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Recent Political Snapshots

Bush Appointments:...Finally...after "looney tunes" attorney general John Ashcroft "resigns"; Bush is led(by the ring in his nose) to appoint the one top administration official who can be positively linked to the excuses made for the torture of prisoners, simply by playing the "Latino Card"...even more amazing, tho, is the appointment of John Negroponte to be an Intelligence Czar. Negroponte's political claim to fame as a Diplomat is when several Catholic Nuns unimpeachably witnessed that he was "in the loop" with Death Squads in El Salvador.(links to Stories, below).

*ELECTION 2004-...Network Slant-...Demand Investigation-...Count EVERY Vote* ......In recent months, it appeared that the Networks were really starting to give us some real, and unbiased news, on certain issues, however, the parts "left out" of Election 2004 coverage seemed very in line with the Republican Party, and Wealthy supporter's "Mein Kampf" of the usual mind twisters and lies. Acknowledged was the fact that Kerry still had a chance to win this election, however, many important facts were not addressed. They all agreed that the Provisional Ballots could swing several States back to Kerry Victory, but failed to repeat what had already been reported, extensively in recent days:
1. The majority of Provisional Ballots were anticipated to be from newly registered Voters, and that this group was identified as being overwhelmingly for Kerry.
2. Not once did the Networks repeat what has been reported for weeks; Americans living abroad were filing absentee Ballots in record numbers, and the published opinions of the great majority of this Voting Surge was primarily for John Kerry, and John Edwards, and they expressed that "Americans are less respected, and less safe, worldwide; the direct result of Bush Administration Policies".
3. In Iowa the count was stopped because of Malfunctioning Voting Machines: this is only the tip of the big iceberg in this election of 2004: -as a matter of fact, it was reported long ago, that radical "RIGHT WINGNUT Bush Supporters" had control over 56% of our new voting machine manufacturing, programming, and maintenance: ES&S Inc., who makes 56% of the voting machines in the United States(2 years ago), threatened to sue the owner of unless she removed articles about voting machines from her web site. Bev Harris wrote an article revealing conflict of interest for some owners of voting machine companies, and received a "Demand for Retraction" on October 25, 2002. ES&S demanded of to remove the article at Talion. The retraction demand was then photocopied, and posted by Talion: The pages containing links to both the article on the election machine companies and the article as it appeared when the letter was sent are currently missing. Folks, the "FIX" may be in , Nationwide. How else would one explain Mondale's 8% points ahead in the polls in Minnesota on Nov. 3rd, 2002, -yet "lost" to his Republican Opponent by 3% points on Nov. 5? Professional Computer Programmers who had a brief look at the "Programming" of these ES&S machines, assured Talion that it is NOT STANDARD Coding, and potentially full of tricks: why the Networks have never touched upon this issue is either extreme bias, or ignorance: -In Iowa, they reported the the Voting Machine's Manufacturer was to send Technicians to straighten it all out. Then 2 days after the "Election",ABC News reported that a "Glitch" was discovered in the machines at one polling place in OHIO: after fixing the problem, Bush's 4.000 "Votes" at that location dropped to 363 Votes!!! Now compound that Nationwide =Why not have independent Computer Programmers, and Analysts investigating these Voting Machines, Nationwide? Everyone that I have talked to about this believes that Kerry is likely to have REALLY received 2/3 of the Popular Vote, and many more States in the Electoral College...for more on this and other issues on this Stolen Election, please go to Stolen Election 2004

