Ron's Political Page
Welcome to my political page.
Ron (Ronald L. Cain) is a political activist and lives in Houston County, Georgia. Ron was the Democratic candidate for the 8th Congressional District in 1998. (The web site is down but you can view the "home page" here. Click on the "Smily Face" icons.)
Ron has been an outspoken advocate for workers' rights and rights of consumers. The purpose of this page is to supply you with information about candidates in the "Campaign 2000" races. In addition, to provide interesting articles about various issues facing our country and the world at large.
Please take a minute and sign my guess book. And offer a few comments if you like. Do not feel that you have to agree with me. Your views, as an individual, counts. I do hope you believe in your own convictions strong enough to sign your name. Your thoughts do not count for much if you do not believe in them enough to sign your name.
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Dick Morris created Vote.Com. Vote.Com permits individuals to vote on current issues. When you vote, your vote is automatically sent to your representatives in Congress. Make you voice heard. Vote on the issues that are important to you.
Houston County Democratic Committee
Al Gore for President