This page is dedicated to Oklahomans who work to create a better nation by actively monitoring and questioning select government policies and corporate actions. In this uncertain world of corporate mergers, global centralization, and institutionalized violence we at the Free Thought Campaign wish to provide Oklahomans with both a forum for expression and a vehicle for action. There are a great number of problems facing our society and we feel it is time for Oklahomans to shake loose their apathy and act to resolve them.Welcome to the Free Thought Campaign.
Mumia Abu-Jamal, author of Live From Death Row, Death Blossoms, and award winning journalist is currently awaiting state sanctioned execution at the State Correctional Institute in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania. Mumia Abu-Jamal, the former president of the Philadelphia chapter of the Association of Black Journalists was named "one of the people to watch in 1981" by Philadelphia magazine. Referred to by many as "the voice of the voiceless", Mumia Abu-Jamal was convicted of slaying a Philadelphia police officer in 1982 and sentenced to death after a trial that was profoundly biased and politically motivated.
Over time Mumia Abu-Jamal's attorneys have shown that:
After police arrived on the scene Mumia was severely beaten by authorities and denied medical treatment for a prolonged period of time. He was arbitrarily stripped of his right to represent himself in the middle of a voir dire and was expelled from the courtroom after protesting this outrage. Mumia was able to select only one juror during his defense and that juror was later discharged for transient reasons. During the sentencing phase of his trial the prosecution told the jury that it was okay to sentence Jamal to death because he had an infinite number of appeals and wouldn't be executed for many years. He went further to stipulate that appelate courts usually overturn death sentences anyhow. All of this in clear violation of Supreme Court case Eddings v. Oklahoma, 455 U.S. 104 (1982). The prosecution also stated that Mr. Jamal's silence on the circumstances of the shooting bespoke a lack of emotion. This being a definitive violation of Jamal's fifth amendment right to silence.
In October the United States Supreme Court refused to hear Mumia's case once again. On October 13 Governor Ridge signed Mumia's death warrant. He was scheduled to be murdered on December 2. Later that month Judge Yohn of a federal appeals court granted Mumia a stay of execution in response to overwhelming public pressure. Now is the time to act to ensure that this railroading doesn't reach its established conclusion. Help organize your family and friends to fight this judicial miscarriage by passing the in formation contained herein to as many people as possible. Mumia will need solid support to get a new trial so be prepared.