Our citizens face an uphill battle in protecting
essential principles, morals, and truths. The issue concerning the CONCORD, or Constitutional Correction for Development, is once again aiming to dismantle the core of our nation. The line between value and greed has been clearly drawn. The monopoly on freedom and undisputed authority is slowly revealing itself anew. Adamant ghosts of the past have returned to exorcise the same people who overthrew them thirteen years ago. Vindictive elements in our society are making their presence felt once more in the same form as they did during the darkest, gloomiest hours of Philippine history.
Once again, our beloved homeland is hurting. She is crying because her very leaders are seeking to obtain the highest form of power for themselves, and themselves only. One man, along with his pack of wolves, is setting his sights on decimating the soul of his nation. He is intentionally resurrecting the wicked mirage of a man who single-handedly depleted the innocent conscience of a beloved state. Citing economic revisions through foreign investment as a platform of his so-called reasoned argument,this person is slowly reinstating the harsh lessons of a wounded past.
In case he did not know, foreign investors and businessmen alike are already contented in the clauses of the present constitution. They are satisfied with the seventy-five year lease of land. They are begging for is transparency and less corruption. These are the cures for an ailing country. We Filipinos, himself included, should be aware of the fact that we are responsible for the growth and stabilization of our nation. Dependence on foreigners is not a guaranteed remedy. Another of the proposed changes included in the CONCORD is the unlimited entry of nuclear weapons in the Philippines. In times like these, engaging in wars and long-term conflicts are supposed to be the last things on the mind of a sensible person. Citizens and values first, nothing else.
Vigilance is the only path towards upholding the cornerstones of our very land. It is this awareness that our group is trying to instill, especially with regard to the youth. Our republic is once more locked in a war with corruption, selfishness, and avarice. The young sons and daughters of our democracy must fight this battle. We must be pillars of virtue, conviction, and righteousness. These values are distinctly missing from our present leaders. Instead of serving the state with passion and pride, they are fulfilling their own hunger and covetousness. Let us always look back before moving forward. The history of an existence is a reflection of its nature...
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