warp.across.to/2002 ---- updated February 27 2000
References appended:
Sydney's Winning bid budget
Newspaper articles "A" & "B"
Newswire reports: "Pre-Gay Games" and "Post-Gay Games"List of online document references
and offline document archivesAcknowledgment:
The Community & Family Rights Council report outlining the cultural war
- "Freedom of Religion in Australia – attacks on Christianity" which assisted this report.
This is some background on the 2002 Gay Games with a 'scrapbook' approach to web documents and information -from a Christian world-view. If you have a prejudiced and discriminatory view of Christianity, you need not read any further. If you are a Bible-Believing-Christian (a term that acknowledges the existence of non-Biblical christians), interested in resisting the cultural warfare directed at the Judeo-Christian basis of western society, I encourage you to find time to read this through.
In general, cults and causes that want to raise their profile have to fundraise a lot to be able to afford costly publicity and membership drives. The successful collection of money from the public, especially when it takes great effort and lots of time, substantiates -in hard currency --the credibility of the cult or cause. This idea will be used by the New South Wales State Electoral Office to prevent the reoccurence of the "Table Cloth" ballot paper which offered the voter 80 Parties and 300 Candidates in March 1999.
The gay cult avoids the whole hassle by simply riding existing political Parties. Currently, in New South Wales (NSW), they use their homophile [see 'Additions (a)' -homophile] connections in the Australian Labor Party (ALP) to obtain their funding requirements. This has plugged the gay cult straight into the public Treasury. But this strategy provides more than just the means to get easy money to cover costs like those involved in The 2002 Sydney Gay Games. State funding also means a "sanction" for the gay cause. And this "sanction" brings more grief to conservatives like me than the original grab for money, because it may lead to Treasury funding of the gay cult on a permanent basis. The prospect of "normal" gay funding being at the level arranged to subsidise the 2002 Gay Games is scary.
But should the State fund a cult at all? [see 'Additions (b)' -defining cults]
"...publicly subsidised arts are becoming the handmaidens and drum-beaters of the social and moral engineers." -Paul Johnson, (i)
When Paul Johnson observed the left's grab for tax dollars through "The Arts" and the other minor ministries in 1989, could he have imagined that this idea of was only just getting started?
The subsidies assisting policies like "Diversity" and "Multi-culturalism" are now major "sacred cows". But does diverse extend into perverse without big implications for the "host culture"?
The gay cult in Australia is staging a big photo opportunity in 2002, "The Gay Games". It is very likely to cost the community, the "host culture" millions of dollars. Treasury grants to cults, especially for overblown parties that reek politics, like the Gay Games, should be stopped -now. If not, the gay cult will soon have notched up a large victory in the cultural war, for free. This war is being fought just as much in Australia as America. It is a cultural war to breakdown resistance against homo-sexuality in the Church, in the schools, in the media, and in the streets. The gay cult wants us to abandon the social constructs integral to centuries of Western Civilisation. The cult believes that their ancestors -- millions upon millions of people-- took a wrong turn culturally and that they were social dunces and insensitive to "diversity".
To the gay cult, our Judeo-Christian cultural values are worthless kitsch. Their pamphleteers assume that human societies didn't face homo-sexual morality and promiscuity centuries ago, and that the decision to put perversions in the sin-bin was a mistake. Then comes the obvious question: 'Without this so-called mistake, would civilisation have made it past the first few generations?' No. So, applying the gay world-view, the fact that we exist at all in 1999 is reduced to nothing more than a fluke. It is just lucky that the so-called cultural mistake of banning perversions has postponed viral outbreaks until the late twentieth century when medicine is advanced enough to challenge germs.
What this gay cult wants of the mainstream once they achieve their initial cultural aims is not known. But first they must combat and conquer our prevailing culture: "The Australian National University ...has consistently shown that over 71 percent of Australians believe that homo-sexuality is always morally wrong, and around the same percentage oppose homo-sexuals raising children." ref 1
Cultures are not overturned easily. Interestingly, other left-wing outfits labour away for the preservation/restoration of various and sundry ethnic cultures worldwide. Their effort to promote and to protect diverse cultures is making progress, as per the secular humanist head office agenda at UNESCO. ref 2
The gay cult, which started off as a blip in the left-wing of the political spectrum, has set about stomping and pillaging the mainstream Judeo-Christian culture of the West. They want to undermine it and destroy it. They do not want assimilation or accommodation. They do not want tolerance --they want respect and special rights. And, incredibly, UNESCO supports them even when they devalue marriage and push their idea of family --and talk of bringing up children. UNESCO also happens to be the international head office for promotion of birth control and "healthy" abortion practices ...and the rest of the feminist agenda as well. Note that UNESCO ironically outlawed "trafficking in women" (prostitution and pornography) back in the 1950's in the name of Human Rights, but enforcing that statute today would be to expose the feminists, who have a blindspot on sexual exploitation of women. Another tenet of Feminism, it's revulsion of femininity, exposes more of its Orwellian pedigree. As you can see, I am not an admirer of UNESCO. Did you vote for them?
The scripture giving rise to the intellectual acrobatics at UNESCO is the Humanist Manifesto. The Secular Humanist religion has nominated itself, and its faithful, as the future of humanity and the leading light of mankind. In taking a position against the moral authority of Biblical Law, the secular humanists find themselves having to cohabit and get cosy with those in their ranks holding more radical plans for society; radical plans and agendas that advocate perverse and unrestrained lifestyles (even when they are fundamentally anti-social and destructive).
Why do I mention all this? Because Humanism's anti-Biblical orthodoxy, to which those in the gay cult adhere, demands the same degree of bigotry that the cult's sprukers say is chief characteristic of the Judeo-Christians. [see 'Additions (d)' - bigotry]
There are examples of left-wing double-think all the way up to the head office at UNESCO. And this includes the gay cult, with its hardcore of cultural fascists. UNESCO is showing signs of an acute case of multiple personality disorder. For example, if I wrote an letter into UNESCO and put up the proposition that unwanted pregnancies should be brought to full term and given to gay couples... the reply would occupy their thinktanks for months!
