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His Master Shadow WiPranto:
From left to right: General Wiranto and General WiPranto.
General Wipranto is the commander in chief of TNI
(Totally Neurotical Individuals), TNAZI (Thugs, NAZis and Inhuman), ABRI (Armed and Brutal Raving Individuals) and AITARAK (the same as TNI, TNAZI and
East Timor Cleansing Operasi [Newsletter
n. 666x666]
- As you know this operasi was mapped out to its innermost
details. The objective, as you all know, is to wipe East Timor off the map. Measures where
taken to bring more effectiveness to our common assignment: a) First of all, respecting
Catholic belief, Militias were born through immaculate conception; c)... y324) All the
journalists where kindly sent to their homelands; y325) UNAMET was reduced to a bunch of
impotent people asking for our mercy; y326) etcetera, etcetera...
- We have accomplished a great deal of our goals.
Unfortunately, the submersion of East Timor wasn't possible. There were technical
indications pointing to the dangers it would constitute to the western part of the island.
Anyway, this operasi has a positive balance in the end.
- Our thanks are due to Mr. Alatas. With his devastating
rhetorical gifts, he managed to disavow all our responsibility for what we did. And what a
vision to all of us, dear brothers, to see the International Community remaining on its
knees, imploring for our mercy, while we went according to the plan...

- The main reason was for this operasi was, of course, the
defence of the landholdings under control of the Soeharto family there, namely 564,867
- As you also know, many Generals who had served under
Soeharto during the Seroja Operasi (to invade and annex East Timor) have many business
interests over there as well.
- Then there is the devastating charm this operasi
represents to our veterans! What, in public, we refer as psychological effects...
- Last but not least, we had to show our fellow Indonesians
that Democracy is bad for them! It just brings rampage. Quod erat demonstrandum!
General WiPranto's Personal Homepage