The Jackson County Libertarian : Violence Study
The Jackson County Libertarian
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"Hey Do You think We Should Have A violence Rating For Politicions ! "

"New study of entertainment industry
attacks consumers' right to choose"
WASHINGTON, DC -- A new federal commission that will study
whether entertainment companies market violence to children is a case
of "intimidation by bureaucrats" and almost certainly won't accomplish
anything useful, the Libertarian Party said today.
"America already has a mechanism to protect children against
violent entertainment: It's called parents," said Steve Dasbach, the
Libertarian Party's national director. "It's unlikely that a handful of
bureaucrats will be as effective as tens of millions of concerned
This week, President Bill Clinton announced that the federal
government will spend $1 million to study the marketing strategies of
movie, music, and video game companies.
The study, launched in the wake of the Columbine High School
massacre and growing national concern about violence and children, will
be conducted by the Federal Trade Commission and the Justice
Department. The commission will have the power to issue subpoenas, and
will study whether entertainment companies "improperly" market violent
materials to children.
But while concern about the effects of violent entertainment on
children is legitimate, spending tax dollars so bureaucrats can "study"
the issue isn't, said Dasbach.
"This is a case of the government targeting an unpopular
industry, and using intimidation by bureaucrats to put the squeeze on
the First Amendment," he said. "These studies -- and the threat of
federal regulation -- are what elitist politicians do when ordinary
people don't behave like politicians think they should.
"Remember, Americans already have complete control over the
content of video games, movies, and music: If they don't like it, they
don't buy it. And if they think it's not appropriate for their
children, they don't buy it for their children.
"The fact that Americans spent $5.5 billion on video games and
$6.9 billion on movie tickets last year suggests that they are happy
with what the entertainment industry is providing. This commission of
Washington, DC insiders may pretend they are investigating the
entertainment industry, but they're really targeting consumers and
their freedom to choose."
Libertarians also assume the study won't accomplish anything
useful, said Dasbach.
"Whatever recommendations the commission makes probably won't
be effective -- and may even make the problem worse," he predicted.
For example, he noted, after the federal government mandated a
prime-time TV ratings system in 1997, sexual content on the major
networks jumped by 42% and offensive language shot up by 30%.
Ironically, some experts suggested the ratings themselves were
to blame for the increase in sex, violence, and cursing. For example,
Brent Bozell, chairman of the Parents Television Council, said that
networks "would insert edgier content into their shows and justify
insertions by pointing out that attached ratings warned the audience it
was coming."
"Usually when the government gets involved, the problem seems
to get worse," noted Dasbach. "If you think entertainment is violent
now, just wait until federal bureaucrats get their hands on it."
And Libertarians have one final question about the study, said
Dasbach: Why is Bill Clinton, the nation's most aggressive purveyor of
real death, violence, and destruction, launching a study of
fictionalized violence?
"Are we Libertarians the only ones to notice the irony here?"
he asked. "Bill Clinton, with his bombing campaign in Yugoslavia,
caused children to be blown to bits in hospitals, blasted old people in
retirement homes, massacred motorists on a busy bridge, rained missiles
on refugee families, killed innocent Chinese civilians in their
embassy, and cut off electricity to hospitals and schools.
"And talk about marketing violence: Clinton has 'sold' this war
in speeches, via film clips of missile strikes and smart bomb attacks,
saturation coverage on CNN, and through the massive, tax-funded PR
machine of the federal government.
"For Bill Clinton -- a man with the blood of hundreds of
innocent victims on his hands -- to complain about fake violence in
movies, music, and video games isn't just hypocritical, its criminal."
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