The 2002 Gay Games are another part of the gay campaign not only to put the stamp of perversity on our future, but to make this perversity sparkle and look attractive. The 2002 Gay Games suits the UNESCO push to weaken the morals of Judeo-Christian culture --a culture which depends on the stability of "family" and "home"-- and institute "relative morality".
The home is important beyond measure, and the best homes are those homes built on strong morals. Modern urban Australia is plagued by relative morals. Moral breakdown is displayed all around; in street crimes; in business crimes; in violence; and in the lack of respect for authority. The families-are-needed-now-more-than-ever symptoms in the streets should remind us about the main game.
Tax dollars are already quietly funding gay cultural propaganda. The 2002 Gay Games are more propaganda served with more attitude, aimed mainly at promoting an oxymoron, "healthy homo-sexuality", to the kids. If this promotion is successful, we better start getting over the bottom line now: more and more parents will live out their senior citizenship with fewer grandkids. In an age where the "nuclear" family idea has already pruned family trees, promotion of homo-sexuality will mean some Australian families will have even less branches.
Our children are a priceless treasure. Every other attraction, or achievement, or occupation in this life comes a distant second to the priceless blessings of children and family. So why don't our school age adolescents get stronger guidance to the highway that leads to life fulfillment --and warned well away from the twisted tracks leading to dysfunctionality?
Uh oh. That word I just used --"dysfunctional"-- hits a nerve. It is a powerful and emotive word, and it instantly puts us at the political sharp end of the 2002 Gay Games and other gay promotions. The row about the "D" word is a political contest involving opinions from all sides. It is no exaggeration to say the future of Western culture --and family-- is up for grabs.
The 2002 Gay Games program is very political, and it serves to show off the central ideas of the cult. The annual Sydney Mardi Gras March is just as political, but it doesn't last a week and threaten to syphon the Treasury to the same extent. The 2002 Gay Games will obviously not include a "D" competition or any exhibit harping on other politically harmful aspects of the gay lifestyle. But the program reveals more politics the deeper you dig. The gay cult must be seen to be past the big issue --of whether "gayness" is a choice or whether it is genetic-- and therefore deserving of keeping company with real civil rights struggles, such as racism. The reader must understand that if there is any "choice" evidence allowed in the 2002 Gay Games, the leaders of gay cult have to write off the last decade that they have spent snuggling up to the real civil struggles. The lie has to fly.
So the real indicator of how much the 2002 Gay Games are tied to politics, and one side of politics at that, is this: the exclusion of those wonderful ex-cult members, the-gays-who-changed-their-choice. (The next time you log on, visit their websites and you will see that the heretics have been getting organised.)
The 2002 Gay Games posters advertising "Inclusion" should have an asterisk and a "Conditions Apply" line added. "Rainbow Flag Burners" and "Healing" are Gay Games taboo --and those who choose "healing", the existence of which is reveals the lies of the pamphleteers, get instant banishment (especially by the homophile media). So don't look for the Exodus International or Kerusso Ministry banners in the Opening parade; the Gay Games parties are really for the cult and by the cult.
The 2002 Gay Games presentations are carefully designed to give an impression of numerical strength and to show-off the cult's best examples of "smiley people". TV images of Gay Games fun, normality, "gay pride" and solidarity are being readied. The following quote states the very obvious point of it all: "These Games will be good to have because it means people can see gays doing things other than being flamboyant and partying, like you do at the Mardi Gras. We're successful people, talented people." ref 3
Well, that is the US$64,000 question; whether an adult can be successful and talented and stable and happy and perverse and normal -simultaneously. ref 4
If you think the answer is rather obviously "No", how do you like the idea of Local, State and Federal government funding efforts to change your opinion and attack your cultural and family values-- based on their cult-appeasing "Maybe" answer to the US$64,000 question? Do you appreciate the politicians inept attempts at social engineering, and social experimentation? Do you object to the idea of cashed up cult members going on a counter-culture shopping spree, maybe paid for by the Treasury, without any mandate from the electorate? A spending spree funded by the electorate that attempts to pervert the culture of the electorate? It is just incredible.
So why is this counter-culture being promoted by the ALP, Democrat, and Green homophiles in the face of the obvious need to restore strong morality? Why do they get all defensive and apologetic when it comes to the sex industry --and positively combative regarding the drug culture? And why are they looking the other way, ignoring the 2002 Gay Games junkets and the gay gravy train that may simply syphon off Treasury funds to the San Franciscan gay campaign?
Let me do a hypothetical news story next. It will serve as a outline of the Gay Games issues and the murky appropriations for the 2002 Gay Games;
Imagine if a small Australian membership of the KKK got all zealous and organised an International KKK Festival, not in the KKK seat of power in America, but in the Sydney Olympic arena, because the aim was to boost the Sydney KKK cult membership
...AND lets say they set about commanding publicity and influence on children in Sydney and elsewhere through the TV, the music, the celebrities, the street events, and the crowd scenes
...AND imagine that they had got special discounted hiring costs (for a week) of the Olympic Stadiums, and other public real estate
...AND the KKK got government grants up front to guarantee the Grand Wizard's Appearance fee, which is A$1,400,000
...AND the KKK ensured that the A$1,400,000 Grand Wizard Appearance fee was to be paid well in advance of the event, into an American KKK bank account
...AND the Grand Wizard's Appearance fee had been hiked 800% to cover the ticket profit the Wiz never expects to make (because the KKK have run several of these Festivals and they always go in the red)
...AND this million dollar deal was not debated by the politicians, especially the politicians closest to the KKK, who had done a side deal with the KKK activists to keep them quiet in an election period
...AND the weight of medical and historical opinion was that this KKK cult was largely anti-social; it's cult members were more likely to die early; it's cult members were more likely to be depressed and be in need of therapy; it's cult members were more likely to be involved with drugs, prostitution and paedophilia...
