Agent xx23 can not guarantee the validity of everything found on this, or any other web page. But he (or she) does suggest that you disbelieve everything that THEY tell you, and believe everything that Agentxx23 tells you. "It's the only way to be sure"tm
Oh sure, John John and his father, what's his name, have changed all our lives beyond even our knowledge, there are still so many hidden secrets yet to be resolved. There was that time, for example, that Senior saved the world from alien infestation, almost single handedly (but we'll talk about that later).
But let's not talk about old history at the moment. It is the current history that is more important, specifically the assassination of John John.
WARNING: The FBI has rated this site one of the 14,000,000 most dangerous websites on the internet! They advise any god fearing, law abiding person to keep away. More importantly, they advise you to keep loved ones and or the elderly away from this site. A recent study conducted by the FBI has concluded that even viewing brief passages of this website may cause an otherwise non-deviant person to break away from their normal moral course, and begin subversive activities, like crossing a crosswalk against the lights! But that is only the beginning! Worst things could happen!
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![]() How could you smile when so many wanted you dead?
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It was the US Military (and the CIA) who killed JFK Jr. Large profile assassinations are always carried out by them. They killed his father and now there're finishing up some old business with offing the son.
But it's not as simple as That. You see, the Communist Chinese are involved, as was the war in Kosovo. China, the last of the great evil Communistic States, long proprietor of crimes against humanity (slave labour camps, harvesting of human body parts for medical transplantation, etc.) has been seeking more ties with the United States. The United States (long proprietor of crimes against humanity) also wishes closer ties but public opinion won't allow them to openly get into bed together. China needed s ome reason to take the spotlight off them, and so came up with an ingenious plan. They would allow American aircraft to bomb their embassy in Kosovo. This would cause a lot of problems with the US, but nothing they couldn't handle.
Suddenly the US would 'owe' China something. The US could then legitimately begin talks with China, in an effort to reconsiditate their problems. China would pretend to upset about the bombing, but secretly, they would begin to make plans to trade some nuclear secrets (or whatever they wanted to do). Both countries would gain from the killing of a few Chinese citizens. As far as the governments were concerned, it was a win win situation.
But the plan still couldn't go ahead, not until the US people, and media were distracted. Neither country wanted a repeat of the problems caused by the eariler incidents of chinese 'spies' being 'caught' in the U.S.
That's where ole' JFK Jr. comes in. The two governments plan to destroy JFK Jr's plane over water, so that he becomes missing at sea. They then feed people's hopes that he will be found alive. This helps in giving the two governments extra time to carry out their plan. Then once they find the bodies, a long period of national mourning begins. Even more time for under the table dealings! The news covers nothing but JFK Jr. 60 Minutes spends all sixty minutes (except commercia l time, of course) talking about JFK Jr.
The Chinese Government is happy. The American Government is happy. The American people are sad, and depressed, but united in a patriotic cause (praying for JFK Jr.) In they end, they are happy that in their pain, they became stronger.
Hardly anyone suspected the aweful truth behind the entire episode! But now, thanks to Agent XX23, you can at last learn the truth!
Find out how Agent XX23 was approached by agents of the CIA soon after this website made its way onto the net. Click Here!
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If you have a theory as to why JFK Jr. Was killed, please feel free to E-mail Us
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