Please go to "No Blood For Oil" Site(link at "New Home Page", above) to find the complete video of the Nick Berg beheading: some experts are concluding that he had to be dead at the time, and the entire piece is probably a "rigged video edit job". Now that Sadam Hussein has apparantly been captured, they need to capture Dick Cheney, and his Executive buddies at Haliburton, Ken Lay, and all the Principals of the Carlyle Group(Bush Senior, ex Sec. of State Baker, ex Sec. of Defense Carlucci, ex Brit. PM Majors, and the entire Bin Ladin Family) Also, most of the Top Execs. from the Oil Cos., Prescription Drug Cos. GW Bush is really very low in the real chain of command, like a kid with a room full of toys(our White House), and he is not really in the loop to real intelligence, as the others. We, who have family in the Military, do NOT want them used for PRIVATE PROFITEERING !
-Some are Patriots because they believe in the US Constitution, albeit, that there are conflicts in the interpretation of this document, and each of it's Amendments. There are Anti-War True Patriots, worldwide. Today, we are a "globalized world" and truly need each other, worldwide; it is crucial that there be multilateral agreements on any actions taken in a military and punitive direction.
"You better start swimmin', or you'll sink like a stone, for the times, they are a changin'" -Bob Dylan
-It is, indeed, unfortunate, that there are people who control large business interests, and whose only loyalty is to profit: they have unnatural influence with many important Governments, democratic, and otherwise, worldwide. -In fact, many of them even use the US as a "loyalty front" while they have operations specifically moved offshore to avoid paying taxes. In any case, if profit is their first loyalty, "by hook and by crook" they influence Governments, to aquiese to their desires. Our "Administration" and systematic cronyism is a prime example. While GW Bush's Harkin Energy Business was in trouble, the books were "cooked" fairly identically to the "Enron Fiasco", -by none other than GW Bush's "Alma Mater" University(as his dad, George Senior, was the most influential board member), at that time. Further, many stories have related that Enron's CEO Ken Lay, was not only an integral part of the Transition Team of the "GW Bush Administration", he also had veto power on Cabinet Choices, and, essentially supervised the Transition. Today, Ken Lay's "underlings" from Enron face serious legal troubles, while "Kenny Boy"(as GW is known to refer to Ken Lay) is not under severe legal duress at all. Haliburton, and Dick Cheney as CEO, at the Helm of that Company, in 1998, did 23 Million Dollars worth of Business with Sadam Hussein. He received a Giant Severance Package from Haliburton Corp., who is deeply advantaged(Haliburton) by an "installed Government" in Afghanistan, -and Occupation by US led Troops. -Donald Rumsfield, our "Secretary of Defense" was on the Board of the ABB Corp. while ABB did in excess of 100 Million Dollars of business with North Korea, to guarantee that Country, Nuclear Power Plants Online!(see "Truthout" in "Crucial Links" for related stories).
-As a matter of fact, it is reported that radical "RIGHT WINGNUTS" have control over 56% of our new voting machine manufacturing, programming, and maintenance: ES&S, who makes 56% of the voting machines in the United States, has threatened to sue the owner of unless she removes articles about voting machines from her web site. Bev Harris wrote an article revealing conflict of interest for some owners of voting machine companies, and received a "Demand for Retraction" on October 25, 2002. ES&S wants to remove an article at The retraction demand has been photocopied, and is now posted: This page contains links to both the latest article on the election companies and the article as it appeared when the letter was sent.
-The way it appears, now, is that voting, particularly in the US, does not express the will of the people; as a result, millions are demonstrating, worldwide, on the streets of Washington, San Francisco, NYC, dozens of States, Tokyo, London, Paris, Rome, -everywhere in the Arab World & so on.
-Senior Diplomats, opposed to Bush Policies, Foreign and Domestic, are resigning, -expressing deep concern of the dangers that this "misadministration" is causing; to the world, and American Citizenry, in particular. -Moderate Muslim Clerics, who had publicly condemned Osama Bin Ladin's "sacriligeous" misrepresentation of Muslim Principles. and his words and actions, are NOW calling for all of the Muslim World to "Rise Up" against the new "US Imperialism".
If you want to support the leaders of tomorrow, for a much better world, and find out who they are; buy this book:
Students Against Sweatshops

U.S.PIRG Online
When consumers are cheated, our environment threatened, or our voices are drowned out by special interest lobbyists; U.S PIRG speaks up, and takes action!

Les Souci's "All The People" MP3 sung at Protests as "We The People"(Click on the Lioneagle -download-play it for free from here!)

Turn on Your Pacifica Radio! Live Coverage of Demonstrations -NATIONWIDE
A.N.S.W.E.R. - Anti-War -Bush/Oil, Domestic and Military Policies Demonstrations -NATIONWIDE

9/11 - The Road To Tyranny
produced by Alex Jones of
Emergency wide-spread 9/11 documentary film release via the internet
This vivid documentary is a thorough explanation of the state of the world today based on all available reports and facts. It shows how the government(s) Officials are involved with terrorists, as a means to controlling us, by the members of the Elite Group, "New World Order". A must see documentary.

Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney 9-11 Probe Must Extend to White House


Communications Cartel, ET AL. v. The People of The United States of America, ET AL.
ANGELS OF THE PUBLIC INTERESTdescended upon the FCC -FRIDAY MARCH 22,2002 3:00 - 5:00 PM -445 12th Street NW, Washington, DC. (the FCC should be looking out for the public interest, but with the Bush appointee as Chair, whose "bible is the Market"..not so...all we get from the 4 Corporatist Groups controlling all commercial media is: "the slant the whole slant, and nothing but the slant") -"We shall resolutely teach Chairman Powell and all those who command power within the FCC that MEDIA AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY SHOULD FOREVER SERVE PEOPLE OVER PROFITS"
Another site about this topic is Truth In America Project

~~~/~~~ ~~~/~~~

Unstoppable American Journalist: Greg Palast

When you are weary of hearing the Bible misquoted, and taken out of context; you are ready to visit
Also see: : Many pages of topics exposing the hypocrisy of Right-Wing Nut Misuse of Bible Text on Many Issues

t r u t h o u t ~~~/~~~ Rack Jite~~~/~~~
Daily updates on current News Stories

Cat Stevens Speaks on Islam

Don't miss "Web Exclusives"(top left)

"Granny D" ~~~/~~~ *The American Review*
To us: Granny D (Doris Haddock) is America's real First Lady

~~~/~~~ ~~~/~~~
(Check Radio Left for Re-Broadcast of Voter Rights March Rally)

Citizens Against Bush ~~~/~~~ Truth In America
Editor of "CAB" Juliet Stewart, and "Truth's" Sue Wilson are among our oldest compatriots directing websites: the last oldest compatriot is Elaine Van Der Linden, who directs Molly's Militia, helping defenseless animals

~~~/~~~We Was Robbed
D.C.! A newspaper in print version you can recommend/give to a friend!

Terri's Political Gem ~~/~~ Nat'l Org. For Women
*Terri's... (among best political commentaries -bar NONE!)

(-D.I.G.'s Dir. Asa Gordon will enlighten you! -Bart Cop will crack you up)

~/~ *Older/Important Links
> *Some date back to '97..most still active and updated

Liberalism Resurgent
Altho "Liberalism Resurgent's author, Steve Kangas is deceased, it is still the best research ever done on the rise of the right wing. As expected, the original site was removed, but hundreds of copies were made: this is one.
(all the above: -among "RESTORE DEMOCRACY" important sources)

Things to click on!


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IndexIV(We The People)

Scroll to bottom of IndexIII for many important links