The Jackson County Libertarian : Letter to the Editor
The Jackson County Libertarian
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Letter To The Editor From A Friend
Email from Carol Poole and My Response
In a message dated 5/20/99 11:08:16 PM, you wrote:
To the Editor of The Jackson County Libertarian,
I said I wasn't going to submit any more letters to the editor. However I am a female and can change my mind...haha. I think everyone should reprint the Constitution Of The United States Of America. Send it to your friends print it and let everyone know that the current government is not legitimate.
I whole heartedly agree!
I sadly agree with the JCLP (Jackson County Libertarian Party) that the average person does not know what the constitution says, much less stands for, (not their exact words) and need to be reminded of the truth that it holds.
We have no direct affiliation with or approval,or disaproval, of the Jackson County Libertarian Party.
I wish if they taught nothing else in the Goverment run schools that they would at least teach the Bill of Rights ! That won't happen though, because it would be like jailers telling thier prisoners how to escape!
We need more than to memorize the constitution in school, we need to understand it, (this is not being taught in school).
Their much better at teaching Recycling and Biodiversity then the three R's.
The sad truth is that they teach Socialism in school, ( and in college, Marxism) I remember it well, and I'm 40. If this does not tell you something is wrong then you deserve to be taxed (in the long run) 65+ your income. Figure it up..about 40% off the bat, then, gas tax, grocery tax, property tax, school tax, etc..... the list goes on.
Yea....(you get the idea) get taxed when you consume it and when you expel about being taxed at both ends..... could be worse...?..??!!!
Yeah, they could jail us for us refusing to pay taxes for thing we consider immoral ! OOPS! They Do!
But it's not lets make it better. Lets promote the Constitution. They can't argue with it...can they?
Yes they can jail us for promoting the constitution ! Check out Vin Suprynowics book "Send in the Waco Killers , Essays on the freedom Movement,1993-1998" . He talks about a florist who was charged with jury tampering when she placed leaflets describing a juries right to try not only the facts in a case , but the law itself ! This is a juror right ,outlined in the constitution , designed to give the people protection from overzealous prosecuters , judges and legislators!
Hope we'all have a better tomorrow !
Carol Poole
PS: Kennith Starr for president, or maybe Walter Williams, or hmmm some one who makes some sense....
Well,about your PS:, I'd vote for Walter Williams! Thanks for your letter .
It is always a pleasure to read your words of wisdom and insight !
Sincerly yours,
Kevin J. Tull
Editor & Webmaster
The Jackson County Libertarian
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