Welcome to Mike's Power Page
This page is dedicated to my favorite forms of power:
Firearms, Motorcycles, and Off Road Vehicles.

Some or all of this page was last updated 15-January-2008

The world has changed as of September 11, 2001. May terrorists forever live in fear of what is good and right, as justice will be served. God Bless the families of those who lost their lives on this day, 9-11, and God Bless the

On Febuary 23, 1999, we lost one of the finest men who ever lived.
GySgt. Carlos N. Hathcock II, USMC (ret.) passed away from the unescapable enemy, M.S.
On that day, a piece of every professional sniper, military rifleman, hunter, and competitive shooter died as well.
you will be dearly missed gunny!

You are not forgotten

 Click on the topic below to go to that page.

FIREPOWER           <--- Guns, Shooting, & Hunting

    <--- Click here to see some serious horsepower

 The Hurricane is gone, but in it's place is a shiny new 2004 Honda RC-51 Nicky Hayden Replica!
Pic's comming soon.

 OFF ROAD VEHICLES   <--- Click here to go to my Jeep spec's.

  FAMILY     <--- Pic's of family, Our Bio's


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