...how loudly would you object? Would you write letters to your newspaper editor? Would you bucket the Premier or the local member of the representation industry?
If that last part of the hypothetical news story (mentioning therapy etc) infers that the leaders of the gay cult, despite their efforts to bury the negative gay stereotype, are really promoting a soul destroying, sad, anti-social lifestyle ...that is the intent.
And if you accept that the stereotype bears some truth --then you must also accept the only possible response; the cult members in the community are in need of our love, our help, our kindness, our love, and yet more love. Much more love. Never, ever, the reverse.
If any of your friends needs help, give it. One of the best sources of information available in Australia on this issue is the Australian Gay and Lesbian Orientation Research website. ref 5 And then there are those ex-cult organisations that are getting stronger all the time, such as Kerusso and Exodus International, that conduct "The National Coming Out Of Homo-sexuality Day".
By November 2002, members of San Francisco's gay cult are looking to have had their war chest boosted through the syphon set up by a number of Australians; it appears Australian cult members can tap into public funds not as easily available to their San Franciscan blood brothers. This cult's members are an economically privileged social subgroup in both Nations, but the ALP NSW government may see fit to hand over public funds to them so they can run their exclusive Gay Games. (As mentioned above, the program does lip service to "inclusion" --hetero-sexuals are welcome to buy Gay Games tickets, but in Gay Games sports, such as Ballroom Dancing, only gay couples are allowed. ref 6 Reformed cult members --people who have "dropped out" are also persona non grata.)
Not only do the cult members have a much higher average income than the mainstream, but they also have higher leverage in the ALP than the mainstream too. I wonder why Mr Carr, (Premier of New South Wales, leader of the State ALP Party), appeases them -and more? Why does Mr Carr grant the gay cult political and financial power? Is it that they have better organised political muscle than people on waiting lists, homeless youth, street people or drug addicts in need of rehab centres?
The answer is "Yes". The gay cult's strong point is the political savvy and experience that their San Franciscan and New York friends have accumulated, especially in decoying The Church, the linchpin of political resistance. Having all that experience to strengthen their hand, complaints lobbed their way probably won't achieve much. So I would not be surprised if the 2002 Gay Games organisers counter the predictable grumblings from the mainstream (if the mainstream are made aware of the million dollar syphon, etc.), by spotlighting the casual expenditures like the million dollar New Years Eve fireworks, or perhaps even the 2000 Olympics. Their spin doctors will argue that the cult deserves similar lax attitudes on tax spending, etc.
The Sydney Bid team won against other cities apparently because it had the biggest party budget and because it had the use of the 2000 Olympics venues and other public assets, including cash. The budget expenditure is split down the middle between the sport costs and party costs. Local availability of drugs may also have swayed the selectors. The bid for the Gay Games, including duchessing type parties in Sydney, cost A$180,000 (News article "A" -appended).
The Sydney Bid Team put the 2002 Bid together after the San Franciscan Federation Of Gay Games (FOGG) reps enjoyed a "sleaze ball" and Mardi Gras junket to Sydney. ref 7
Million dollar budgets were in the air. Big parties. Big culture. Big issues. So, even before the announcement of Sydney's winning bid by the San Franciscans in late 1997, the ALP leadership and gay network embraced the Gay Games. And so the pulling of political strings began.
Networking is not news. But cover up is. The winning Gay Games bid budget has been reworked. We only have the winning bid budget and cult habits to base speculations on, besides other little bits of info, spread thinly around the Net. The latest budget figures are out of the public eye somewhere in Sydney or San Francisco. Hence one of two of the conclusions in the following examination of "the issues" may be off the mark. Sorry. Truth is the first casualty of cultural war. Reading between the lines of what is published...
Who has ever even heard of the Gay Games? Who funds the Gay Games? Well, don't be surprised if the first thing you learn about the Gay Games is that they suck up large subsidies every four years from host cities and governments. They also have a record of running deep into the red. Previous Gay Games have had financial problems:
despite those events having smaller budgets (Sydney's 2002 winning budget is around A$10 million);
despite being held in American and European localities having larger local gay audiences than Sydney; and
despite the syphon to the FOGG San Franciscan bank account being around one-eighth of the Sydney 2002 "FOGG fee".
No doubt the big speed bump in the Sydney Gay Games budget is that interesting "FOGG fee".
The winning Sydney 2002 budget, run by "Team Sydney", includes funds for the "FOGG fee" syphon of US$1,000,000. I repeat: US$1,000,000. It is an amount that is an 800% increase over the 1998 Amsterdam Gay Games FOGG syphon of US$125,000. I repeat: 800% more than Amsterdam. Yes, the Sydney blood brothers put in their Gay Games bid for 2002, agreeing to donate A$1,400,000 straight to the San Franciscan war chest. That's a lot of money. Will it be public money? ref 8 'Easy come, easy go'.
But the Bid Chairman of Team Sydney is confident that all the FOGG syphon and the other expenditures will be paid; including the massive parties, duchessing and the local salaries for 70 odd Oxford St full time staff. ref 9
We are left to conclude, from the tone of the media material made available on the Net, that the Sydney Bid Team is not overly concerned about making a profit, just as long as the money for the American war chest is safe in the San Franciscan bank and they are not embarrassed in front of their home city. Why should we expect the Bid team to pause and think about monetary risks? Economics is clearly not the main game.
Win or lose the gay radicals get the targeted publicity, because, as demonstrated recently to great effect by Talkback Radio, citizens keep their opinions close to the phone. Whistle-blowers, gay or not, inevitably reveal Treasury dollars that go to pet projects, pork barrels, and junkets.
The 2002 Gay Games' will get heaps of publicity alright. Just imagine it.
In the foreground is the gay cult in party mode; after the publicity "harvest" comes in, (or "out"), the Gay Games will have generated more homophiles and more cult members (especially from "curious" youth, the cannon fodder). The cult will no doubt celebrate another successful party and a feel smug about it all. The gay cult in Sydney should benefit in other ways; more membership means more votes.
