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Hi, my name is Erik Heller.  I am a Police Officer with the Netcong Borough Police Department in Netcong, New Jersey.  However, I'll be starting a new career with the Harding Township Police Department in February, 2001.

I started my police career with the Montclair State University Police Department in 1994. Montclair State PatchI then transferred over to Netcong PD in 1997.
Netcong PatchI have my bachelor's degree from Albright College, Reading, PA in government service/finance.  I have two more classes to take and I'll have my master's degree in criminal justice.  I have also taken a few spanish classes at the Morris County College.
As a police officer with Netcong, I am the Terminal Agency Coordinator (TAC), which is just a fancy title for making sure all the computers run right (mainly the NCIC/SCIC terminal that we're about to get).  I am also the Juvenile Officer; given the job of investigating all juvenile offenses that occur in Netcong.  In October, 1999 I completed D.A.R.E training. I will now be the D.A.R.E. Officer for Netcong Elementary school. Finally, I am a certified substitute teacher in Morris County, NJ. On my days off and during the days when I work nights, I get called by a few schools to be a substitute teacher, including Netcong Elementary School.
In addition, Netcong PD has 7 sworn officers; therefore, we all must do every police function there is.  This includes patrolling, traffic enforcement, investigating, arresting, booking, processing, transporting, and anything else you can think of.


static line

Crime Preventionarresting officer


Our headquarters is located at 19 Maple Avenue, Netcong, New Jersey (07857).  You can contact me or Morris County Badgeany officer there at (973) 347-7700.  Netcong police is a 24 hour and seven day a week department.  But our headquarters may not have someone in there.  We are dispatched by the Morris County Sheriff's Office, along with several other agencies in the area.  So, if we're not inside headquarters... call the above number from the pay phone at the front of the building.

aluminum bar

My biggest pet peeves are people who drive while intoxicated and people who use/sell controlled dangerous substances (Drugs)

Don't Drink and Drive                                        Say No to Drugs

"The Death Of An Innocent"
This is a great poem that shows why my pet peeve is people who drive while intoxicated.

Estimate your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC)... Click Here

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