The Homepage of
Christopher "Big Dog" Hartwell
"Stop mocking me!"
Welcome to my redesigned home page, designed to bring hours of fun to all you cyberslackers, volleyball fans, loonies looking for porn, and political types...
A classic photo entitled "Middles without Medals" taken at USA Volleyball Nationals in Tucson, AZ in May 1998.  The esteemed middles are Perry Hamerla, Steve Cribben, Tom Manning, Brian Rowles, and me, the BIG DOG!
Welcome to my home page! This page will introduce you to some of my interests, my hobbies, my research, and my loud mouth!
Let's start it all off with ME!
A look at that mysterious clan, the Hartwells, and me!
The people who help me through the bad times (and occasionally are the cause of them)!
And then go to my friends!
The web's least influential political commentary, updated on a whenever-the-hell-I-feel-like-it basis. Spanning the full range of political opinions, from far right to moderately far right.
THE Best sport ever invented. Follow me through college and the USAV, and find some links on how to get involved!
Because what good is a volleyball player without another? How else would we breed? Thoughts on some of the hottest women around (IMHO): any woman who stands over five foot ten! With a special shout-out to twoe of my fab women's volleyball players, Katie Schumacher of Penn State and Jenny Maastricht of Wisconsin...
In the words of the sage Homer Simpson, this page is a paean to the cause of, and solution to, all of our problems! Mainly a way to get to those tall women I talk about in the shrine :) Find some drink recipes and drink-related humor...
Because, after all, I am at heart a researcher. My research on economics, the environment, Eastern Europe, Germany, and philosophy.
And new! Check out my latest mathematical research into life, the universe, and everything by clicking the link below!
Yeah, the Dog has a soft side, too - find some of my fav literature and poetry, as I comment on our crazy world
And finally, no web page would be complete without
Help for anyone whose zip code begins with a 9!
I wholeheartedly endorse this man's site - please follow the link!
Questions or comments? E-mail me!
All material on this site is the property of Christopher Hartwell, and is intended for only the private, non-commercial use of our audience. Any rebroadcast or retransmission without the express written consent of major league baseball, er, me, is prohibited.
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