On stage-left, surrounded by cheque stubs, paint tins, fabric samples and dress dummies, the 75 Sydney fulltime staff take their subsidised salaries and worry not. Party on. The cult makes good use of friends in high places.
On stage-right, without government "sanction", are those labelled as religious killjoys and as ignorant; those who have come in from the suburbs and regional areas to say "No more", or just "No". But the issue has been very intentionally blurred in advance; the homophile media will ask them what gripe they have against the Tourism Industry.
In the background, in the shadows, a million dollar "deal" comes off; Sydney's winning budget provides the San Franciscans A$1,400,000 --US$1,000,000.
Seen in the perspective of P & C Associations, amateur clubs and raffle tickets --it is a big pile of money, and according to Sydney's 2002 winning budget, government subsidies (Local, State and Federal) are expected to be over A$2,000,000 all up. They are primarily looking to the NSW Premiers Department, the NSW Tourism Commission, The Tourism Council Of Australia, The Australia Council, and by inference, Sydney Councils. They also expect such companies as QANTAS to be major sponsors, to the tune of A$750,000. (Winning bid budget -appended)
And according to the winning budget, besides subsidies, the Sydney bid team expect to get a lot of income from ticket sales, advertising sponsors, and TV rights (hoping for A$500,000!). (Winning bid budget -appended)
Where are the latest budget details? The Net mentions that the 2002 Gay Games winning budget was re-jigged in the third quarter of 1998, and stops there. ref 10
One thing is certain. Without public money, it's a fair assumption that the Gay Games are a dead duck. Or at least, as happened with the Amsterdam Gay Games fiasco in 1998, large debts are guaranteed. (Newswire report "Post-Gay Games" -appended)
"Tom Seddon, said he was quite confident that there would be enough money to pay the [FOGG] fee: "In terms of planning around this fee it's not that much different than planning around staff and office expenses, it is just another set of numbers," Seddon said." ref 11
The Chairman is confident of his ALP government backing! I tend to think if someone gave me an International event with a A$10 million or so budget ...and the fight to fund large fees in advance of the event was looming ...well, I would be a bit insecure, to say the least.
If funding was not so "confident", the election campaign of March 1999 would have seen a lot of noise from the Bid team looking for the funds in a bit of a panic. Not a good media impression and degrading for all parties. So, what sort of deal was done with "the network" in January 1998? "Sydney 2002 is expecting to meet the NSW Premier, Bob Carr, in January next year to discuss the degree of State Government funding for the event." ref 12
Is this why the gay cult was on it's best behaviour before the March 1999 NSW election? The whole 2002 Gay Games issue was put off the media and Opposition radar for the election period, just like other embarrassments, such as the parole of a murderous paedophile, the Same-sex property legislation (first Bill out of the box for the re-elected Carr ALP), and the recent book critical of the ALP's slide from working class family values to those of the middle class trendies. Also, an ALP member introduced (again) a bill to lower the Age Of Consent for gay sex and it was voted down some months later (again).
The ALP is surely not in the dark? Team Sydney presumably told the ALP echelons in Sydney's gay cult about the San Franciscan's million dollar syphon, etc, back in 1997. Or perhaps they just read about it in the papers.. In August 1998 the Sydney Bid Team were due to syphon the first payment to FOGG San Francisco, (part of the 800% increased "FOGG fee" of A$1.4 million). There is a web mention that the FOGG License Fee has been renegotiated, but the new fee is not there. How much did it alter, if at all? ref 13
And was the money, the first payment, whatever the amount, secured at that murky meeting in early 1998, when Team Sydney met with Mr Carr? We are left to wonder until someone in the Premier's Department blows a whistle. It was reported in a gay magazine, that the Premier's Department was asked by the San Franciscans for the licence money, the "FOGG fee", to be paid in advance of the 2002 event, over a period of four years. That would mean perhaps A$375,000 per year. ref 14
Maybe they discussed other aspects of the bid budget such as the party expenses, totaling A$1,520,000 (Winning bid budget -appended), while they lobbying for the up-front Treasury funds and discount ex-Olympic real estate as well.
Apparently, the next funding move had to wait 9 months until April 1999, a week after the re-election of the NSW ALP. Then some San Franciscan FOGG reps were duchessed around Sydney by Team Sydney and, presumably, they talked with the same Premiers Department suits they had met in early 1998. ref 15 and ref 16
Mr Carr's minders have not denied the Gay Games articles (and schedule) and the implications that are posted on the Net as yet. The next NSW State election is due in March 2003, four and a half months after the 2002 Gay Games are set to "go off". Let's hope the shame of the Gay Games derails the ALP government and the gay cult's access to tax funds.
In Mr Carr's government, finding "whiteboard" style spending, other than the Gay Games funds, is not hard. Just look at the State Budget, as revealed by the June 1999 Budget session, which has attracted complaints. The NSW Auditor-General has called out for help. I am referring to the ALP Treasurer's rather devious use of a sort of back-dating arrangement for Appropriations. 'What a tangled web we weave, when at first we begin to deceive'.
In response, the Upper House General Purpose Standing Committee #1 is to hold an inquiry to ascertain how badly The Treasurer has pranged the NSW Constitution and how it will be fixed. (Legislative Council June 1st 1999) Perhaps his licence should be revoked. (This is the guy whose ambition is to take a chainsaw to the Constitution and relegate the Upper House --and it's traditional supervision of tax payer's money-- to history.)
