The Association for Gay and Lesbian Orientation Research

6.2. Pathologies, morbidity and mortality

significant differences between homosexual and straight lifestyles

Published research links the struggle for gay identity with elevated risk of suicide (Hogge 1998, 15), higher than average incidence of disease and significantly below average mortality. Political claims of "persecution" are insufficient explanations of high morbidity/mortality in homosexuals, when compared to other severely persecuted minorities, American Negroes, Jews and Christians who do not exhibit any of the pathogenic tendencies found in the gay population.

Nor do accounts of socio-economic disadvantage coincide with the above average status of homo-sexuals compared to other high morbidity groups such as unemployed, single mothers, indigenous Australians or migrants. Young people need better explanations to help them live, full, safe, and healthy lives.

"As more and more homosexuals come out of hiding, the reality of gay economic and political and education achievement becomes more evident. And as that happens, gay people who insist they are oppressed will increasingly, and not always unfairly, come off as yuppie whiners, 'victims' with $50,000 incomes and vacations in Europe. They may feel they are oppressed, but they will have a harder and harder time convincing the public." *Jonathan Rauch, "Beyond Oppression," The New Republic, May 10, 1993, 23. *This author is a homosexual; The New Republic is a liberal publication.

"Unlike blacks three decades ago, gay men and lesbians suffer no discernible communal economic deprivation and already operate at the highest levels of society: in boardrooms, governments, the media, the military, the law and industry." *Andrew Sullivan, "The Politics of Homosexuality," The New Republic, May 10, 1993, 34.

(for the two above quotes, see Summit Ministries, Homosexual Revolution Fact Sheet @ )

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