stadtpräsidenten of Bern