If tax funding has made it's way through the ALP networking to Team Sydney Ltd or FOGG or other Gay Games connections, through any State department --such as Tourism, The Premiers Department, Arts, etc-- it must be disclosed to the public. ref 17
According to the gay Net, the Premiers Department is well and truly in the Gay Games loop. So it is a safe assumption that Mr Carr knows all about the impending --extensive-- public funding of the 2002 Gay Games, to put it nicely. All current funding details, if not released sooner, may be revealed in November 1999, at the Annual FOGG meeting being hosted in Berlin this year. I wonder whether a toast will be made "To Mr Carr and the NSW Treasury" at this Berlin junket? After all, the good people of NSW look likely to be passing over US$1 million to their campaign war chest. Lets recap the Gay Games chronology so far:
-March 1996 Mardi Gras junket by FOGG encourages local Bid Team;
-April 1997 news leaked that NSW Treasury had granted A$75,000 to bid expenses;
-November 1997 FOGG awards Gay Games to Sydney ...then Team Sydney networking changes up a gear and real dealing starts. Plans are made for 1998 and 1999;
In January 1998, a meeting: "Sydney 2002 is expecting to meet the NSW Premier, Bob Carr, in January next year to discuss the degree of State Government funding for the event." ref 18
In August 1998, Team Sydney went overseas to attend/research/junket the Amsterdam Gay Games --with some NSW Public servants to boot: "Sydney 2002 had 48 official observers in Amsterdam-- 28 of those were sports observers. I personally visited 17 sports and our Director in charge of Venues and Infrastructure looked at all but three sports venues. We gathered information on all aspects of the Games --sports, cultural program, transport, accommodation, security, marketing, finance, sponsorship etc. Our state government --the government of New South Wales-- had sundry representatives from the Department of Health and the Roads and Transport Authority to look at transport and medical/health aspects of the Games. There were also two counsellors from the city of South Sydney as well as Sydney's Deputy Lord Mayor, Councellor Henry Tsang, who spoke on behalf of Sydney at the closing ceremony." ref 19
After August 1998, (Amsterdam Gay Games) the "FOGG fee" deal is stitched up: "We negotiated (and then negotiated again) our license [fee] from the Federation Of Gay Games [FOGG] as well as making our first written report, our first live report [to FOGG] and our first license fee payment." ref 20
In April 1999, (week after election), some duchessing: "Our first inspection team from the Federation of Gay Games is due in April." ref 21
In November 1999, the Annual FOGG party in Berlin. The Sydney Bid Board, I assume, will be required to give another live progress report and perhaps it's time for the second license fee payment. ref 22
In November 2002, the Gay Games go off in Sydney... and the NSW Election Campaign launches held or soon to be held by Political Parties.
In March 2003, NSW State Election.
The Gay Games budget is a hot potato alright. This is the most recent information for public consumption on the Team Sydney website:
"Gay Games VI Update: 2002, the Sydney Gay Games organising committee, had a busy 1998! In the past 12 months we have accomplished much. After establishing a transition board and working arrangements to see the organisation make the change from bidder to host we set up shop in 94 Oxford Street. Fifty observers saw every aspect of the organisation and operation of Gay Games V in Amsterdam and returned with much new information ...We have commenced a complete overhaul of our bid budget, and set in place new financial controls. Money is important and we appointed leading event sponsorship firm, Advantage International, as our corporate fundraising partner. We established a governmental working party headed by the Premier’s Department to oversee logistical preparations for the Games." ref 23
The most recent info on the San Franciscan's website? Well, there is a campaign manifesto from FOGG Leader, Mr Den Haag (speech to March 1999 Montreal FOGG junket), concluding with the promise of inclusion and participation for all, (which contradicts the Ballroom Dancing exclusion of hetero-sexuals etc referred to previously as well as the "changed choice" heretics). ref 24
But that is all the news, as of July 1999. What is the finalised (contracted) dollar amount destined for the San Franciscan account? How much will it cost for the pink parties? What has NSW's ALP Treasurer agreed to, whether through the Premiers Department funds or the Tourist Commission's funds or Advantage International, the fundraiser's "partners"? And why is it all being kept low key?
The 2002 Gay Games are scheduled for November 2002 with athletic events at Olympic Park, swimming at the Aquatics Centre and Cultural festival around street sites starting November 2nd 2002. Team Sydney and co must be negotiating some discount deals for lot of public real estate. The question arises; are the Gay Games paying normal facility charges, like everyone else, or are they getting discounts or freebies courtesy of the Premier's Department? How much do Rugby League teams, etc, pay for their footy games, let alone a booking that lasts for a whole week?
The Team Sydney website mentions a 1998 site tour for Team Sydney Bid Board members by Showplex while the Homebush Olympic goodies were still under construction. "The bid board has continued to develop major relationships with both State and Local Government, and with Showplex, the management company of Olympic Park". ref 25 Are the Gay Games getting a cost discount from Showplex, via the ALP strings?
Just how many party tickets does the Bid team fantasise about selling to the NSW public? Their winning budget says ticket sales of just under A$4,000,000. That could be a target of 200,000 tickets at A$20 each.
But this is not a free show as per Mardi Gras parade. Also it hasn't the same "pull" to the public as a Mardi Gras, although there is some folk, some craft, some ethnic and some disabled inclusion ("milk the margin" marketing). The 2002 "gay culture" festival is planning to copy the attractions of the Mardi Gras. The maxim of the Gay Games cultural aspect is expression without restriction. A hint of the Serrano Ab Fab set. It is a thinly veiled method to generate income from crowd scenes. ref 26
But are the "culture" and parties destined to cover the shortfall in ticket income from the (less exciting) sports program? No. Because the parties are in the streets. So, the budget is talking about ticketing income generated mainly by track and field daylight events --for 7 days? The pink opening and closing events may attract ticket sales, but will it be anywhere near enough to pay back government funds? Are Team Sydney even considering refunding the Treasury outlays? I don't expect it would even cross their (collective) minds.
The 1998 Amsterdam Gay Games had a main arena with a capacity of 50,000. Ticket sales figures for the seven days (from the whole program) are quoted as totaling 250,000. (Newswire report "Post-Gay Games" -appended). Will the Sydney 2002 Gay Games get up to those numbers? There are about 5,000 marchers from the eastern (populous) part of Australia forming up to make the Mardi Gras happen lately. If they do match the 1998 Gay Games attendance for the week ...well remember that the Amsterdam Gay Games still lost millions of dollars (even with major sponsorship dollars thrown in from airlines etc). So even if Sydney's effort is attended by overseas participants to the same extent as Amsterdam, it may not get the ticket sales, and it may not clear the red ink. The ALP Treasury looks certain to have to save the books for Team Sydney Inc and the homo-sexual activists.
