Who is Emily?
I was born in Dallas, Texas on November 24, 1975. My family stayed in Dallas, where I attended a variety of uptight, pretentious private schools.
Upon graduation, I fled to New Orleans, attending Loyola University (the pretty school next to Tulane.) Midway through my second semester in the Big Easy, I quickly realized that I wanted to fulfill my dream of working in Texas politics...one problem; I had to leave New Orleans to do it. So, I packed up my 1989 Chevy Corsica and headed northwest back to Dallas.
I enrolled in the University of Texas at Arlington and my odyssey into the political world began. As a junior, I interned for the 1996 Martin Frost for Congress campaign. That summer I learned how to play the game.
Since the summer of 1996, I have lived and breathed all that is politics. I worked for the local Democratic Party for a couple of years and recently ran a major State Senate campaign. I'm a proud die-hard Democrat and self-proclaimed politico. As I have told many of my generation (X, by-the-way), politics is like a drug, once you're hooked, there's no getting off. Dammit, I never want to sober from this amazing trip.
Beyond my involvement in local and state politics, my life is pretty ordinary. I'm perpetually single (a bit too picky); live alone with my two adorable and incredibly mischievous cats, Solomon and Scout. I have some great friends and an amazing family. I work, I hang out with my friends and when I get the chance, I sleep. That's pretty much my life.
Thank you for visiting my web-site. I hope that it gives you an insite into who I am and the person I am working to become.