iPolitics explores ways to use the Internet for social, community, and political activism. This site looks at the relationship between the Internet and Politics, Third Party Politics (Equal Voter Ballot Access), and other topics.
Coming Soon
Politics and the Internet? A year ago this was the buzz! Now, Voter.com has closed its doors. Grassroots.com has changed their focus, and SpeakOut has increased in size by purchasing VoxCap and other properties.
Is there a place for politics on the Internet? Can the Internet be a tool for social and political activism? Will the Florida fiasco increase interest in using the Internet as a voter tool?
Is this just another .com hype?
iPolitics will take a look at these questions and present some interesting viewpoints.
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The 2000 election is over. Now it is time for iPolitics to find some issues and use the power of the Interent to make change happen. Some of issues of interest are:
 Healthcare Reform
 Labeling of Genetically-Modified Food
 Campaign Finance Reform
 Election Reform
We can select more than one issue. Let's prove that the Internet can be used for social and political activism.
Copyright 2001 Alan R. Cohen. All Rights Reserved