How few in number are they? Do they command votes and weild electoral power? The 1996 Census has been used to establish a ballpark figure on New South Wales' gay population. It comes in at 54 gays per 1000 people (0.54 per cent of the adult population of NSW). Even on National figures the old gay lie of "one-in-ten" has been put away (Australian national average of 0.43 per cent --less than NSW) ref 27
And guess what? FOGG has been careful with the numbers too. After the Gay Games financial problems of previous years, FOGG can see the writing on the wall as well. So they have taken a no risk approach for 2002. This new idea of payments --this pre-Gay Games syphon-- will mean their money will come hassle free (ie., not through bankruptcy courts): San Francisco intends to bank the A$1,400,000 million "FOGG fee" before the Gay Games go off in part because the 1998 Gay Games in Amsterdam were a financial and management "fiasco" which was of little if any monetary benefit to the San Franciscan campaigners. No surprises that the Gay Games money messes are not mentioned in the FOGG website. Again, the propagandists bury the negatives.
So, having learnt their lesson in 1994 and 1998, the San Franciscan FOGG want their money up front. The other FOGG action, notionally a 15 per cent cut of 2002 Gay Games profits, they have no real concern about. FOGG's strategy is fairly obvious--'There is not going to be any profit, so we'll just up the fee by 800% and what happens in 2002, at the bottom line, is Team Sydney's problem.'
Jumping ahead to the day when the San Franciscan blood brothers have their war chest boosted from the Sydney Gay Games, just what happens to the money anyway? We have no say. It's for them to spend our money anyway they want. There is a gay media quote, spelling out the anything-goes attitude: "The Federation of Gay Games will use the money to staff and resource its office, to do outreach work and to improve its communications plan." ref 28 Is it coincidental that the Australian funds arrive during the US Presidential campaign, where money is everything as far as the cultural war is concerned?
A copy of the Sydney Bid Budget (Winning bid budget -appended) shows some guesses for promotion costs and party costs, as well as the optimistic funding by government etc. If you take out the NSW public fundings, it appears the Sydney Bid Team would be in debt a long time. Maybe that is why Team Sydney is corporatised.
Team Sydney is quite small in number, judging by the number of gay members it sent to the 1998 Gay Games in Amsterdam, and by their own newsletter. A total of 350 Australian competitors went to Amsterdam Gay Games 1998. Half of those keen players were from Sydney. ref 29
Is this club out of it's depth? This Bid team and its 180 odd international players, is the financial equivalent of the local suburban cricket club or Little Athletics ...and the ALP Treasurer may end up bailing them out with a few million tax dollars. I don't imagine private companies coming to the rescue of Team Sydney after the closing ceremony, as per Amsterdam 1998. What financial resources have they themselves?
Well, their newsletter reveals something of their internal fundraising levels, and it certainly doesn't inspire confidence or credibility in Team Sydney Ltd: "This [Gay Games V] rebate was based on how long you have been a Team Sydney member and provided options on what to do with the money. Many of us have chosen to give our rebate to Sydney 2002 Gay Games Ltd. The Board also made a grant of A$2500. We had the pleasure of presenting the cheque to Gay Games IV Chair Tom Seddon at a fundraiser in December [1998]. Together the grant and rebate will total over A$3,000. Given Team Sydney’s limited ability to provide cash support, this donation represents a very sizeable commitment towards 2002. This support began when Team Sydney initiated the bid to host the Games in Sydney and our commitment to the process remains steadfast. Our support has been, and will continue to be, provided in areas where we can best assist and add value. Through its individual members and member Clubs Team Sydney is investing considerable time and resources to the sports development strategy which will see the queer sports community of Sydney ready to provide an appropriate framework and environment for staging the Games." ref 30
The homophiles trumpet rubbery figures concerning the short term economic benefit of the Gay Games. They tell us over and over the Gay Games will help the local economy.
A Sydney bean counter, Professor Cox, conveniently came up with favorable figures early in the Gay Games issue, before the San Franciscans picked the "successful" Team Sydney Gay Games bid, in August 1997. Using a figure of 30,000 visitors to the Gay Games, Professor Cox estimated a boost to the NSW economy of A$80,000,000 and other states of A$49,000,000. ref 31
There is no substantiation of the Professor's forecast anywhere on the Net, however. Co-incidentally the rubbery figures for the Mardi Gras crowd and the economic benefit is also low key. Professor Cox would no doubt be reluctant to argue the long term HIV economic loss implications of the cult with the Venereologists (who deal with figures considerably more brittle). There seems to be no publicity by the media and the government suits about the downside of the Gay Games. The 2002 Gay Games influx will not be required to reveal their HIV status.
Is this HIV cost even on the Opposition's or media radar? It is certainly relevant. The gay cult has a notoriously high turnover of partners for sex and drugs. For example the hype about the annual Mardi Gras "Sleaze Ball" is that it is usually a sort of world record orgy attempt...
The numbers on the flip side of the brief 2002 Gay Games tourism boost are a shock. The long term cash cost of HIV to the Health Budgets of Australian governments, running at 750 new HIV cases annually, gets astronomic when you apply the HIV patient growth curve to the projected lifetime cost of maintaining each HIV positive individual, which nudges A$1,200,000. For each individual. This cost is arrived at after adding up "expensive drugs, support services, hospital care, invalid pensions, lost revenue from diminishing taxes paid, etc". ref 32
Obviously there will be an economic boost to tourism in the short term, but as with the similar Mardi Gras tourism boost, what price the culture war and long term health losses?
In summary, the Gay Games have many "cons" and hardly any "pros".
