National flag of the Philippines

Municipality of Sto. Domingo

The official website of MUNICIPALITY OF STO. DOMINGO, ALBAY: 543 South of Manila and with a total land area of 7,660 sq. km 23 Baragays 25, 586 pop. Urban 8,257(32.27%) and Rural 17,329(67.73%)




Centennial Celebration

The Municipality Hall (public service)

Municipal Hall

What's New!



Plans and Objectives




Sto. Domingo is situated in the first congressional district in the Province of Albay, Region V(Bicol).   It is strategical- ly seated b/w two commercial centers: Legazpi City 13 km to the sount; and Tabaco about 14 km in the North.  The Town is bounded on the north by Bacacay and Malilipot, on the south by Legazpi City the regional center, on the west by Mayon Volcano and the Gulf on the east.
  The home of "Sarung Banggui" composed by Potenciano Gregorio






Provision for adequate responsive and timely ser- vices and mechanism for sustainable development to ensure that our constituents live in content,  prosperity, and peace through the optimum use of available resources, active people's participation in collaboration with people's organization(PO) and Non-Govermental organizations (NGO) and dedi- cated corps of public servants in a graft free  bureaucracy.

Sto. Domingo, Albay by its 26th decade (2009) shall be dynamic, peaceful and have vebrant and self-sustaining economy in harmony with ecology where the families, God loving, cohessive, and hospitable people live in a most liveable community free from deprivation of the resources and opportunities with people's participation, social justice and effective and responsive local governance as guiding principles.


Benedicto B. Balilo Jr.


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