Impeaching Clinton: It’s National Security
Months of nauseating testimonies in the Lewinsky-Clinton sex
scandal left many Americans crying uncle. In a colossal show of poor judgment,
Republicans have ignored the most pernicious aspect of the sex scandal,
national security.
Min Lebnan: Happy Holidays, Sonic Boom Style
- Hady Amr
Israel's erratic actions in Lebanon are a sign that an Israeli
leader is in deep electoral trouble. Two and half years ago, Israeli "dove"
Shimon Peres was up against an electoral wall with Netanyahu gaining ground
in the polls. Peres ordered a "mini"-invasion of Lebanon during which Israel
killed over 100 Lebanese civilians when it bombed a United Nations safe
The Pollard-Wye Fiasco A Blow To The Jewish
Embracing Pollard would have been political suicide in the
1998 elections. Both parties have decided it's safer to sacrifice the Jewish
vote in 1998 than to alienate the mainstream vote. Instead of a partisan
race to win Pollard's release as the Israelis hoped for, both parties were
racing to condemn any such moves. The shock of rejection and its aftermath
still reverberates in the Jewish American community.
Arab American Activists on the World Wide Web
Since the dawn of the internet, web activists owned the day.
The almost sudden decentralization of grassroots activism gave rise to
a new genre of grassroots leaders. The traditional gatekeepers of national
media and national organizations have been bypassed. With that came the
pleasant discovery that the world of Arab American activism is much larger
than once thought. In it, talent abounds.
SIDE NOTE: Wye Oslo is Way Too Bad
I have grown to like Oslo, but for all the wrong reasons. Perversely,
there is a sense of sports-like adventure involved in Oslo not unlike bungee
jumping with minimal energy loss. It's a matter of time before one stares
the brink in the eyes again, and again, and again.
The American Judeo-Christian Club and The
Politics of Exclusion
While seemingly innocuous, the context by which the term "Judeo-Christian"
has been used recently in the American right-wing intelligentsia is anything
but benign. With the aid of Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and other
prominent Christian fundamentalists the term has devolved into a political
device of exclusion to separate "us" from "them" and to promote the distasteful
politics of cultural superiority disguised as religion.
SIDE NOTE: Steve Emerson's Investigative Shishkabob
He was a Jordanian terrorist, of Palestinian origin, trained at Bin
Laden's terror bootcamps in Afghanistan, but financed by Iran, with weapons
from Libya, made in China, with North Korean raw material, acting on the
fatwa of sheik Abu, who is residing in New York, under the cover of a humanitarian
organization, fronting for a terrorist fundraising operation, manned by
shadowy figures who live next door to you, with accounts in the United
Arab Emirates, etc.
Arab and Muslim Americans Can Forge A Viable
Over the last decade, it has become apparent that both Arab and Muslim
Americans have been joined together by their unfortunate circumstances
and shared experiences in the US. The sense of being besieged brought upon
by negative media images, government-sponsored civil rights violations,
and gross double standards in US foreign policy have all but united many
political objectives of both communities.
Mayday, Mayday, Unsubscribe -
The most annoying junk email variety is the X-rated. Typically, those
emails arrive with a bogus From field and another fictional To field with
a Subject field such as HOT! STEAMY! AND ALL YOURS! if you call a 900 number
and charge it to your credit card. Last time I had the hot and steamy charged
to my credit card, it was at Joe's Crab House.
The Dangers Of Arab Self-Hate
Even a moderate defense of anything Arabic can incur scorn and ridicule
from a new genre of young and educated but pathetically self-hating Arabs.
"Arab Jarab," and other sweeping condemnations are often repeated as a
ritual. The issue is not the private and "recreational" expressions of
self-blame. Airing it repeatedly to the general public can be very damaging
to the already battered Arab image. Neither the traditional self-censorship
nor self-hate is the answer.
Iraq, Cuba, And The Opposition's Credibility
Repeating the Cuban opposition's blunder, the remarkably overt association
between the CIA, the bogeyman of the Third World, and the Iraqi opposition
is absurd. The traditional American politicians' flare for self-promotion
and credit-grabbing is guaranteed to hamper any effort at secrecy considered
necessary to launch and sustain an Iraqi opposition which can publicly
distance itself from any foreign powers.
Islam, The American Paradox, and The Fourth
When our Founding Fathers declared "All Men Are Created Equal," little
did they know how much pain their ideological progenies would endure to
win legitimacy for the absoluteness of the All. For two centuries, the
American ideology would be put to the test. And with much pain and sorrow,
at each transformation, the circle of inclusion would be stretched farther.
This is the American Paradox which continues to confound us today.
Unchecked, Political Incorrectness Is No Laughing
Many conservatives argue that PC is rapidly becoming passé.
They are also advocating that America rid itself from the yolk of senseless
self-censorship exercised in the form of political correctness. Bad call.
In a society where certain segments of the population have demonstrated
a troubling ineptitude when dealing with differences, calling for an end
to PC can be unwise.
Save Our Activists
The US presently is the undisputed world hegemon. A strong Arab American
grassroots can, over time, influence the outcome of both domestic and international
policy. But it all starts at the grassroots. The grassroots is the collective
effort of everyday people in our community who wish to make a difference.
"Collective" is the magic word. When faced with constant squabbles and
criticism, most activists opt to work independently depriving us from the
much needed group effort.
SIDE NOTE: Who Said ADC Conventions Aren't
Not to be outdone, I decided to jump into the fray but discovered my
bold views were so out of sync with the interlocutors they ended up uniting
to forcefully rebut my argument. I was loosing ground. Too much for playing
a devil's advocate, I thought. I attempted to retreat gracefully to save
face, mine of course. But a youngster who was honing her debate skills
kept hammering at me and drumming up support for her position.
