Every month, usually the last Thursday, folks get together at Nancy's to chew the fat and enjoy a few beverages. This tradition, started in 1991 by Dan Collins, provides a forum to share information, swap old stories, and see how old we all look (and are) now. You do not have to be retired to attend. You do not have to be old. You DO have to have a history as an employee of AT&T. So if you're in town or plan to be, just e-mail us and we'll get together. We welcome folks from all ethnic, age, and gender groups. No worries, just show up. |
Local 1150. Great site for upcoming events, news and links to other sites. |
Lots of nostalgia here; our stories are better than theirs. |
The very best computer support is free. Check this out. |
Lotsa discounts from these folks. Save 5 bucks on AOL. |
More stuff to ponder. |
Not everyone loves AT$T. God knows I hate AT$T, Click on the picture to the left for a horror story. Check out the links at the bottom of the site for more. These are a bit dated but AT$T has gotten worse since then. |
There should be some usefull information here. Well, maybe. |
The New Jersey Pioneers Website. |
Classmates now has an area that allows you to locate former co-workers as well as folks from school. Certainly worth a peek. |