Connecticut Elected Officials
-Al Michaels

This web site was designed to inform the voters of Connecticut that some of our elected officials are corrupt and/or ignorant. However, the most corrupt politician in Connecticut's history has been removed from power in disgrace. John G. Rowland is no longer the Governor of Connecticut and now Connecticut can start moving forward towards a positive future.

When this web site first went online in July of 1999, it seemed like Rowland was the best thing that ever happened to this state. Very few people believed or wanted to believe the claims on this web site that our governor was corrupt and only in it for himself, not to serve the people of Connecticut. However, almost five years after this web site went online, John Rowland leaves office of Connecticut's governor in disgrace, which was primary goal of this web site. Goal achieved.

The other goal of this web site was to inform the citizens of Connecticut that Rowland is corrupt. With approval ratings for Rowland around 20% when he left office, I think this goal has also been achieved. For this reason, the Connecticut Elected officials web site will be shut down as of the time Rowland leaves office, July 1st, 2004. If you would still like to see the archives, you can e-mail me and I will send you the links.

It tool almost 5 years after for Rowland to go down after this web site was opened. Here are some of my thoughts on this. When I first opened this web site, I felt like the kid in "The Emperors New Cloths" because it seemed like no one else could see who Rowland really was except for me. While it is true I was unaware of the specific scandals that Rowland is now in trouble for, I was able to look past his cocky attitude to see who he really was. The evidence that made me sure Rowland was corrupt came from the fact that he only seemed to support legislation that personally benefited him, not the people of Connecticut. However, at that time, we were unaware of any gifts he had received which made the case for corruption a difficult one to prove. I would have to credit The Hartford Advocate for really going after Rowland after he was re-elected in 2002. At that time we were beginning to see the corruption since Rowland and the state legislature covered up a huge budget deficit just to they can get re-elected. The Advocate printed articles week after week about the scandals Rowland was involved in until other newspapers picked up the stories and eventually, federal investigators realized that Rowland was breaking the law.

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Click here for pictures of my various vacations and parties FREE Hit CounterVisits since April 7th 2004 plus over 9,500 visits from July 21st, 1999 through April 6th, 2004. Web site shut down, July 1st, 2004

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