Using the Internet for Social Activism
A Fable That Can Help You Improve Your World
(A Work-In-Progress) by Alan R. Cohen
Lisa looked out the window; six inches of snow and another six inches on the way. However, Lisa didn't really see the snow. While the storm was awake with fury, Lisa dreamed about the Internet Education Project (IEP).
The Internet Education Project is a community project to teach the resident's of Lisa's hometown of Chelsea, the educational power of the Internet. This project will show the residents of Chelsea how to use the Internet for research and fact finding, incorporating ebooks and online libraries into the school system, and make the residents aware of other educational benefits of the Internet.
The IEP is a big endeavor. However, it is a project that Lisa strongly believes in. Lisa knows that the Internet can help her achieve her goal.
Communication is a key element to making IEP a reality. The IEP involves the efforts of many. The team and potential participants have conflicting schedules. There are many decisions to make, ideas to reviews, and opinions to express.
The following chapters explain how Lisa uses the Internet to make the IEP a reality.
 Bulletin Boards
 Researching Online
 Digital Media
 Chat Rooms
Author's Note: I am interested in your views. Do you use the Internet for a community project? Political Activity?
Do you have an idea and need some advice?
Fill out the form. I will be glad to share my thoughts with you.
Copyright 2001 Alan R. Cohen. All Rights Reserved