Sexual Health Issues 

What's the use? 9th November 2004

What's the use of condom in an all male environment? e.g in a boys' school, in the army.

What's the use of condom when you are all alone?

What's the use of condom when the person next to you is an 11 or 13 year old girl?

What's the use of condom when the person next to you is a helpless old lady or a retarded person?

A man is still a man whether he is a monk or a priest.

Try telling a hungry man not to eat or a thirsty man not to drink. What do you tell a  man hungry for sex?

If condoms can be made easily available why not sex items rather than having to go to sleazy places to purchase them. 

Are You Aware Of This?

Health Concerns For Men And An End To AIDS

It is now understood that sex is as basic as thirst and hunger. This subject is no longer as taboo as before. It is a very natural strong force. Man and women have sexual urges, if you don’t, you probably need to see a doctor. Sexual urges cannot just be ignored, it needs to be addressed. How can sexual needs be addressed? It is assumed that everyone knows naturally how to handle it – find a partner inside of marriage.


But what if you are a teenager and not yet married. What if you are so ugly or hideous either in character or physically and can’t find a partner? What if a man’s urge is so frequent that even the wife cannot handle it?


Sexual dysfunction is now openly discussed. Man needs to procreate to continue the species. Before many don’t even know of such a term and that treatment can be provided by a doctor. Perhaps there are more of such terms that we are not familiar with.


Would teaching how sexual needs can be addressed reduce the number of rapes on women, old ladies and children?


Some don’t even realize that all you need is only one intercourse and you could be expecting a baby in the next nine months. It could even stop babies from being dumped.

Can Rape on innocent women, children  be stopped by installing  plastic virginas in the toilet for men to use? It can be as natural as using the toilet bowl. If condoms can be used why not?


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