The main "con" is the "FOGG fee" and the tax funds to the rescue mentality of the previous Gay Games and previous losses being repeated:
1994 New York --size of loss unknown (pamphleteers would have publicised any profit)-- 11,000 competitors --"FOGG fee" was only US$55,000
1998 Amsterdam --a bigger loss-- finance director sacked --emergency plea to sponsors and government to provide more funds (Newswire report "Post-Gay Games" -appended)-- even with its 12,000 competitors --the "FOGG fee" was only US$125,000 --I assume that FOGG got their fee money up front and kept it. There is no web reference to this little hot potato.
2002 Sydney --likely to be the biggest loss-- the Treasurer Mr Egan told the parliament to look forward to about 40,000 competitors --a wild exaggeration? Was he misled by the Sydney Bid Chairman?
Here are some more "cons". The 1998 Amsterdam Gay Games went way into the red and it included a "FOGG fee" of only US$125,000, with 12,000 competitors and supposedly an total arena attendance of 250,000 for the week. That is way out of kilter with the US$1,000,000 fee (and an optimistic figure of 11,000 competitors) in the Australian's winning budget. Will American cult members fly to Sydney in the same numbers as they supposedly flew to Amsterdam? After all, the attendees of Amsterdam 1998 surely had cheaper airfares to Holland than they will to Australia. Not to forget the more substantial local European gay numbers, which sharply contrasts to Australia's smaller gay numbers (demonstrated by the 5000 marchers in Sydney's Mardi Gras with its 7,000 estimated fly-in overseas visitors).
Want even more "cons"? Well, at a generous total of 14,000 competitors (20% increase on the last Gay Games in Amsterdam) if NSW Treasury ends up providing A$2.0 million it will amount to a subsidy of A$140 per competitor. And will they realistically double the Mardi Gras fly in? If they only get 7000 competitors, as per Mardi Gras fly-in, the taxpayer subsidy is A$286 each --not at all good ALP public relations viewed against State budget cuts to many community services. How many teachers or Police could this money fund? The ALP spin doctors will have to be well greased.
The Treasurer's figure of 40,000 competitors would mean a gay athlete population increase of 333 per cent over the Amsterdam athletic roll (12,000). ALP Treasurer Mr Egan MLC justified the A$75,000 donation quoting 40,000 competitors. (Legislative Council 10th April, 1997)
Someone in his office looks to have made a large mistake, or the Treasurer was a tad too excited. Rubbery figures are integral to the gay gospel around the world, and the NSW Parliament has not been spared.
The ALP leaders are clearly risking more erosion of the ALP working class base and morals, at the behest of the gay cult and social engineering set. The question is, what are the rank and file capable of ignoring? The ALP leadership is going to look had. They are going to look like they rolled over and let the San Franciscans have their way ...or they can tell gay Americans to go fundraise somewhere else. After all, America has a larger gay population, and it is the powerhouse and centre of the gay cult. It may in the end simply boil down to NSW Treasury dollars going to fund homophile campaigning in North America.
Shouldn't the gay cultural war strategists be strenuously denied public funding under any circumstances for the 2002 Gay Games, obviously a series of parties to promote the gay cult? Reality check: this is an era of NSW funding restrictions for Health services (shortage of drug rehab, surgery lists, bed shortages, etc), and don't forget the spiraling demands for public housing and crisis accommodation, prison crowding, court waiting lists, etc, etc.
Shouldn't there be transparency and responsibility of all deals and all parties (that word again) in regard to public money? (Remember Ros Kelly). What's the deal? What has the Premier's Department promised the gay cult?
Shouldn't the NSW families in tax-paying-battler-street be gob-smacked at the Chardonnay priorities and leadership of the ALP in NSW, especially in the view of the strategy, in the period leading up to the March 1999 election, to obscure its various embarrassments --to avoid publicity concerning the deals with the cultural/social engineers, and their "special case" hobby-horses?
Shouldn't other cultural strategists, right-wing or left-wing, now shown the way, use FOI to access all the strings the gay cultists use to be able to access tax dollars? Maybe a new consultancy outfit should spring up, modeled on immigration agencies, to get clubs and cults of various kinds access to tax, simply following the easy cash example of the Sydney gay cult?
The idea the gay cult have adopted is 'Lets party ...but better, lets party on the public purse'. It may catch on, and NSW's Treasury will be feasted on by cults calling for all manner of special events (parties). The rather obvious point is that this type of party funding through taxation is wrong and any spending at all must be voted on in the Parliament.
The public should demand at the very least an investigation of accountability and an attempt the retrieval of any tax dollars paid over to the cult.
The families of NSW should ask their local MP why a cult can be so confident of being handed Treasury funds in this murky manner. I would ask the families of NSW to deny the cultural infiltration the gay cult is seeking: boycott the Gay Games and the cultural strategy that the Gay Games represent. Write letters of complaint to the companies that sponsor the Gay Games and boycott their products and services. A published list of sponsors at www.Sydney2002.org.au includes (at July 1999) South Sydney Council, Ticketek, Tourism New South Wales, QANTAS, Tourism Task Force, Look Corporate Photo, Sydney City Council and sundry gay groups.
The 2002 Gay Games loom as simply taxpayer funded defiance of Almighty God. And such defiance is just absurd. What sinful person, living a lifestyle deep in violence or promiscuity or gambling or criminality or drug addiction or sexual perversion --what dysfunctional and sinful person can realistically expect the blessings of a stable family and satisfaction of the human spirit's longing for happiness and fulfillment? None.
One more hypothetical. Who will open the Gay Games?
Whoever they choose will have to be a cult member or homophile of some influence and dependability. May I suggest that numerous candidates from both camps are handy at Macquarie Street, the Sydney Morning Herald and the ABC?
