United People of Planet Earth

Readers tip: If you don´t want to read all of this right now copy it and paste it into an text editor of some kind and read it later off-line.

United People of Planet Earth is the temporary name of an international organization I hope will be built up in time. I have made up the name myself and I hope that it´s not used by any other organization. If that´s the case please contact me. For now I´m only looking for members or potential members and supporters of my ideology. I know that I´m not great at expressing myself and my thoughts (this will show especially in this english section since my mother tongue is Swedish) but I hope that you will understand what I want to be said and that you make sense of it all. My wish is that all of you who feel that my opinions are virtually the same as yours will join my organization by sending me an E-mail. You will not have to pay a fee until the organization is actually founded and when that happens every member will be noticed through E-mail. The organization will at first work as a discussion and working team that will communicate mainly through the divine invention called Internet. All of you who don´t have an E-mail account or want a new easy-to-use account, get one or two or more for free at http://www.hotmail.com or http://www.rocketmail.com. There are of course lots of other free E-mail accounts available but I think these two are the best and easiest to use. I also know that I´m not very good at graphics and putting together a website and I hope that everyone who has ideas on how to make this site better (which probably ain´t very hard....), whether it´s graphical design or content, will contact me as well. My thought is that we should begin our work with trying to develop the ideology to a much more comprehensive one and gather information and links that can be useful for our future activities. Knowledge is very important in todays society. Since I´m not totally clear on how to make all this work I will need all the help I can get from all of you out there. The most important thing is to keep up the communication between the members and make everyone feel part of the organization. As I have said before membership is free for some time so join us now! But what is it you´re joining?

The main thought of my ideology is that every human being on earth is of equal value and that we all should work together as one nation (that doesn´t necessarily mean that there must be only one nation on earth). That´s something that you probably heard a thousand times before so what´s new with this organization. I believe that every human being on earth has the right to the same life quality. That means that it shouldn´t matter if you live in a country with few natural resoruces or a country rich of them. The earth belongs to all of us and not to a few people. We should all share the resources and the welfare and together make the best of it. In theory this is what we will work for but I know that in reality this may not be completily possible to do. To learn more about the organization follow the links below!

Main thoughts of my ideology

Demonstrations and other manifestations within UPPE:s sphere of activity


Working Teams (Geographical)

Working Teams (Topic Based)

News Comments



E-MAIL THE ORGANIZATION (Address: uppe_1999@hotmail.com)