Jerusalem's Final Status: It Is Time For Single-Issue
Grassroots Activism
This is the time to pursue and demonstrate an unwavering commitment
to a shared Jerusalem along UN Resolution 242 and a return to 1967 borders.
All levels of activism be it financial, intellectual, and grassroots should
be primarily focused in the US and geared at producing a just settlement.
The need for focus is dictated by the short time frame before the negations
over Jerusalem's fate commence.
Jerusalem's Final Status: Other Critical
Dimensions To The Jerusalem Question
Over the decades, Jewish intellectuals in the US have framed the Palestinian
tragedy in reductionist terms using elemental arguments such as fighting
terrorism and security for Israel versus Palestinians' human and property
rights. A settlement ignoring the complexity of the Jerusalem question
with its Pan-Arab and Pan-Islamic aspects is bound to fail.
The Clinton-Gore Administration's Assault On
Arab And Muslim Rights
A decade ago, some would have described the serious erosion of our
rights we are enduring presently as the work of an imaginative but very
pessimistic mind. A tribute to the Clinton-Gore administration, and partly
to our political procrastination, the loss is a reality our communities
have to live with but must reverse.
Morbid Morton's Deir Yassin Denial
The recent Jewish extremists campaign to discredit Deir Yassin as a
fabrication reeks with hypocrisy when contrasted with Jewish ultra-sensitivity
to Holocaust denials or revisionism. Not surprisingly, the litany of third-rate
polemics meant to rebut the body of evidence accumulated along the years
is finding an audience in the US amongst the religious right and parroted
by beneficiaries of pro-Israeli moneys.
The Terrorism Scarecrow and The Eroding
of American Liberties
In one masterful stroke by a self-serving Congress and calculating
foreign lobbyists, Americans lost on three fronts: our tax dollars will
be squandered to police fundraising activities of foreign militant groups;
we are now forced to take sides in bloody struggles where we have no national
interests at stake further endangering American lives abroad; worst of
all our liberties have been crimped exposing us to serious governmental
The Race For Universal Justice Between Islam
and The West
In case we are destined to live a clash of civilizations between East
and West or North and South, let it be a scholarly one and for the benefit
of humanity. And if the West thinks of Islam as the successor to the communist
threat, let it be a threat to exclusion, exploitation, and materialism
but a boon to truly universal social justice.
Anti-Semitism Or Victims' Anguish
Even the Palestinians' attempt to erect a memorial for the fallen in
Gaza was denounced and blocked by Israel's Labor, the party of the New
Middle East. The Israelis remind us they shall forgive but never forget.
But they turn around and demand the Palestinians forget to be forgiven.
This is not the spirit of peace.
Strategies of Hope - Edward W. Said
After spending many years living, studying and being active in the
struggle for Palestinian rights I am more convinced than ever that we have
totally neglected the effort-- the human effort -- required to demonstrate
to the world the immorality of what was done to us: this, I now think,
is the essential task facing us as a people now.
The Great Short American Temper: From Waco
to Baghdad
Why did the US, in contrast to the world body, seem so trigger-happy
in its reaction to Iraq's violations of UN weapon inspection procedures?
What thought process led US decision makers to corner themselves in a zero-sum
negotiating position over a purely diplomatic issue?
Balkanizing Palestine
The strategy is simple and seems to have worked, for a while at least,
in Palestine and other religiously and culturally diverse Arab states such
as Lebanon and Iraq. And where irresponsible regimes and tribal cultures
exist, the degree of success or near success seems to increase proportionally.
Will Someone Speak Engleezee Please!!!
"Us dis Arabi Amreekan beebuls in da city sink dis is so disastars
much too bad" said a representative of a local Arab American community
to a TV reporter. His atrocious English was being broadcasted to possibly
hundreds of thousands of viewers around the state. He watched himself proudly
on a rerun of the 6 O’clock news the following day and was proclaimed by
some of his friends as an eloquent spokesperson of the Arab Americans in
his community.
The Egyptians Are Coming! The Egyptians Are
Recently and in a very timely manner, a new realignment emerged within
Arab America with the Egyptians surfacing as a political force ready to
assert itself and assum a leadership role parallel to the role they are
gradually evolving back into in the Arab World.
Are You Having a Netanyahu Day
Netanyahu's spat with bad luck seems to linger longer and longer. His
foes inside and outside of Israel are having a field day and no doubt shouting
"Encore Bibi!" In the meanwhile, his dwindling supporters are running for
cover while waiving their "I Was Out of The Loop" banners.
Israel's Chemical Bullet: The Meshal Affair
And Upping the Terror Ante
Make no mistake, the bungled Israeli assassination attempt in Amman
on Meshal's life using nerve agents is a quantum leap for terror tactics
in the Mideast. It is also a horrifying indicator of the Israeli
propensity to employ biochemical weapons offensively and for political
purposes even in the absence of an imminent and grave threat to its security.
Decline of Arab American Activism
Where are ADC, AAI, NAAA, and the rest of what was once the bulwark
of Arab-American activism? Many factors have contributed to the changing
terrain of Arab-American activism. Primarily the Gulf War, Bosnia,
Arab-Israeli negotiations, rising acceptance of Islamic ideologies, weakening
of leftist ideologies, political disunity within the community leadership,
disillusionment with the perceived unfairness of the American political
system, and lackluster grassroots leadership.
Disney’s Unholy War on African Americans and
Next time a Chinese in Guangdong or a Japanese in Ishikawa who may
know little of Islam watches "Operation Condor," the negative impressions
of Islam and Muslims will linger in his or her mind and shape attitudes
towards Muslims as backward and violent terrorists. This is unacceptable.