Paul Johnson's address to The Endeavour Forum, Melbourne, printed article in "AD 2000", Sept 1989; p10
Net documents:
1. Document on line ref "dr1" www.christiandemocratic.org.au/fed/mr/pinkdollars.htm
backup offline copy/archive here
2. Document on line ref "dr2" www.christiandemocratic.org.au/fed/mirrors/un_hijacked.htm
backup offline copy/archive here
3. Document on line ref "dr3" www.coolrunning.com.au/news/1997n064.shtml
backup offline copy/archive here
4. Document on line "dr4" www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Chelsea/2166/
backup offline copy/archive here
5. Document on line ref "dr5" www.aglor.com
backup offline copy/archive here
6. Document on line ref "dr6" www.coolrunning.com.au/news/1997n064.shtml
backup offline copy/archive here
7. Document on line ref "dr7" www.Sydney2002.org.au/public/history.htm
backup offline copy/archive here
8. Document on line ref "dr8" www.nz.com/NZ/Queer/OUT/news_199712/19971213b.html
backup offline copy/archive here
9. Document on line ref "dr9" www.nz.com/NZ/Queer/OUT/news_199712/19971213b.html
backup offline copy/archive here
10. Document on line ref "dr10" www.teamsydney.org.au/warmups.htm
backup offline copy/archive here
11. Document on line ref "dr11" www.nz.com/NZ/Queer/OUT/news_199712/19971213b.html
backup offline copy/archive here
12. Document on line ref "dr12" www.nz.com/NZ/Queer/OUT/news_199712/19971213b.html
backup offline copy/archive here
13. Document on line ref "dr13" www.teamsydney.org.au/warmups.htm
backup offline copy/archive here
14. Document on line ref "dr14" www.nz.com/NZ/Queer/OUT/news_199712/19971213b.html
backup offline copy/archive here
15. Document on line ref "dr15" www.nz.com/NZ/Queer/OUT/news_199712/19971213b.html
backup offline copy/archive here
16. Document on line refs "dr16" www.teamsydney.org.au/warmups.htm
backup offline copy/archive here
17. Document on line refs "dr17" www.teamsydney.org.au/warmups.htm
backup offline copy/archive here
18. Document on line ref "dr18" www.nz.com/NZ/Queer/OUT/news_199712/19971213b.html
backup offline copy/archive here
19. Document on line ref "dr19" www.interlog.com/~beadie/news/9810.htm
backup offline copy/archive here
20. Document on line ref "dr20" www.teamsydney.org.au/warmups.htm
backup offline copy/archive here
21. Document on line ref "dr21" www.teamsydney.org.au/warmups.htm
backup offline copy/archive here
22. Document on line ref "dr22" www.gaygames.org/news.htm
backup offline copy/archive here
23. Document on line ref "dr23" www.teamsydney.org.au/warmups.htm
backup offline copy/archive here
24. Document on line ref "dr24" www.gaygames.org/denhaag.htm
backup offline copy/archive here
25. Document on line ref "dr25" www.sydney2002.org.au/public/gamarada1.pdf
backup offline copy/archive here
26. Document on line ref "dr26" www.Sydney2002.org.au/public/cultural.htm
backup offline copy/archive here
27. Document on line ref "dr27" www.aglor.com/many.html
backup offline copy/archive here
28. Document on line ref "dr28" www.nz.com/NZ/Queer/OUT/news_199712/19971213b.html
backup offline copy/archive here
29. Document on line ref "dr29" www.teamsydney.org.au/Amsterdam.htm
backup offline copy/archive here
30. Document on line ref "dr30" www.teamsydney.org.au/warmups.htm
backup offline copy/archive here
31. Document on line ref "dr31" www.planetout.com/news/article.html?1997/08/07/1
backup offline copy/archive here
32. Document on line ref "dr32" Family World News, Dr Wallace, Venereological Society Vic; July 1999
backup offline copy/archive here
33. Document on line ref "dr33" www.leaderu.com/jhs/labarbera.html
backup offline copy/archive here
34. Document on line ref "dr34" www.interlog.com/~joeclark/gg2002_budgets.html
backup offline copy/archive here
35. Document on line ref "dr35" http://www.afa.net/Homosexual_Agenda/timmy.html
backup offline copy/archive here
xxx Document on line ref "xxx" http://www.arts.unsw.edu.au/nchsr/periodic1.htm
backup offline copy/archive here
by R N Carswell
I started using the Net to access Hansard. I wanted to know the Federal government credit charge paid out annually (the so called Bankcard interest). It was a non-story during the years of left-wing Federal spending. Hansard records that for most of the last decade, an annual amount of around nine thousand, seven hundred millions of tax dollars, collected from Australians' pay packets, was legally sent overseas to pay interest on Bank loans in true Rhodes-colonial fashion, as a consequence of the ALP spending policy. That's eight hundred millions a month, two hundred millions a week --and that debt was not yet paid off in 1999. The Keating policies resulted in high interest rates and cost us extra every time we paid a mortgage payment.
So I use the Net. The benefit of the Net is the ability to bypass the type of news manipulation seen in the left-wing Keating era --"the animals". The ALP sympathetic journalists known as "the animals" buried the negatives and failed to report the appallingly wasteful Australian Labor Party policy of Federal Budget deficits. (The Keating pig payoffs weren't put on the media radar either --despite Senator Michael Baume chasing the pig payoff two years or more at every adjournment debate).
I would like to construct a website that archives statements and builds evidence about sexual assault in Australian Prisons. Prisoners, especially younger prisoners, are too often victims, and the outside world is not concerned. Another non-story. But society does have a duty of care and it is accountable: why does the State construct separate male and female prisons if it is not to minimise the risk of sexual violence? If we are sickened by the thought of mixed gender prisons, because of the high risk of sexual violence, why then turn a blind eye to high occurances of sexual attacks and sexual promiscuity in mono-gender prisons? Damaged prisoners of both genders seek escape in drug use and/or suicide inside prison and/or vengeful violence once released from prison. Fact. Fact. Fact. Appointment of Prison Ombudsmen should be a priority. Web activism has begun in America. See www.spr.org --and Fear or Favour, a thorough work, with some very good recommendations (mixed in with some real left-wing ones) by D. Heilpern...
If you want others to read this 2002 scrapbook, spend $12 and just publish the web address: http://warp.across.to/2002 in the Sydney Daily Telegraph (under "Messages" classification. NB not "Memorial Messages" classfication). Many thanks.
See also
Australian Christian Coalition
Festival Of Lightend