For apathy is the greatest weapon in the hands of the oppressers. It acts to maintain ignorence. It acts to cover up the abuses of power. It acts to maintain the system we live in. It acts as a smokescreen covering your eyes and allowing Genocide, oppression and violence to take place. It acts as a poison inside your Brain allowing you to be controlled and to be told what to do. It acts to perpetuate the myths about societies and countries all over the world: "The land of the free", "A history of Tolerance", "A free country", "A force for good throughout history". Just some of the myths that have prevailled in an atmosphere of ignorence. Apathy lets so much abuse and suffering go unchecked.
But there is no excuse any more. The internet allows for people to explore myths and realise these absurdaties. It allows for openness and for anyone to learn. It allows for anyone to go and read anything and think about it for themselves. Never has the been a greater time to become interested in politics. There are many sites out there where information can be gathered and anyone can go and visit these sites. Anyone can now have their say on politics. The important thing is to realise that it is important, relevant and interesting.
That is why this page has been created. It will in time carry links to great politics sites as well as articles - some argumentative, some informative written by myself and anyone else who wants to have a go. I'll put the best ones up here alongside my own. Together we can bring the message of change that needs to be brought. Together we can contribute in our own small way in overthrowing this unjust system and replacing it with a fairer, just society.
1. No
to the free market - an essay arguing against
global free market capitalism.
2. Presidency
2000 - David McReynolds explains why he's standing
for president.
3. The
EU - comments about the right wing view
of the EU
More to come in the future. If you have a reply
to anything I've written Mail
me and I'll print the best responses
Here are some links to the best politics resources on the net.
Link to the McReynolds 2000 campaign.
Soon there will be a seperate page for links
(more to come)
1. Be Patient
-A page dedicated to Blairs favourite phrase
2. JFK's
death -A slightly alternative look at the nets
favourite conspiracy theory subject
Latest News
1. Tory
comes out! - Leading Tory admits youthfull