Inliner's Hopepage

Last updated: 10-6-02.

The focus of this site is on making Ford Falcon six engine do what they were never meant to do - go fast! Here is one of my current projects - my '68 Mustang coupe. I just picked up a '73 Mav for daily driver duty so I'll be getting pics of it up soon.

The core of my engine builups focuses around the six's biggest flaw - the cylinder head. We have imported a non-inegral intake 221 cylinder head from Argentina. You can read the background info on these heads through the link below. We have also explored various modifications to the US log heads to get them to their peak flow potential. Afterall, airflow is what it's all about.

For more information on Ford inline performance check out the Ford Six Performance Forum where I post as "Inliner". Feel free to email me any questions or comments you have.

Tech Pages

Argentine 221 Heads
200 Buildup
Mustang Specs
My Mav and it's 250
9" Swap

Currently we are working on bringing in more and more Argentine heads into the states. These are currently in new aftermarket production near Buenos Aires and with the current economic conditions of Argentina they are cheap! We are presently working out the problems of exporting such large products while remaining a private consumer.


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